Seeing this, Feng's sister and brother and Xu Youruo, who were running towards this side, stopped immediately and found a relatively secret place to hide. They don't know whether Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue are there, but they must not be discovered by those of the Qing sect, otherwise the other party might use them to threaten Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

"Hide your breath, hide yourself well." Feng Yuqing whispered to Feng Yuhua and Xu Youruo.

Feng Yuhua and Xu Youruo nodded their heads, working hard to restrain their breath. Even if they can't help Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, they can't be a burden to them.

"Ka Ka Ka!" The formation was finally broken under the combined attack of everyone.

The gray-robed old man smiled coldly, and the powerful spiritual consciousness was released to the surrounding sky and the earth, "You guys come out!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan suddenly disappeared, he suspected that they possessed a small world-like space magic weapon.

Regardless of whether Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan have a small world, he will not let go of the slightest possibility, maybe they are hiding nearby, otherwise the formation that trapped him cannot be repaired again and again.

Divine Sense spread quickly towards the surroundings, getting closer and closer to the place where Feng Yuqing and the three were hiding.

One hundred meters fifty meters twenty meters

Feng Yuqing and the three of them held their breaths, holding their hands tensely, trying to contain their breath. Before the Qing sect people were attacking the formation, no one would notice them, but now they will be spotted at any time. What should they do? It must be too late to escape now.

The gray-robed old man’s spiritual sense quickly approached Feng Yuqing and the three of them, measuring 10 meters, 9 meters, 7 meters, and 5 meters.

Feng Yuqing's three nervous whole bodies were trembling slightly, and there was no hope in their hearts. It seems that they are doomed to escape.

The consciousness does not stop, four meters, three meters, two meters, one meter

Just when the divine consciousness was about half a meter short of Feng Yuqing and the three of them, a figure suddenly appeared, like a **** descending from the sky, in front of the gray-robed old man and his group.

Divine Sense stopped about five centimeters away from Feng Yuqing's three people.

Feng Yuqing and the three were so nervous that they didn't even dare to breathe. At this time, their clothes all over were soaked in cold sweat. At this moment, they felt that they were so close to the **** of death, and their noses even felt the powerful aura released when the divine sense approached.

The gray-robed old man saw the sudden appearance of Zhan Yihan and withdrew his own consciousness, sneered at Zhan Yihan, "You finally appeared." It seems that he was right. There must be a small world in Zhan Yihan. A kind of magic weapon. And he also discovered that Zhan Yihan’s cultivation has improved a bit. He is now in the early stage of Xuanxian, and he can be promoted from the late Jinxian stage to the early stage Xuanxian in more than ten days, showing his secrets. It's not too small.

But even if his cultivation level is improved, what will happen? Can the early stage of Xuanxian compete with him, the early stage of the immortal emperor? Before, he was too careless to follow his way, but this kind of thing will never happen again.

Zhan Yihan ignored the gray-robed old man, raised his hand and waved a formation flag, covering all the people of the Qing sect in the formation. When he came out, he had already discovered Feng Yuqing's trio, so he couldn't let the people of the Qing sect find them, otherwise the other party might threaten him with Feng Yuqing's trio, and he would be in a dilemma.

"Here's this one again." The gray-robed old man curled his lips in disdain, waved his hand and sacrificed a gong to attack Zhan Yihan. This time he had locked Zhan Yihan with his divine sense, and he was not the only one in the formation this time. After he kills Zhan Yihan, you can know his secrets.

The gong was spinning in the air, and a sound wave shrouded Zhan Yihan.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand, sacrificed Xuanyuan sword, and slashed towards the gong in the air.

"Qiang!" A sharp sword light slashed on the gong, making a harsh impact.

The shocked faces of the third and fourth elders turned pale, their bodies shook, and they barely stood still.

A group of disciples of the Qing sect were directly shocked and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of bright red liquid, and some even fainted directly.

The gray-robed old man watched this scene in disbelief. Zhan Yihan not only blocked his Gong Gong sound wave attack, but also caused the Gong Gong to react. How could this be possible? Is he really just the initial cultivation base of Xuanxian?


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