Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to Xici Street and soon found Liu Yunsheng's residence.

He stepped forward and knocked on the door, and soon a teenager opened the door.

The young man took a look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Are you here to find me for refining? I can only refining third-grade immortal weapons." His refining level is not high, so he came to his refining cultivator. It's all because of his master's reputation.

"We are your master's friends." Su Jinyue smiled.

The young man was taken aback and stepped aside in surprise, "Two seniors, please come in." He hadn't heard from the master for a long time.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked into the courtyard, and what they saw was a small courtyard. There was a three-meter-high Ju Ling tree planted in the courtyard, but most of the leaves on the tree had turned yellow at this time. Now, the effect of gathering spirits is almost gone.

Seeing Su Jinyue looking at the Spirit Gathering Tree, the boy scratched her head embarrassedly, "This tree was planted by my master, and the Spirit Gathering Array was also arranged by Master. Master has been away for so many years, and the Spirit Gathering Array is almost the same. It has lost its effect." He doesn't understand the formation, nor can he arrange the spirit gathering formation, so he can only helplessly watch the spirit gathering tree slowly lose its vitality.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand to sacrifice the formation flag and some fairy spirit stones, and soon the spirit gathering tree became full of vitality, and the fairy spirit in the entire yard began to grow rich.

"Thank you!" The young man was surprised and happily thanked Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. His cultivation has been stuck in the early stage of Jinxian for a long time, and the fairy aura in the courtyard suddenly became so rich, he actually felt like he was about to break through.

Forcibly resisting the urge to practice, the boy walked into the room with Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Sit down, please! I'll pour you a cup of tea."

"Don't bother, we have our own tea, so please sit down." Su Jinyue took out a pot of spirit tea and three cups.

The boy nodded, and a little embarrassed, walked over to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan to sit down. He also just remembered that there has been no tea at home for a long time. In the past, when Master was there, the family was crowded with people who gave gifts. Once Master left, only occasionally would someone come to him for refining tools. His current income can only make ends meet, and he doesn't have any money left to buy spiritual tea.

Su Jinyue poured a cup of tea and handed it to the teenager, "When your master left, did you say when you will come back?"

The boy shook his head, "Master just said that he would come back soon after going out for a while. When did you see my Master?" He has been worrying about Master's safety all these years.

"Thirteen years ago." Su Jinyue said after a while. Time flies so fast, so long has passed in a blink of an eye.

A look of disappointment flashed in the young boy’s eyes, "It’s been a long time." Master has only left for more than ten years. Although for a monk, more than ten years is just a short time, but he is still very worried about Master and wants to do so. You need to know how the master is now.

"Don't worry, your master will be fine." Su Jinyue comforted. At the same time, she also thought of her master and family, not knowing whether they are doing well in Tianyue Continent now. After she understood the rules of space, she and Yi Han went back to the Tianyue Continent to see them, and brought them here to live together.

"Yeah." The boy nodded. He also firmly believed that there would be nothing wrong with Master, but he couldn't help but worry.

"We are here to see you this time and ask what you need." Su Jinyue said.

"I don't need anything, thank you!" The boy smiled and shook his head. They had helped him rearrange the Spirit Gathering Array and rescued the Spirit Gathering Tree, and he was very grateful.

"Are you a Level 3 Immortal Master now?" Su Jinyue asked, thinking of what the young man had said before.

"Yeah." The boy nodded. Over the years, his skill in refining tools has only improved a little. Thinking of it, I feel a little ashamed of Master's teachings.

Su Jinyue took out an instrument refining technique and handed it to the young man, "Then you keep these." Liu Yunsheng helped her, and she should help his apprentice.

"No, I can't accept it, please take it back." The young man waved his hand and refused. Even if they are Master's friends, he is not embarrassed to accept their things.

"Just keep it, here are some refining materials, you can just practice your hands." Su Jinyue put the exercises and storage bags on the table.

The young man looked at the exercises and storage bags on the table, hesitated for a moment and said, "Then I will accept this exercise, and the storage bags will ask seniors to take them back."

"We can't use the refining materials in the storage bag. If you don't want them, just dispose of them for us. Let's go first." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan stood up and walked outside. Now she and Yi Han are a seventh-level fairy master and an eighth-level fairy master. These materials are really useless to them.

"Senior!" The young man reached out and grabbed the storage bag on the table, and chased it out, but there were still figures of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

After standing at the door for a long time, the boy shook his head and walked into the room.

When he came to the table and sat down, the young man looked at the storage bag in his hand and hesitated for a long time. He slid into the storage bag with a ray of consciousness, and he was stunned for the next moment. The storage bag not only contains level 4 and 5 refining materials, but also contains 10,000 top-grade fairy spirit stones. How dare he accept this?

Putting the storage bag into his own storage ring, the boy walked out the door. He must find the two seniors and return the things to them.

Su Jinyue and her party came to the Qing sect, and saw that the elder had already led the crowd waiting for them at the door.

"Two Sect Masters!" Seeing Su Jinyue's group, the elder hurriedly led everyone to greet him. After two days of precipitation, they had accepted in their hearts the fact that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had become their suzerain.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded slightly, and glanced at everyone. Seeing that there was no sign of resistance to them in everyone's eyes, they knew that they had accepted themselves.

Feng Yuhua and the three of them suppressed the excitement in their hearts, trying to make themselves look calm, but their hands were uncontrollably clenched into fists. This is the first time they have come to the big sect. Excitement is definitely inevitable, but they can't shame their master.

"Two Sect Masters, please!" The Grand Elder led the way, and the others followed Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's group.

"We have handled the matters explained by the two sect masters. Do the two sect masters want to review the disciples of the sect?" the elder asked while walking. Knowing that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan will come to take over the Qing sect today, they are ready.

"Good." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded. They just want to see the overall strength of the Qing sect.

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