Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled and looked at the stage below. At this time, the Six Elders were announcing the rules of the game with the disciples.

The elders of various factions also turned their eyes to the stage below, waiting for the start of the competition.

There are still half a year before the competition of the disciples of the various sects. Every disciple who gets the top 100 disciples in the competition of the disciples of the inner sect is eligible to participate in the competition of the sects.

In the previous competitions of sects, the top ten were basically disciples of the Qing sect. This year, the Qing sect has undergone such a change, and the elders of the sects feel that this year the Qing sect will no longer continue its previous glory.

The elder of the Immortal Sword Sect reached out and picked up the jade bottle on the table. Although he didn't care what medicine was in the bottle, he still had some curiosity in his heart. He wanted to know what kind of medicine the Qingliu sent them.

As soon as he opened the jade bottle, he immediately smelled a refreshing medicinal fragrance. The elder of the Immortal Sword Sect was taken aback, and quickly looked at the pill in the jade bottle. When he saw clearly that the jade bottle was a Xuepo Lingdan, his whole body was dull On the spot. how can that be?

Elder Xuan Qizong who was sitting next to him smelled the fragrance of the medicine and was taken aback for a moment. He quickly picked up the jade bottle on the table and opened it, "This is a Xue Po Ling Pill, it turned out to be a Xue Po Ling Pill!" He is also a fellow. Although the elixir master was only a fifth-level elixir master, he knew very well about elixir.

The elders of various factions picked up the jade bottles on the table and opened them. When they saw that the medicine pill inside was really a Snow Soul Spirit Pill, they were all dumbfounded on the spot, with an expression of disbelief on their faces. The Snow Soul Spirit Pill is an eighth-level elixir, one is invaluable, and the Qing sect is so generous to give each of them one. And they have never heard of the fact that there is an eighth-level elixir grandmaster in the Hengtian realm.

After regaining consciousness, the elders of all factions turned their eyes to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan together.

"Two sect masters! Is the pill in this jade bottle a Snow Soul Spirit Pill?" asked the elder Xuan Qizong. Although he knows the pill very well, he has never seen a Xuepo Ling Pill after all, but judging it from the color and taste of the pill, he is afraid that he will admit his mistake.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

Although the elders of the various factions had prepared themselves, they still couldn't believe it when Su Jinyue nodded and admitted. After all, this is an eight-level elixir, not Chinese cabbage everywhere.

Elder Xuan Qizong calmed his mind, "Could you ask who made this pill." He really wanted to know the master of the Xuepo Ling Pill, and asked him some knowledge about alchemy. .

"I refined it." Su Jinyue said. There is nothing to hide from this kind of thing.

"Sect Master Su is an eighth-level Immortal Pill Grandmaster?!" Elder Xuan Qizong looked at Su Jinyue in shock, his eyes full of disbelief. She doesn't seem to be very old, at most one or two hundred years old, how could she be an eighth-level elixir grandmaster? It has been thousands of years since he came into contact with alchemy, and he finally became a fifth-level elixir master, but Su Jinyue didn't have to deceive him.

The elders of all factions also looked at Su Jinyue with disbelief.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. She was already a ninth-level elixir grandmaster, but there was no need to tell everyone about it.

It took a long time for Elder Xuan Qizong to come back to his senses, and looked at Su Jinyue with admiration, "Sect Master Su is really young and promising." No wonder she can become the Sect Master of the Qing sect.

"Thank you!" Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head.

"Sect Master Su! Can we refine a furnace of Bodhi Pill for the Feixue Sect?" the elder of the Feixue Sect asked. Their suzerain had already gathered the fairy grass for refining the Bodhi Pill, but there was no elixir master who could help them refine it, and there was no elixir master above the seventh level in the Hengtian realm.

"Sect Master Su! Our Liuli Sect also wants to ask Sect Master Su to help refine it."

"And our Silver Sparrow sword pavilion."

The elders of all factions scrambled to speak. Naturally, they can't miss such a good opportunity.

Su Jinyue looked at the elders of the various factions, "There is no problem in refining the pill, but it must be before the end of the inner disciple test, after which I have no time to go wandering." She gave the pill to the elders of the sect. One is to get closer to the various factions, and the other is to leave some benefits to the Qing school before leaving. After the Qing sect, she and Yi Han belonged to her, and she naturally hoped that her sect would get better.

"Thank you Sect Master Su!" Hearing that Su Jinyue promised to help her sect refine the pill, the elders of the various factions were very happy. Many elders had already taken out the communication talisman to report this to their sect.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other and smiled. Seeing that the competition on the stage below had begun, they focused on the stage.

At this time, on the stage, a disciple of Pill Refining Peak and a disciple of Refining Device Peak were fighting fiercely, and their cultivation bases were comparable.

After fighting for dozens of breaths, the disciples of Refining Device Peak revealed a sense of sword, and he was like a sharp sword, which made people feel chills.

Su Jinyue showed a hint of surprise. There are many people who have comprehended the sword intent in the fairy world, but few can comprehend the sword intent into the unity of human and sword. It is really not easy for him to comprehend the sword intent to this point.

Sure enough, after the disciple released his sword intent, he soon won the game.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled with satisfaction. There are such disciples in their own sect, and they are also very happy.

In the next few matches, that disciple won the victory easily.

"Sect Master Su! I have already informed our Sect Master. He said he will be there in the afternoon." Elder Feixue Sect said.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Our Sect Master asked me to ask Sect Master Su, how many copies of fairy grass do I need to prepare Yishen Pill?" Yunyi Xuanzong's elder asked respectfully.

When the elders of all factions heard the words, Qi Qi looked at Su Jinyue. They also want to know about this problem.

"One serving." Su Jinyue stretched out a finger and said. Her success rate is 100%.

There is a trace of disbelief in the eyes of the elders of all factions. Even if Su Jinyue is an eighth-level elixir grandmaster, it is impossible to only need a piece of fairy grass. Many of the elixir that they find from her are eighth-level elixir, and they are extremely difficult to refine in the eighth-level elixir, she only needs A piece of fairy grass, don’t you be afraid of losing face when that time comes? She is the lord of a sect.

"How long does it take to refine Yishen Pill?" Yunyi Xuanzong's elder asked. He felt that Su Jinyue was too arrogant.

"I only have these three days for an hour, so I can only help each school to refine a pot of pill." Su Jinyue looked at everyone.

When the elders of the various factions heard this, they roughly calculated it in their minds. With so many sects and each sect refining a pot of pill, three days is definitely not enough. They must find a way to get ahead, otherwise they will miss this opportunity, and they don't know when they will have this opportunity again in the future.

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