Those fairy grasses were collected after countless years and untold hard work. Once they were scrapped, their countless years of hard work would be wasted. If Su Jinyue didn't have time for refining, they would be disappointed in their hearts, but in the future there might be such an opportunity to ask her to help refining. But after the training was scrapped, it was not an easy task to gather those fairy grass. Even if Su Jinyue was willing to help them refine it, it would be useless for them to have no fairy grass.

When Su Jinyue fell on the high platform, the sect masters surrounded her one after another.

"Sect Master Su! Has my pill been refined?"

"Sect Master Su! Is it my turn?"

Although the sect masters are expecting and worrying in their hearts, they still have to face the results they should face.

Su Jinyue smiled and looked at everyone, "Live up to expectations!"

Hearing Su Jinyue's words, the sect masters became quiet for an instant. To live up to expectations, is that the pill has not been refined? That is, all refining is completed? But she only spent two days, how did she do it? Or did they hear it wrong?

"What does Sect Master Su mean?" The Sect Master of Feijian Sect asked uncertainly.

Although the other sect masters didn't ask, they all had the same meaning in their eyes when they looked at Su Jinyue.

"All refining is complete." Su Jinyue smiled.

"Successful refining?"

"We heard it right?" The sect masters still couldn't believe what they heard.

Su Jinyue walked to Zhan Yihan's side, smiled at him, raised her hand, and the jade bottles appeared neatly on the table in front of them, "The refined medicine is here. There are labels on the jade bottles."

Sect masters of various factions hurriedly stepped forward, reached out and took the jade bottle on the table, and couldn't wait to open it. When he saw the medicine in the jade bottle, his face was full of joy.

"It turned out to be the top-grade Yishen Pill! Sect Master Su, thank you so much!" The Sect Master of Xuanzong Yunyi looked at the pill in the jade bottle excitedly, his tone trembling slightly. Not to mention the high-grade Yishen Pill, even the low-grade Yishen Pill is hard to find in the Hengtian Realm.

"My Bodhi Dan is also top grade."

"My Ning Yi Dan is too."

The sect masters of all factions were full of excitement and excitement. If the fact hadn't been in front of them, they really couldn't believe it was true. The things they gave out were really worthwhile.

Putting the pill into his storage ring, the sect masters of all factions looked at each other, and bowed their hands to Su Jinyue together, "Thank you, Sect Master Su for helping us refine the pill. In the future, it will be useful to get our place, Su Sect Master and Sect Master Zhan speak.” Being able to have a good relationship with an eighth-level elixir grandmaster is absolutely beneficial to them.

"Sect Masters are your kind! Please move to the banquet hall and sit down. We have arranged a banquet for you." Su Jinyue smiled and invited. What she wants is such a result.

"Thank you Sect Master Su! Sect Master Zhan!" Sect Masters of all factions smiled and thanked. They must take advantage of this banquet to have a good relationship with Sect Master Su and Sect Master Zhan, otherwise they may not have this opportunity in the future.

Leading the sect masters to the banquet hall, after everyone was in place, Su Jinyue ordered the elder to hold a banquet.

Seeing the delicacies served on each plate, the sect masters were once again shocked by the extravagance of the Qing sect, because almost every plate contained the extremely precious fairy grass.

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