Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1450: Star City

Zhan Yihan's lips twitched slightly and put down the wine glass in his hand, "Naturally there is no problem, Sect Master Lin please first!"

The pavilion master of Tianzhen Pavilion laughed, "Zhan Sect Master is really refreshing, then I will start first."

"Please!" Zhan Yihan raised his hand and made a please gesture.

The pavilion master of Tianzhen Pavilion stood up, walked to the center of the banquet hall, and waved out a formation flag. The formation he wants to deploy is of course the strongest formation he can deploy. He needs to see how strong Zhan Yihan's formation is.

One after another array flags fell on the ground, constantly making a soft sound.

The sect masters of each faction looked at the formation that was gradually taking shape, and measured in their minds how long it would take to ojiě this formation.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and after more than half an hour, a six-level ten absolute formation was finally arranged.

Looking at the formation he completed, the Pavilion Master Tianzhen smiled with satisfaction, and looked at Zhan Yihan, "Zhan Sect Master please!" It is the most difficult, which is equivalent to having reached the seventh-level immortal formation. He doesn't believe in war and cold energy.

Zhan Yihan stood up and jumped into the formation on his toes.

Upon seeing this, the pavilion master of the Tianzhen Pavilion waved and threw the main formation flag, and the formation was activated immediately.

The sect masters of all factions looked at the formation in front of them intently, sighing in their hearts that the formation was powerful, and at the same time they also wondered how long Zhan Yihan could get out of the formation.

It's just that before everyone finished drinking a glass of wine, they saw Zhan Yihan walk out of the formation unharmed.

Looking at Zhan Yihan in shock, everyone's faces were dull, and they didn't even notice the wine poured on their clothes.

The pavilion master of Tianzhen Pavilion's eyes stared like copper bells, and he looked at Zhan Yihan's eyes with an expression of disbelief. He arranged a sixth-level immortal formation. How could Zhan Yihan come out so quickly? What level of immortal formation master is he?

After regaining his senses, the pavilion master of the Tianzhen Pavilion opened his mouth and said: "Sect Master Zhan, please arrange the formation." He wanted to see what formation Zhan Yihan could arrange.

"The arrangement is finished, please, Sect Master Lin." Zhan Yihan pointed at the formation method in front of him. He has just changed the direction of the formation after he entered the formation.

"Huh?" Pavilion Master Tianzhen looked at Zhan Yihan sluggishly. Finished? Isn't this formation set up by him? Does Zhan Yihan want to embarrass him like this?

The sect masters present here also looked at Zhan Yihan without understanding.

"I have changed the formation." After speaking, Zhan Yihan moved towards the main position.

After hearing this, everyone reacted. However, there were some who didn't believe in Zhan Yihan's words, because they had never seen Zhan Yihan throw out the formation flag, and the time he entered the formation was too short, and there was no time to change the formation. Zhan Yihan said that, he probably didn't want to embarrass the pavilion master of Tianzhen Pavilion too much.

Pavilion Master Tianzhen Pavilion was a little angry. Zhan Yihan looked down on him too much, and even used the array he arranged to perfuse him. Since this is the case, he is not welcome. Anyway, the formation was arranged by him, and his time to come out must be faster than Zhan Yihan. It is not him who will be embarrassed by that time, but Zhan Yihan.

Thinking of this, the pavilion master of Tianzhen Pavilion stepped into the formation.

As soon as he stepped into the formation, he discovered that something was wrong. This formation was correct by him, but the main body of the formation was completely changed, and he couldn't find where the life was at all. At what level is Zhan Yihan an immortal formation master, how can the formation level be so good?

The sect masters of the various factions looked at the pavilion master of the Tianzhen Pavilion in the formation. Originally, they thought that he would be able to emerge from the formation soon, but as time passed, they knew that Zhan Yihan had really changed the formation, instead of perfunctory the Heavenly Formation Pavilion. While shocked by the level of Zhan Yihan's formation, he also understood that the Qing sect was definitely not something they could provoke.

Soon half an hour passed, but the pavilion master of the Tianzhen Pavilion was still like a headless fly, flying around in the formation, but he could not find a way out, and he was sweating profusely. . At this time, he felt extremely regretful in his heart, regretting that he went to provoke Zhan Yihan.

"Kun is the gate of life." A sound transmission sounded in the ear of the pavilion master of the Tianzhen Pavilion.

The pavilion master of Tianzhen Pavilion heard this and immediately walked towards Kun. The only way to enter the formation in front of so many people is Zhan Yihan. Zhan Yihan told him the way to go out is to not want him to be too embarrassed.

After stepping out of the formation, the pavilion master of Tianzhen Pavilion breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Zhan Yihan in admiration, and bowed his hand respectfully at him, "I lost!" He was convinced of the loss. If there is no sound transmission from Zhan Yihan, he will not be able to get out of the formation at all. If he admits defeat in the formation, then his face is really embarrassed.

Zhan Yihan raised his lips slightly, "Come on! Sect Master Lin, please sit down!"

Pavilion Master Tianzhen Pavilion smiled and nodded, and walked towards his position. Now he finally understood why the Qing sect became Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue so quickly, the two of them were powerful beyond imagination.

At this time, the sect masters of the various factions also had the same thoughts as the heavenly formation pavilion master. In the future, they will never provoke the Qing sect, especially the two new overlords of the Qing sect. Theirs is definitely more terrifying than they thought.

The banquet ended in a burst of laughter, and the hosts and guests enjoyed themselves.

When the sect masters left with their elders and disciples, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan also left the Qing sect. They are going to Hengtian City, waiting for the arrival of the immortal boat.

Hengtian City is the southernmost part of Hengtian Realm. If you travel by spacecraft, you can reach it within a month at most.

The reason why Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan left so quickly was because they wanted to go shopping, take a look at the scenery along the way, and learn about the local customs.

The two changed their appearances and rode on the animal cart, all the way to the south.

Three months later, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to a city called Starcatcher City.

Walking into Star Harvest City, I saw that the city was empty and there was no one on the street, it was like walking into an empty city.

"This city is so strange, why is there no one alone?" Su Jinyue strangely released her spiritual sense and peeked around.

Zhan Yihan also released his consciousness and scanned the surroundings, and found that the city was not without people, but everyone was sleeping.

Withdrawing her consciousness, Su Jinyue's face was full of surprise, "It's really a strange city." At first she saw the people in the city sleeping. She thought they were all dead, and she knew that they were breathing. They are sleeping.

"Let's go and see." Zhan Yihan drove the animal cart towards the city.

Before arriving at an inn, Zhan Yihan stopped, and Su Jinyue got out of the car and walked towards the inn.

Pushing open the door of the inn, there was silence inside, and the shopkeeper buddies of the inn were all asleep on the table.

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