Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1453: Find the difference

The three brothers in grey clothes were a little disappointed. They originally wanted to buy more wine to keep, but such good wines are rare.

Zhan Yihan took out three bottles of wine and handed them to the three of them, "I have three more bottles of wine here, so I'll give them to the three of you." These wines were given to him by Xu Youruo's father, and he didn't have the habit of drinking. Even if he wants to drink, he only likes to drink Jinyue's wine.

"We're welcome, thank you fairy friends!" The three brothers in gray clothes thanked in surprise.

"You're welcome, I'll pass first." Zhan Yihan smiled and shook his head, got up and walked towards his position.

The grey-clothed cultivator called in his buddies, "Bring your signature dishes to a table and send them to the two fairy friends." He pointed to the table of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue. He never likes to owe others love.

"Hao Le!" The guy retired in response.

Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue turned their heads, smiled and nodded to the grey-clothed monk.

The grey-clothed monk smiled indifferently.

At this time, a few more monks walked in, and they saw an empty table beside Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

When passing by the three cultivators in gray, one of the cultivators stopped and looked at the wine in front of the three cultivators in gray, "Your wine is delicious. Give me a bottle."

"Sorry, we only have so many." The fat monk quickly put away his pot of wine.

The monk in grey clothes and the monk with eyes like copper bells also quickly collected the wine. If it's other wines, they can't bear it. Besides, this wine was given by Zhan Yihan, how could they give it to other people in front of him.

The monk sank at the sight, and his momentum was released at the same time, "Take it out! Don't let me say it a second time." He hates others who violate his meaning, especially the ants whose cultivation base is lower than him. .

The faces of the three monks in grey clothes changed drastically under the pressure of the other's momentum, and the three of them gritted their teeth and looked at the monk. They did not believe that the other party dared to destroy them in full view.

"Can you make friends?" There was a cold chill in the monk's eyes. Now he naturally wouldn't do anything to them, but he wouldn't necessarily be the case when he arrived at the Plaza of Stars. If he dared not give him face in front of so many people, how could he easily let them go.

"That wine is mine." Zhan Yihan's voice faintly sounded.

The monk recovered his momentum upon hearing this, and walked to the side of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, "Then hand over the wine." Although Xuanxian's initial cultivation base was not weak, it was still much weaker than him. .

"No more." Zhan Yihan put a piece of meat into Su Jinyue's bowl, and he didn't put the monk in his eyes.

"Don't toast or drink fine wine." The monk said angrily. How dare to ignore him and see how he teaches them.

"I count to three. If you don't leave, I will throw you out." Zhan Yihan said quietly, without a trace of joking in his words.

"Then let me see if you have that ability." The monk said angrily, and attacked Zhan Yihan with his fist.

"Ah!" The monk let out a scream like a pig in the next moment.

Everyone looked at it together, and saw that the monk was holding a chopstick in his palm, and the bright red liquid was flowing down the chopsticks.

"Big Brother!" The monk's companion recovered, and quickly came to the monk's front. At first they didn't see Zhan Yihan in their eyes, but they didn't expect that he would hurt their eldest brother.

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