When everyone heard this, they looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan in surprise, "Do you really know?" If their cultivation base knows this place is so dangerous, how can they dare to break in? That would be fatal.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded, "I know."

"Then you are not afraid?" Xiao Chen asked. He was already in the middle and late stages of Xuanxian, but he didn't have the confidence to break through this death forest.

Su Jinyue shook her head. The places where she and Yi Han rushed through were far more dangerous than here.

"It's too early, everyone rest, I'll watch the night for everyone." Zhou Yanjun reached out and picked up a few branches to join the fire to make the fire more prosperous. With the fire, those high-ranking fairy beasts dare not approach, they have spent the night like this all this time.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

"You take a rest, too, here I have set up a formation, there will be no danger." Zhan Yihan looked at Zhou Yanjun.

"When did you set up the formation? Why didn't we find it?" Everyone looked around in surprise, but still didn't notice any changes in the surroundings. After releasing their spiritual sense, they soon encountered obstacles in their spiritual sense.

"In the beginning." Zhan Yihan drew his lips. When he and Jin Yue came to the river, he set up a formation at random. Everyone was barbecuing at the time, and they didn't find that a group of fifth-level wind blade wolves were staring at this side not far from them.

"No wonder you dare to enter the death forest." Everyone suddenly. Unexpectedly, Su Han's strength is not high, but he is a master of the immortal formation. The one who can block their spiritual consciousness is at least a master of the immortal formation above level four.

At this moment, there was a thumping sound, followed by the howling of a wolf.

Everyone released their divine consciousness again and saw that a group of fifth-level wind blade wolves were attacking the formation.

Seeing the number of wolves, everyone couldn't help but worry about whether Zhan Yihan's formation could resist those wolves.

As time passed by, the wolves still hit the wall of the formation without giving up, but the wall of the formation remained motionless.

"Su Han, what level of immortal formation master are you?" Lan Die'er looked at Zhan Yihan, with a hint of shock in her eyes.

Everyone also looked at Zhan Yihan one after another, waiting for his answer. Can block those fifth-level wind blade wolves, at least the sixth-level immortal formation master.

"Level eight." Zhan Yihan said.

After hearing the words, everyone staggered, looking at Zhan Yihan like a monster.

"You didn't lie to us? Are you really an eighth-level Immortal Array Grandmaster?"

"How old are you now? It's not a senior who changed your face, right?" No wonder they dared to enter the death forest. forest.

Seeing the crowd, Su Jinyue couldn't help laughing.

Zhan Yihan rubbed Su Jinyue's hair fondly, "Let's rest, everyone, we have to hurry tomorrow."

Seeing Zhan Yihan, I didn't want to say more, and everyone stopped asking. Everyone has their own secrets, as long as Su Han and Zhan Yue have no other thoughts on them.

The fifth-level wind blade wolf attacked for a long time, seeing that the formation was still motionless, and could only enter the depths of the forest unwillingly.

One night passed in a flash, and the sunlight shone through the lush leaves, illuminating the surrounding area brightly.

Everyone took out some dry food and ate some, and then set off on the road again.

"It seems that someone is fighting in front." Huang Yushan heard the sound of fighting from the front.

"Should we go take a look or take a detour?" Xiao Chen looked at everyone. Generally fighting here, either meets a high-level fairy beast, or kills people for treasure.

"Let's go take a look." Lan Die'er said.

"I also agree to take a look." Ling Jueqi smiled and looked at Blue Die'er. He knew she would choose this way, she was such a kind girl.

Feeling Ling Jueqi's gaze, Lan Die'er blushed and pretended to chat with Huang Yushan on the side. Ling Jueqi often stared at her these days, how could she not feel it, but didn't know if he had a good impression of her or something else.

Seeing Lan Die'er's shy look, Ling Jueqi smiled and withdrew his gaze. When they left the death forest, he told her his thoughts.

"What do you think?" Xiao Chen looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. Now that they were companions, he naturally had to ask them what they meant.

"Then go take a look." Su Jinyue said. She had already seen the situation in front with her divine sense before, and it was three cultivators who were fighting against a high-level fairy beast.

Xiao Chen turned his gaze to Zhan Yihan again, and Zhan Yihan nodded. He is naturally a woman and a husband.

Everyone walked in the direction of the fight, and not long after they saw three cultivators fighting against a sixth-level fairy beast, all three of them had already been seriously injured.

Seeing Su Jinyue and his party coming over, the three monks' eyes lit up.

"Dear friends, please help us, we can't hold it anymore." One of the men with a bloodstained face shouted to the crowd.

"Let's go over and help." Lan Die'er said and rushed out.

Ling Jueqi shook his head and rushed over. Naturally, he should protect the people he likes.

"Let's help too." Xiao Chen said as he rushed out.

"Su Han, Zhanyue, stay here and don't move, we will be back soon." Huang Yushan exhorted Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and rushed towards the high-level fairy beast.

"Wait a minute." Su Jinyue shouted to Huang Yushan with a wry smile. It was the first time that she and Yi Han were treated as objects to be protected.

Huang Yushan stopped and looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan in confusion. Are they afraid?

Su Jinyue took out a talisman and handed it to Huang Yushan, "This talisman is for you."

"Yeah." Huang Yushan smiled and reached out to take the Fu Lu. She didn't look much, and rushed towards the high-level fairy beast.

Soon everyone took the place of the three monks.

Seeing this, the three monks quickly stepped aside, took out the medicine and started to heal their injuries.

How could the strength of the sixth-level fairy beasts that Lan Die'er and his party could fight against? Soon they were all injured.

Huang Yushan thought of the Fulu that Su Jinyue gave her, and threw it out regardless of the three-seven-two-one.

"Boom!" With a dazzling white light and a loud noise, the ferocious sixth-level fairy beast was directly blasted into nothingness.

Everyone stared blankly at the place where the original sixth-level fairy beast was. How is this going?

"Yushan, what did you just throw away?" Lan Die'er looked at Huang Yushan. At this time, she still didn't believe that what happened before her was true.

Huang Yushan slowly recovered and swallowed, "That is the Fulu that Zhanyue gave me." She really did not expect that the power of that Fulu would be so great that she was completely unprepared. What level of talisman is that?

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