Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1468: Magic array

"Zhanyue, do you also know the formation?" Huang Yushan turned to look at Su Jinyue.

"Understand a little." Su Jinyue smiled awkwardly. If you don't pay attention, you will miss it. It seems that she has to be more cautious. It's not that she doesn't believe everyone, but she doesn't want to reveal too much. There is always nothing wrong with leaving some hole cards no matter when and where.

"How many levels of phantom formation is this? It seems to be higher than the phantom formations we encountered before." Xiao Chen released his spiritual consciousness and swept away, but he could not feel the traces of the formation at all. But he didn't doubt what Zhan Yue said.

"Seven-level phantom formation, this phantom formation seems to be in no danger, but there is danger everywhere. As long as you take a wrong step, you will be in danger, and the formation will change accordingly." Zhan Yihan retracted his divine consciousness.

"Then can we go there?" Qin Yan looked at Zhan Yihan. On the way, he had already seen Su Han's greatness, and he was really fortunate that he chose to team up with them at that time.

Everyone also looked forward to watching Zhan Yihan. Su Han is the master of the eighth-level immortal formation, and the seventh-level natural formation should not be difficult for him.

Zhan Yihan nodded, "I'll deduce the formation." It's natural for him and Jinyue to pass this formation, but he must ensure the safety of everyone. Since he chose to team up with them, they are his teammates, and he can't do anything to abandon his teammates.

"Su Han, please."

"Thank you!" Everyone gratefully looked at Zhan Yihan. Without Su Han, they would never get here.

Zhan Yihan shook his head, once again released his spiritual knowledge and began to deduct the formation. He must be 100% accurate.

"Zhan Yue, do you have anything you need?" Huang Yushan looked at Su Jinyue. Had it not been for them, she would have fallen a long time ago. Only by walking through the death forest can you realize the terrifyingness of the death forest.

When everyone heard this, they also looked at Su Jinyue. They also want to know that as long as Zhan Yue and Su Han need it, as long as they have it, they will definitely take it out without hesitation. They owed too much to the two of them.

Su Jinyue wanted to say no, but changed her mind when she said, "I want to find the Golden Spirit Orb." Among the five-shaped elemental beads, she is only the Golden Spirit Orb. Maybe everyone has it, although the chance of this is very small, but there is always a glimmer of hope.

"I don't have Jin Lingzhu on my body, or you can draw it for me, and I will help you find it." Huang Yushan said in embarrassment. She hadn't even heard of Jin Lingzhu.

"We can help you find it together, so many people are powerful."

"Yes, we will help you find it together." The things Su Han and Zhan Yue wanted were not ordinary things, but they would try their best to find them.

"The fairy boat will pass through the Hengtian Realm once in ten years. We might as well make an appointment and come back here ten years later. If we find the Jin Lingzhu, we will hand it over to Zhan Yue, okay?" Lan Die'er suggested.

"Good!" everyone responded in unison.

"Thank you!" Su Jinyue smiled and looked at everyone. Regardless of whether everyone can find Jin Lingzhu or not, they have this heart, and she is really happy.

"Then if we find Jin Lingzhu, where are we going to find you?" Xiao Chen looked at Su Jinyue.

"You go to the Qing" Su Jinyue was about to tell everyone that they would go to the Qing sect to look for them in the future, and she saw Zhan Yihan withdraw his spiritual consciousness.

"I portrayed the formation map in the jade slip, you can just follow the instructions on the formation map." Zhan Yihan handed the formation map just described to everyone.

"Thank you!" Everyone happily took over the formation map.

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