Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1480: Xianyuanzong

Su Jinyue's four prepared the food and put one end to the table.

Su Jinyue took out a few bottles of red wine from her storage ring. She bought these red wines when she was on the earth. She originally planned to collect them, but she didn't expect that she could fly into a fairy.

"What is this?" Seeing Su Jinyue take out the red wine, Lan Die'er looked novel again.

"This is red wine." Su Jinyue said. Sometimes she still misses life on the earth very much. Fortunately, she has a penetrating mirror, but she can always take it out to see the changes on the earth and how her friends are now.

"It's from your hometown too? I really want to visit your hometown." Lan Die'er said with a look of yearning. To be able to play against geniuses like Yue and Su Han, that place is definitely not ordinary.

Su Jinyue smiled, "If there is a chance." She didn't know whether she would have a chance to return to Earth in the future, and whether she would still have a chance to meet those friends on Earth. She hopes that she can find the space stone earlier and understand the rules of space. As long as she and Yihan can comprehend the rules of space, they can arrange a space formation, and then they can go back to the Tianyue Continent and the earth to have a look. I don’t know how well my family members are now on the Tianyue Continent?

At this time, in the Shengxian Hall of Fengtian Realm, Su Yanxi was practising with his eyes closed. He had just ascended to the Immortal Realm for just over a month. After knowing that this was not the Cloud Heaven Realm, he was really disappointed, but he also knew that it would be useless to be disappointed. Only by becoming a strong man can he have the opportunity to go to Yuntian Realm and Jinyue to reunite.

"Su Yanxi." A middle-aged monk walked to Su Yanxi's side.

Su Yanxi withdrew from the cultivation state, opened his eyes, stood up and respectfully bowed to the middle-aged monk, "Deacon!" The other party is the deacon of the Shengxian Temple, and all matters of the Shengxian Temple are under the control of the other party.

"The deacon of Xianyuanzong will let you pass." The middle-aged monk said.

"Okay!" Su Yanxi responded and walked outside the hall. Because of his excellent cultivation aptitude, he was accepted as a disciple by the third-ranked sect of Fengtian Realm, Xianyuanzong.

When Jinyue returned to the Tianyue Continent, she told them that if they ascended and were not in the Yuntian realm, they could choose a sect to become a disciple of the sect. It would be extremely difficult to disperse immortals in the immortal realm. Although it is not easy to become a disciple of the sect, but at least there is a strong backstage, and safety will be guaranteed.

Walking out of the main hall, I saw the deacon of Xianyuanzong, who was waiting for him with several disciples who had just ascended to the immortal realm just like him. Su Yanxi hurried forward and bowed to the other party, "Deacon Shi!"

Deacon Shi slightly nodded, "Let's go." Among these newly recruited disciples, Su Yanxi is his most optimistic.

"Yes!" everyone responded and followed Deacon Shi to the outside.

When Su Jinyue and her party came to Xianchuan Station, they were stunned by the crowds inside.

"A lot of people! It's a long time to pass." Mo Yiren looked at the densely packed rénliu in amazement, which was far more people than he thought.

"Fortunately, we came early, otherwise the time will really not be enough." Zhou Yanjun said with joy. It took them a golden marrow pill to get the ferry ticket. If they couldn't get on the boat, wouldn't they be depressed to death?

"The question now is so many people, how do we get to the front?" Huang Yushan looked at the crowd in front of her with a big head. You can't fly here, and it doesn't seem easy to squeeze in. Besides, she is a woman. What if you encounter a male repairman who is plotting badly to her?

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