Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1483: Immortal ship

"Of course I don't doubt, we will look at it with our heart."

"If we doubt you, we won't be friends with you. Friends should trust each other, right?"

"That Tian is not a good person at first glance. How can we believe his words? We are not fools."

"You mean the two sacred cultivators are fools, hahaha"

Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"Thank you for your trust!" Qin Yan looked at everyone moved. This time he really didn't intersect friends.

Tian Buji stopped, turned his head to look at Qin Yan and his party who were talking and laughing, frowning in confusion. What he said just now, in addition to wanting to gain the favor of Gong Yi and Xu Xinjue, he also wanted to destroy the relationship between Qin Yan and those people. But why are those people still talking and laughing with Qin Yan, there is no gap at all? Could it be that their relationship with Qin Yan has reached the point where they can trust each other unconditionally?

"Don't be angry, if he dares to board the immortal boat, I will make him suffer." Gong Yi stretched out his hand and patted Tian Buji's shoulder. He now finds that Tian Buji is really a person of love and righteousness, such a person is definitely worthy of deep friendship.

"It's not worth it to be angry with that kind of person, just kill it." Xu Xinjue said solemnly.

"Thank you! It's great to be friends with you, but he has been with me for ten years after all. Although he betrayed me, but I" Tian Buji sighed and made a very sad look.

"You are too empathetic." Xu Xinjue shook his head helplessly. In my heart, the favor of Tian Fu multiplied.

"Relax! There will be us in the future." Gong Yi patted his chest.

A gleam of success flashed in Tian Buji's eyes, and he looked at Xu Xinjue and Gong Yi with a sincere expression, "Although my cultivation level is not as good as yours, as long as you need me, even if I am crushed to pieces."

"Good brother!" Gong Yi and Xu Xinjue patted Tian Buji's shoulder with a smile. At the same time making a decision in their hearts, they will definitely not let go of those who bully their brother.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan retracted their spiritual consciousness and smiled at each other. They are really knowledgeable.

Time passed quickly, and soon came the day when the immortal boat was approaching.

Everyone in Xianchuan Station held their heads up and looked at the sky, looking forward to the arrival of Xianchuan. Although there are also immortal ships in Xianchuan Station, it is different from the immortal ships that cross the interface. It will only come to the Everlasting Realm once in ten years.

A rumbling sound came from a distance, and everyone looked at it together, only to see a huge, extremely luxurious, and breathtaking immortal ship approaching here.

"It's an immortal ship! It's coming!"

"It's such a big ship. This is the first time I have seen such a huge ship."

"This boat is really beautiful! I really want to go up and take a ride, but unfortunately I don't have a ticket."

"If I could ride this fairy boat once in my life, I would really die without regret."

The exclamation sounded one after another, and everyone's hearts were full of shock. This fairy ship was much bigger than they thought, and it shocked them.

The spaceship slowly fell from the air. When the fairy ship settled, the door of the fairy ship opened immediately. A white-haired old man walked out of the spacecraft. He glanced at the people present and said faintly: " The monks who have the ferry ticket, please take out the ferry ticket and board the ferry in order. The embarkation time is a stick of incense, and it is out of date.”16

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