Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1487: Fairy formation division

After helping everyone set up the formation, Zhan Yihan raised his hand to help himself and Su Jinyue set up a formation. Now unless there is a ninth-level immortal formation master on board, it is impossible to break the formation.

After setting up the formation, Zhan Yihan arranged several monitoring formations outside the formation so that they could know the situation outside at any time.

After doing all this, Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue entered the world of chaos. Since the Chaos World has absorbed the elemental stars, the speed of cultivating here is obviously much faster than cultivating in the golden leaf world.

The cultivators returned to the basement after finishing their work. They looked around and didn't see the Qin Yan they were looking for. They were a little surprised. Isn't Qin Yan in the basement?

After searching carefully for several laps, Qin Yan was still not seen, and the cultivators had no choice but to find a place to sit down. They can't find anyone, it's not that they don't want to help that staff member deal with Qin Yan.

"I really envy them, if only I could arrange the formations too."

"Yes, so you won't be afraid of being disturbed by others."

"I don't know what level of immortal formation they arranged."

Hearing the monks on the side, several monks looked at each other. Could it be that Qin Yan was in the formation they were talking about?

"What is the formation method you are talking about?" One of the monks turned his head and asked the monks who were chatting with Xiangzheng.

Several monks stopped chatting and turned to look at the questioning monk. They found that they couldn't see through the other's cultivation base, and knew that the other's cultivation base was much higher than their own, and quickly arranged Zhan Yihan's formation. Told the other party.

The questioning monk nodded and turned to look at his companion, "It seems that the Qin Yan we are looking for should be in the formation."

"Yeah." His companion nodded in agreement, and at the same time released his divine consciousness to search the formation.

After a long time, they withdrew their divine consciousness with shocked faces. They discovered the formation, but their divine consciousness was bounced back as soon as they touched the formation. Who is the monk who arranged the formation? How could he arrange this level of formation?

They are also people who have seen the world. Although they can't see the level of the formation, they can be sure that the formation is definitely above the sixth level. How could there be such a powerful immortal formation master in Hengtian Realm. They must tell the news to the deacon on the immortal boat. Maybe the deacon will be free when he is happy.

Thinking of this, several people looked at each other, stood up and walked outside.

In the room, a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese suit was studying the formation jade slip he was working on. He is now a seventh-level immortal formation grandmaster, but he has not been able to break through to the eighth-level immortal formation grandmaster for so many years. Makes him very distressed.

Immortal formation masters who are proficient in formation come up on the immortal ship every year. He also found a few immortal formation masters with similar formation skills to discuss with them, but still did not find a way to break through.

"Knock, knock!" There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in!" The middle-aged man put away the jade slip and said.

The door was pushed open, and a deacon walked in. He respectfully saluted the middle-aged man, "Master! A few workers just came to report that there is a fairy formation master in the basement, and the level of formation is very good. Yes." He knows that his master has been looking for an immortal formation master who can help him break through the eighth-level immortal formation grandmaster. Although he also knows that the opponent may not be able to help the master, it is always an opportunity. What if you miss it.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, "What level is the immortal formation division of the opponent?" The immortal formation division who can only buy underground cabin tickets will not be any powerful immortal formation division.

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