Huashang sighed helplessly in his heart, "Everyone try another day, after a day, regardless of whether the stone is cut off, you must go to the immortal boat, understand?" With the controller refined by Zhan Yihan, the immortal boat It should be fixed soon.

"Yes!" everyone responded, continuing the previous action again. Although they don't know what kind of stone this stone is, they can be sure that such a hard stone must not be an ordinary stone.

Hua Shang walked to a protruding Milky Way Mysterious Star Stone, sacrificed a flying sword, and slashed up to the Milky Way Mysterious Star Stone with the power of his entire body.

"Chang!" Huashang felt his arms tingle for a while, then looked at the raised Milky Way Mysterious Star Stone, and saw that it was undamaged, not even a trace of marks.

"Sure enough, it is extremely hard. If you can take a small piece of the Milky Way Mysterious Star Stone and build a fairy sword, you will be invincible." Huashang took the flying sword and sat down cross-legged, thinking of other ways.

One day passed in an instant.

Huashang shook his head helplessly, glanced at the raised Milky Way Mysterious Star Stone with nostalgia and unwillingness, and flew towards the fairy ship with his toes. During this day, he thought of various methods, but he was still unable to cut a piece of the Milky Way Mysterious Star Stone. He didn't want to give up either, but the immortal boat had been repaired, and he couldn't waste time here anymore.

"The fairy boat is about to close, please hurry up and get on the boat." The fairy boat uploaded a sound to remind everyone to board the boat.

The cultivators stopped their movements one after another and flew towards the immortal ship. They spent so much time and finally got nothing. Although they were a little unwilling, they also knew that no matter how much time they spent, they might not be able to cut a stone. The stone is too hard, no matter it is cut with a knife. It is useless to burn it with fire or blast with talisman.

"Two eldest brothers, I have an important thing in the room. Wait for me and I will come as soon as I go." Tian Buji finished speaking, and without waiting for Gong Yi and Xu Xinjue to answer, he just pointed his toes and followed the crowd towards the fairy ship. go with.

"Tian Bu Ji, stop for me!" Xu Xinjue flew quickly to chase Tian Bu Ji. Tian Buji is leaving now, without guessing, he definitely wants to leave them behind. Unexpectedly, he was so mean, he really saw the wrong person.

A hint of mockery flashed in Tian Buji's eyes, and a piece of talisman that was sacrificed was thrown towards Xu Xinjue who was catching up. Since he chose to part ways with them, how could he not be prepared.

Xu Xinjue was hit by Fu Lu and fell downward.

"Tian Buji, you shameless bastard, if you dare to violate your oath and betray us, you will not die." Gong Yifei caught Xu Xinjue and shouted angrily at Tian Buji who had gone away. He swears that as long as he can live, no matter how long he will find Tian Buji and destroy him.

"We got on the boat and killed him." Xu Xinjue took a healing pill and felt much better.

Xu Xinjue gritted his teeth, hesitated for a moment, and nodded, "Go!" Even if they died, they would kill the villain Tian Buji first.

Seeing the immortal boat on the formation barrier slowly closing, Tian Buji breathed a long sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Gong Yi and Xu Xinjue would catch up with the ship regardless of life and death.

As soon as Xu Xinjue and Gong Yi came to the formation, the formation was closed. They could only look at Tian Buji on the immortal boat angrily and gritted their teeth bitterly. Only now did they understand how stupid they were, and they would listen to the idiotic rhetoric.

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