Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1534: competition rules

Entering the venue, Lu Zhiqian still couldn't believe that Su Jinyue was a seventh-level elixir grandmaster. "Brother, did that staff make a mistake?"

"Stop talking, let's go to the competition field." Lu Qianyuan didn't want to say more about this. He was very depressed now. There was a good chance, but it was gone. Anyone would be unhappy if I changed it. But he can't blame Zhiqian.

"Do you think Su Jinyue will participate in this competition?" Lu Zhiqian asked. As long as Su Jinyue participated, she would know if she was a seventh-level elixir grandmaster.

"I don't know." Lu Qianyuan stepped towards the playing field.

Lu Zhiqian stomped her foot and followed Lu Qianyuan. She knew that her brother must be blaming her, but how could she know that Su Jinyue was a seventh-level elixir grandmaster.

Su Jinyue chatted with Zhan Yihan for a while, and when the time was almost up, she said to the three of them and walked towards the stage.

Lu Zhiqian was wondering why she saw Su Jinyue step onto the stage without seeing Su Jinyue.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Zhiqian hurriedly stopped her when Su Jinyue passed by.

Su Jinyue stopped and looked at Lu Zhiqian, "Anything?"

"Since you are a seventh-level elixir grandmaster, why don't you tell us?" Lu Zhiqian asked. If Su Jinyue had told them at the beginning that she was a seventh-level elixir grandmaster, how could she rush to find a way to separate from them.

"Is there a difference if I tell you?" Su Jinyue mocked.

"Of course there is a difference. If you told us early, I wouldn't" Lu Zhiqian stopped in time. She almost told her what she had done, if Su Jinyue knew what she had done would be terrible.

The corner of Su Jinyue's mouth evoked a mocking arc, and she walked towards her position. She especially hated people like Lu Zhiqian, but fortunately she had no plans to become friends with her from the beginning.

Looking at the background of Su Jinyue's departure, Lu Zhiqian gritted her teeth, "What's so great, huh!" One day I will also become a seventh-level elixir grandmaster.

"Su Jinyue." When Su Jinyue walked to her side, Lu Qianyuan stopped her.

Su Jinyue looked at Lu Qianyuan and waited for him to speak. Although she didn't hate Lu Qianyuan, she didn't want to contact him more.

"I didn't deliberately lie to you before." Lu Qianyuan said apologetically. If he can, he really wants to be friends with Su Jinyue and the others.

"It's all over, don't mention it anymore." Su Jinyue curled her lips and walked to her position and stood still. Some people can become friends, and some people are destined to just pass by.

Looking up and looking around, there are a total of 300 positions on the stage, which means that there will be 300 elixir masters participating in this competition. At this time, half of the positions are already standing, and the rest are also there. Step onto the stage one after another.

Withdrawing her gaze, Su Jinyue looked at the formation screen not far away. The screen showed the time of the start of the game and the name of the elixir of the contest.

As time passed, all the elixir masters were already in place.

An old man walked onto the stage, glanced at the people on the stage, and said: "I am very glad to see so many elixir masters participating in this competition. This competition is divided into three games. The first is Identify the fairy grass, and then there will be a hundred kinds of rare fairy grass on the screen of the formation for everyone to identify. For each type of fairy grass you recognize, you can get ten points. The total score is in the top 100. You can enter the second game."

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