Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1566: Kindness is hard to come by

"That's good, yes, this is my newly refined fairy sword, so I will give it to Junior Brother Su for self-defense." Zhang Zhenjie took out a pale blue fairy sword and handed it to Su Yanxi.

"Thank you Brother Zhang! I already have a fairy sword, please take it back, Brother." Su Yanxi declined. The fairy sword on his body was refined by Lu Hanmo, and its level was much higher than that of Zhang Zhenjie's fairy sword. And he didn't want to accept Zhang Zhenjie's sword. It was not just a fairy sword, but a favor.

"Senior Brother Su, just accept it. Senior Brother made this specially for you." Zhang Zhenjie smiled and put the fairy sword into Su Yanxi's hands. Su Yanxi’s younger sister is a ninth-level elixir of elixir. Su Yanxi will take his things and will definitely write down his love. Then Su Yanxi’s younger sister will know about it and might give him a high-level one. Elixir.

Su Yanxi sighed helplessly in her heart. The other party had said so, and it would be inappropriate for him to decline, "Thank you Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Zhenjie smiled and shook his head, "You are welcome, Junior Brother Su, I heard that Junior Brother Su's sister is a ninth-level Immortal Pill Grandmaster. When she comes to the school, can Junior Brother Su introduce me to you?"

"Of course this is fine." Su Yanxi reluctantly agreed. He really wanted to hide now and didn't want to see anyone.

"Then Brother Su is waiting for the good news from Junior Brother Su." Zhang Zhenjie looked at Su Yanxi expectantly.

"Okay." Su Yanxi nodded.

"Then Junior Brother Su is busy, Senior Brother will go back first." Zhang Zhenjie said with a smile, turned and walked in the direction of Baoqi Peak. Anyway, his purpose of coming this time has been achieved.

After sending Zhang Zhenjie away, Su Yanxi immediately hung a Do Not Disturb sign on the door. He doesn't want to see anyone now, and he really can't bear the enthusiasm of everyone.

Back in the room, Su Yanxi took out the communication symbol again, entered a trace of fairy power, and waited for the other party to answer.

"Second brother!" Su Jinyue's pleasant voice came.

"Little girl, I heard that you are about to reach Xianyuanzong?" Su Yanxi couldn't help showing a happy smile upon hearing Su Jinyue's voice. As long as he thinks of being able to reunite with the younger sister and them immediately, he is happy.

"Well, we have already arrived at the site of Xianyuanzong, and we will be able to reach Xianyuanzong in two days at most. Brother, have you been cultivating lately?" Su Jinyue asked. She contacted her second brother several times, but he did not respond.

"Yeah." Su Yanxi replied. He didn't intend to tell the little girl about Gushan and Yueqing. Since this matter has passed, let it go. He didn't want to let the little girl worry about his affairs.

"Second brother, what is your current cultivation level?" Su Jinyue asked. The second brother's cultivation talent is very good, she estimated that the second brother's cultivation base will not be too low.

"Just broke through the middle stage of the fairy." Su Yanxi said. His cultivation speed is not slow, but now his strength is too weak.

"Very good!" Su Jinyue smiled and praised. The second brother has only been promoted for more than a year, and it is really quite good to have such an achievement.

Su Yanxi smiled bitterly, "It's just this kind of cultivation base, which is still similar to that of ants in the immortal world." When encountering someone higher than his own cultivation base, he has no power to fight back.

"When we come, your cultivation level will improve very quickly." Su Jinyue smiled. She and Yi Han have room, the concentration of the fairy aura inside is several times that of the outside, plus they can arrange a time formation, it is not a simple matter to improve the cultivation base.

"Okay." Su Yanxi smiled happily, full of expectation in his heart. His biggest wish now is to be able to improve his strength and make himself stronger as soon as possible.

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