"Your junior sister has also ascended? Didn't you say that she would not be able to ascend in this life if she was seriously injured?" Lan Yunqing said in surprise.

Qi Yunhai nodded, "She is actually just Yuan Ying monk now, but who made her have a great brother." If she can become a fairy companion of Yiping Junior Sister, will the benefits be less in the future?

The dress that Junior Sister Yiping wore just now should have cost hundreds of top-grade fairy spirit stones. He can only receive two top-grade fairy spirit stones in a month in the martial arts. Moreover, Feng Tianzong has a nine-level elixir master. If he is with Junior Sister Yiping, he can make a lot of money by just taking a nine-level elixir.

"What are you talking about? Your junior sister only has Yuan Yingqi's cultivation base?" Lan Yunqing and Fang Yijian both looked incredulous. If a monk wants to come to the immortal world, he has to cross the robbery and fly, and there is no other shortcut. How did Sect Master Zhan bring his sister to the immortal world?

"Yeah." Qi Yunhai nodded affirmatively. When he saw Junior Sister Yiping, he was also shocked. Had it not been for having spoken to her, leaving a communication mark, he really couldn't believe that the other party was Junior Sister Yiping. There is still a strong big brother!

If he becomes the immortal couple of Junior Sister Yiping, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways in the immortal world. Thinking of him, I can’t help but be happy, and I can’t wait to chase Junior Sister Yiping right now and become her immortal companion as soon as possible.

"Sect Master Zhan really has great magical powers!" Lan Yunqing and Fang Yijian sighed. They have always heard that Sect Master Zhan is extremely powerful, but today they know that Sect Master Zhan is far more powerful than they thought. It is possible for a monk who has not yet ascended to come to the immortal world, but no one in the immortal world can do it, at least they have never heard of it.

"Junior Brother Yunhai, you will introduce your younger sister to me when you arrive. I really want to meet the legendary Sect Master Zhan." Lan Yunqing said with a look of yearning. Sect Master Zhan was originally the person she admired most in her heart. This time she came to Feng Tianzong because she had begged her for a long time before she agreed. She hopes that she can meet Sect Master Zhan unexpectedly, this is the territory of Feng Tianzong, maybe Sect Master Zhan will visit here.

"No problem, I will tell my junior sister tomorrow, let her make arrangements at that time." Qi Yunhai readily agreed. It is not easy to get Junior Sister Yiping with her own charm.

Su Jinyue accompanied Qin Xiaoyun and Zhan Yiping on the street for a long time. It was not until Qin Xiaoyun and Zhan Yiping begged for mercy that they took both of them out of the market.

As soon as I walked out of the market, I saw Zhan Yihan waiting there.

"Sister-in-law, eldest brother is here to pick you up." Zhan Yiping smiled and arched Su Jinyue's arm with her hand. When they came out, she notified her eldest brother.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue raised her lips with a smile, and walked towards Zhan Yihan. She had known that Yihan was coming, and his consciousness had been paying attention to her all the time.

Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand, "Is it tired?" Knowing that Jinyue came out, he had finished handling the matter in his hand and was waiting for her all the time.

"Not tired." Su Jinyue shook her head. She is much better now, and she doesn't want to sleep all the time like before.

"Big brother, my second sister-in-law and I are leaving first, so I won't bother you." Zhan Yiping smiled badly, took out a teleportation talisman to activate, and disappeared with Qin Xiaoyun. This teleportation talisman was given to them by the sister-in-law, just to make it easier for them to come to the market. The gate of the mountain will be closed when the time comes, and they don't have to worry about it with this teleportation talisman.

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