Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1683: Go to an appointment

"Yeah." Zhan Yiping nodded shyly.

Upon seeing this, Feng Yuhua raised a happy smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, don't bother you two, I'll go back first." Feng Yuqing smiled and stood up. Seeing them like this, she was also happy for them.

Within two steps, Feng Yuqing felt the communication charm in his storage ring vibrate. If she guessed right, Qi Yunhai should be, he was so anxious.

Stopped and took out the communication talisman, and saw that it was Qi Yunhai. Feng Yuqing turned to look at Zhan Yiping and Feng Yuhua, "It's Qi Yunhai, he should be asking Junior Yiping about it."

Feng Yuhua looked at Zhan Yiping. He didn't want her to see Qi Yunhai in his heart, but if Junior Sister Yiping wanted to go, he would not stop him, but he would definitely feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"You tell him that I am in retreat." Zhan Yiping said. She originally didn't want to see Qi Yunhai, but now that she knew what he was thinking, she didn't want to see it even more.

"Okay." Feng Yuqing smiled and nodded, and activated the communicator, "Brother Yunhai."

"Sister Feng, have you returned to the martial arts? Have you seen Junior Sister Yiping?" Qi Yunhai asked. It would be best if you could see Junior Sister Yiping. After all, Junior Sister Yiping is Zhan Yihan's own sister, and marrying her would benefit more.

"I'm back to the school. Junior sister Yiping is in retreat." Feng Yuqing said.

Qi Yunhai was a little disappointed when he heard this, "Forget it, Junior Sister Feng, are you free tomorrow? I want to meet you." Since Junior Sister Yiping is in retreat, she certainly won't leave it so soon. It seems that he It can only be second best.

"I have time tomorrow." Feng Yuqing replied with a smile.

"Then tomorrow morning, I will be waiting for you in Room No. 3 of Fengtian Inn." Qi Yunhai said with joy.

"Okay." Feng Yuqing responded and said a few words with Qi Yunhai before cutting off the communication symbol.

Putting away the communication symbol, Feng Yuqing looked at Zhan Yiping and Feng Yuhua, "Do you want to watch the show tomorrow?"

"What's the show?" Zhan Yiping and Feng Yuhua looked at Feng Yuqing suspiciously, not understanding what she meant.

Feng Yuqing beckoned to the two of them. After Feng Yuhua and Zhan Yiping walked over, they leaned forward and whispered to them about their plans.

As Zhan Yiping and Feng Yuhua listened to Feng Yuqing's plan, their eyes became brighter and the smiles on their mouths became thicker. They began to look forward to tomorrow's good show.

After Qi Yunhai had breakfast, he talked to Lan Yunqing and Fang Yijian before returning to the room. For today's appointment with Feng Yuqing, he specially booked this room yesterday. He wanted to capture Feng Yuqing's heart, and naturally he had to be alone in order to have an atmosphere.

"Knock, knock!" After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Here." Qi Yunhai replied, stood up and opened the door.

Seeing that the person outside was indeed Feng Yuqing, Qi Yunhai raised a happy smile, "Sister Feng, sit inside." He did a lot of preparations for today's date.

Feng Yuqing nodded and walked into the room, "Brother Yunhai, are you alone in the room?"

"Well, my seniors live in the next room." Qi Yunhai pointed to the next room. The price of this Fengtian Inn is not cheap. Although they are disciples of the inner sect, they can't splurge at will.

Feng Yuqing nodded, pretending to be shy and said, "Brother Yunhai, why don't we go outside and talk about it."

"Sister Feng don't worry about me?" Qi Yunhai asked with a smile. He has no chance after going outside.

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