Peaceful days are always easy, and four months have passed in a blink of an eye.

Su Jinyue's belly is also getting bigger and bigger, and her due date is approaching.

"Jin Yue, you are going to give birth in more than ten days, right?" Wang Meizhen looked at Su Jinyue's ball-like stomach, eyes full of expectation. Although she has had grandchildren a long time ago, she has always been hoping that Jinyue and Yihan will have children of their own.

"There are still eleven days." Su Jinyue put her hand on her belly, feeling the children punching and kicking in her belly, and the corners of her mouth raised a smile that exuded maternal glory, which was very beautiful.

She did not stop practicing during her pregnancy, and the children in her belly continued to absorb the spiritual energy of the immortal as she practiced. Now their cultivation level has reached the early stage of the heavenly immortal, and it may be possible to reach the middle stage of the heavenly immortal after more than a dozen days. . Even in the fairy world, the cultivation base of a newly born child rarely reaches this level. It can be imagined that the children's future achievements will definitely not be worse than her and Yihan.

"Then you have to walk more these days, so that giving birth will go smoothly." Wang Meizhen looked at Su Jinyue's belly. Soon she will be able to see her grandchildren and she is happy to think about it.

"Mother, sister-in-law is a doctor, she knows all this, right?" Zhan Yiping smiled and looked at Su Jinyue. She just broke through the distraction period yesterday, so she came out to breathe. Originally wanted to talk to Feng Yuhua, but he didn't expect him to go out to practice again.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "I will go for a walk with Yihan every night." She is now an immortal, and giving birth is naturally not like those women on earth, and a doctor needs to help her deliver the baby. As long as she releases her divine consciousness and wraps the child, she can give birth smoothly. Since becoming pregnant, Yihan has been walking with her every day, so it has become their habit.

"That's good, the soup I stewed for you should be almost done, I'll bring it over." Wang Meizhen stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Although she has been cultivating for many years, in her opinion, women are almost the same as having children. Like when she was born with Yi Han, she bleeds heavily and almost died. So every one of her daughter-in-laws will be very worried about having children.

Su Jinyue sighed helplessly in her heart, what she was most afraid of now was drinking soup. Since she was pregnant, her mother-in-law and her mother would cook soup for her every day. Sometimes she was really scared of drinking it, so she had to escape to the second brother to take refuge.

Wang Meizhen quickly brought the soup over, "Jin Yue, try it soon. I have simmered this soup for a long time. I put a lot of fairy grasses. Dr. Xu said those fairy grasses are especially good for pregnant women."

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded, looked at the soup on the table, her brows frowned. She really didn't want to drink it, but she couldn't waste it because of her mother-in-law's love.

Reached out and picked up the bowl, closed his eyes and drank a bowl of soup.

"Is it delicious?" Wang Meizhen asked with a smile when she saw Su Jinyue put down the bowl.

"It's delicious." Su Jinyue nodded. She really didn't want to drink soup anymore.

"There is still in the pot, I will put another bowl for you." Wang Meizhen reached out and picked up the empty bowl on the table, and was about to go to the kitchen to serve soup again.

"Mother, I remember now, I have something else to leave, and I will see you tomorrow." After Su Jinyue finished speaking, she stood up and walked outside.

"Go slow, be careful, this kid." Wang Meizhen smiled and shook her head. She also knows that Jinyue doesn't like to drink soup, but pregnant women still need to add more nutrition.

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