City Lord Li arranged Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue to sit down close to the main seat.

As soon as the two of them sat down, people kept coming to toast to them.

Zhan Yihan is a ninth-level immortal formation grandmaster, and Su Jinyue is a ninth-level immortal pill grandmaster, and friendship with them is only good for the major sects, so the sect masters of the major sects naturally don't want to miss this good opportunity to make friends with them.

"Vice Sect Master Su! This time you come to Lingyue City, you are also invited to be a judge of the Alchemist Competition, right?" The Sect Master of Yi Danzong smiled and looked at Su Jinyue. Without Su Jinyue, he would be the elixir master with the highest level of alchemy in the Hengtian realm, and their Yi Danzong would also be the sect with the highest level of alchemy in the Hengtian realm.

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "I just came to see, my body is not suitable for being a judge." A pregnant woman who was about to give birth ran to be a judge. Even if she was willing, Yi Han would definitely not agree. .

But after coming to Lingyue City, she heard that among the alchemists who participated in the competition this time, some alchemists had very good qualifications. She planned to take a look at that time, if those alchemists were really as others said. Like that, she intends to bring them into Feng Tianzong.

The disciple of Fengtianzong's Immortal Pill Peak, now she teaches the technique of refining pills, and the level of alchemy is pretty good overall. It's just that now all the big sects have come to ask for medicine, and the pill of their own sect cannot be less, and it is absolutely not enough to rely on those immortal peak disciples to refine the pill. If you can meet some good seedlings and bring them into the Fengtianzong, you can alleviate the problem of insufficient manpower for the immortal Danfeng disciples.

"It turned out to be the case. I thought I could be a judge with Deputy Sect Master Su this time. It's really a shame." Sect Master Yi Dan said with regret. He actually wanted to see Su Jinyue's refining pills, but looking at her stomach, it seemed impossible.

"There will be a chance in the future." Su Jinyue smiled.

Sect Master Yi Dan raised the wine glass in his hand, "Then I will offer a glass to Deputy Sect Master Su and look forward to our next opportunity to cooperate."

"Okay." Su Jinyue raised the spirit tea in her hand and toasted a cup with Yi Danzong's sovereign.

"Deputy Sect Master Su, please use it slowly." Sect Master Yi Danzong drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, smiled at Su Jinyue, and walked towards his position.

Sect Master Yi Dan just left, another middle-aged man came to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan's side, and he arched his hand to Su Jinyue, "Vice Sect Master Su! I am the owner of Wuya Villa, Ling Qiuhe, I think Ask Deputy Sect Master Su to help me refine a 9th-level Immortal Zhiyu Shudan. I don’t know when Deputy Sect Master Su will be free to refine it for me?” He also knows that Su Jinyue’s health is inconvenient now, but he has no choice. , His daughter was seriously injured, and only the ninth-level immortal zhiyu shudan can be treated.

"How long has the wounded been injured?" Su Jinyue asked instead without answering Ling Qiuhe's question. Level 9 Immortal Zhi Yu Shu Dan can heal people who have only one spirit left, but the other party must be injured for no more than three years, otherwise even if there is a 9-level Immortal Zhi Yu Shu Dan, it will not help.

"Three years will be completed in one month." Ling Qiuhe sighed. It is for this reason that he is so anxious. This time I came to Lingyue City to ask Su Jinyue to make alchemy. When he knew that Su Jinyue would not come, he was really disappointed and really wanted to rush to Feng Tianzong to find Su Jinyue immediately. If he waited any longer, his daughter would have no chance again.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Then do you have the fairy grass for refining Grade 9 Immortal Zhi Yu Dan?" She has it, but she and Ling Qiuhe are not relatives, so naturally it is impossible to give him in vain.

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