Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1694: grateful

Ling Qiuhe had been waiting in the hall early in the morning, looking at the stairs from time to time, hoping that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan could get down earlier. He didn't fall asleep all night of excitement yesterday, so he came downstairs very early, planning to drink tea while waiting for Vice Sovereign Su and the others.

As long as Deputy Sect Master Su gave him the ninth-level fairy zhiyu shudan, his daughter would be saved, and he would be happier than anything else if the daughter was better.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan coming downstairs, Ling Qiuhe quickly stood up and looked at Su Jinyue expectantly. Deputy Sect Master Su should have already refined the 9th-level Immortal Zhi Yu Shu Dan, right? She is the 9th-level Immortal Pill Grandmaster who can definitely refine the 9th-level Immortal Zhiyu Pill.

"Sect Master Zhan! Deputy Sect Master Su!" When Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came closer, Ling Qiuhe respectfully saluted them.

"Ling Zhuang Master doesn't need to be polite, you can keep this pill." Su Jinyue took out a jade bottle and handed it to Ling Qiuhe. She knew what he wanted most now.

"Thank you, Deputy Sect Master Su!" Ling Qiuhe took the pill and bowed gratefully to Su Jinyue. With this medicine, his daughter can be saved.

"Go and save your daughter." Su Jinyue smiled. The earlier this medicine is taken, the better the effect.

Ling Qiuhe nodded and bowed again to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Zhan Sect Master! Deputy Sect Master Su! When my daughter wakes up, I will go to Feng Tianzong with her to visit you."

"Yeah!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Farewell!" Ling Qiuhe arched his hand at the two, turned and walked outside the inn. At this time, his footsteps were brisk, and his face was filled with a happy smile. He really came to Lingyue City this time. Especially this time I also made friends with Sect Master Zhan and Deputy Sect Master Su.

"Lord Ling, wait a minute!" Su Jinyue thought of something and stopped Ling Qiuhe.

Ling Qiuhe stopped and turned to look at Su Jinyue, "Vice Sovereign Su, please say."

Su Jinyue took out a teleportation talisman and handed it to Ling Qiuhe, "This is a teleportation talisman, it can help you return to the Wuya Mountain Villa as soon as possible." The reason she gave this talisman to Ling Qiuhe is because she admires Ling Qiuhe very much and knows He must be back home now. Second, most people know that Ling Qiuhe asked her for medicine this time. The 9th-level pill is priceless. Maybe someone will just wait for Ling Qiuhe to go out and grab his pill.

"This is too expensive!" Ling Qiuhe shook his head embarrassedly. He knew that Su Jinyue was kind, but he already owed him a love, and he was really embarrassed to owe it again.

"Take it, you want to see your daughter earlier, don't you?" Su Jinyue smiled and put the Fulu into Ling Qiuhe's hand.

Ling Qiuhe nodded and looked at Su Jinyue moved, "Vice Sovereign Su, thank you! From now on, my life will be yours. No matter what you want me to do, I will let you send it." Teleportation Talisman is a priceless treasure, Deputy Su The Sect Master gave it to him like this, he really didn't know how to repay her.

"Okay, go back soon." Su Jinyue said with a smile. She helped Ling Qiuhe because of his paternal love for his daughter. A person who can value his daughter that much would definitely not be a person of poor character.

"Thank you!" Ling Qiuhe bowed deeply to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan gratefully, turned and walked outside.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze and smiled brilliantly at Zhan Yihan.

Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand and rubbed Su Jinyue's hair, "Let's go to the square to watch the game."

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, put her hand in Zhan Yihan's hand, and walked out of the inn with him.

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