Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1706: Start refining

As the contestants selected the pills they would refine, the organizer quickly distributed the materials needed by the contestants to the contestants.

"Everyone check it again, and if there are any questions, please raise them immediately." The elder in charge of the competition said to the contestants.

Song Qingfeng looked at the alchemy furnace, fairy grass, and fairy fruit on his table, and checked it in his heart to make sure that there was nothing wrong.

Seeing that none of the contestants raised any questions, the elder in charge of the competition announced: "Now the competition begins!"

As his voice fell, the gong sounded at the beginning of the game.

All the contestants on the stage sacrificed their own flames and began to refine the pill.

Song Qingfeng sacrificed a lavender flame, then threw the fairy grass and fairy fruit on the table into the alchemy furnace.

"That Song Qingfeng's alchemy technique is actually the same as Su Deputy Sect Master."

"Look at his flame, it turned out to be Zixiao Youyan, ranked thirty-seventh among the different flames of the world. It seems that Song Qingfeng is really not easy."

"Sect Master Yi Danzong has suffered a great loss this time, otherwise they might be able to win the first place in this game."

"No, it seems that Feng Tianzong will win the top spot this time."

Sovereign Yi Danzong's expression sank again when he heard the discussion from the crowd. How would he know that the person he refused would unexpectedly surprise him. If he knew, he would not stupidly give Song Qingfeng to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. But now it's done, and it's too late to talk about anything.

"Song Qingfeng must have a space magic weapon, maybe it's not worse than our space." Su Jinyue looked at Song Qingfeng and said affirmatively.

"I think so too." Zhan Yihan nodded in agreement. Even if there is no space magic weapon, there must be some inheritance.

"It seems that I have dug the treasure this time, and Song Qingfeng's future achievements may not be much worse than you and me." Su Jinyue smiled. She and Yi Han also came here step by step. If she didn't guess wrong, Song Qingfeng would not have been in the immortal world for too long.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded in agreement.

Song Qingfeng concentrated on controlling the fairy grass and fairy fruit in the alchemy furnace with his spiritual sense, and slowly fused them together. This is also the first time he has refined a pill of this level, so he must take it seriously, and only succeed without fail.

The medicinal liquid in the alchemy furnace carefully controlled by the divine sense, the excess residue was removed and purified. As time passed, the medicinal liquid had become extremely pure.

Song Qingfeng let out a sigh of relief, and the next step was the most critical pill.

There were people on the stage constantly completing the refining, and everyone turned their eyes to Song Qingfeng. Seeing Song Qingfeng was still refining, some people showed mocking eyes. They were crushed by Song Qingfeng in the previous two games, and this time they can finally break back. The players participating in the competition this time are all about the same strength, and the level of the refined medicines should be almost the same.

There are more and more contestants on the stage, but the same thing is that everyone will turn their eyes to Song Qingfeng after the pill refining is over. For them, Song Qingfeng is their greatest rival.

Song Qingfeng didn't know the actions of the people around him. All his energy was concentrated on the alchemy furnace in front of him. Now that the liquid medicine was fused into a pill, he was about to succeed.

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