Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1770: accident

Snow flakes are like goose feathers, floating down from the sky, dyeing the whole land into a piece of white snow.

"Is this snow? It's so beautiful!" Xu Jinzheng looked at the sky in amazement, stretched out his hand to let the snowflakes fall on his palm. It was the first time he saw snow when he grew up. Whether it was in Tianyue Continent or Immortal Realm, the four seasons were like spring. He had never seen snow or rain before, so he was so surprised.

"I haven't seen snow for a long time." Lin Junman smiled and stretched out his hand, feeling the coldness of snowflakes falling on his palm.

Su Jinyue smiled slightly, waved out a car, and looked at Xu Tiansheng's family, "Let's get in the car." They are now in the suburbs of Beijing, where there are very few people, let alone it's still snowing.

"Sister, why do you have a car?" Xu Jinzheng was immediately attracted when he saw the car in front of him. Although he has never been to the earth, he is not unfamiliar with some things on the earth, such as cars, televisions, and refrigerators. He knows it, but he has never been in a car. In the Tianyue Continent and the Immortal Realm, they either ride in a beast cart or fly with a sword.

"I bought this when I came back last time." Su Jinyue smiled. Last time they went back to Earth, their parents wanted to go back to Shangxin Village to see their relatives. When they went to pick them up, they bought a car.

Xu Jinzheng stepped forward, opened the rear door, and looked at Xu Tiansheng and Lin Junman behind him, "Dad, mom, you sit in first."

"Yeah." Xu Tiansheng and Lin Junman smiled and nodded, stepped forward, bent over and sat in the car. They haven't been in a car for a long time, and they haven't breathed the air on the earth for a long time. Everything is so familiar but so strange.

Zhan Yihan was shallow facing Su Jinyue, walked to the co-pilot and opened the car door, waited until Su Jinyue got in the car, helped her close the car door, and walked to the main driver. The task of driving is naturally his.

When the Xu family got in the car, Zhan Yihan started the car and drove toward the front.

At this time, the road was full of snow, and driving was very difficult, but for others, it had no effect on Zhan Yihan.

After the car drove into the city, the road began to become congested, and the cars in front drove cautiously. In this kind of weather, driving fast is very prone to accidents.

After driving for a while, I saw that all the cars in front had stopped.

"Something should have happened before." Xu Tiansheng had already released his divine consciousness as he spoke.

I saw that one kilometer in front of them, a few cars had rear-ended, and the two cars caught in the middle were in very serious condition. The car in front was a family of three, except for the children in the back seat. The two adults in front were already in a coma, their faces were full of blood, and the situation looked very critical.

There was another person in the car whose situation was not optimistic. Although he was still awake, the driver's legs were stuck in the seat and he was bleeding continuously.

"I'll go down and take a look." Withdrawing his consciousness, Xu Tiansheng pushed the door and got out of the car. He is a doctor, and he can't just watch the situation without being indifferent, otherwise his conscience will be disturbed.

Su Jinyue turned to look at Lin Junman and Xu Jinzheng in the back seat, "Mother, you stay in the car with Jinzheng, and Yihan and I get off to see the situation."

"Let's go down with you." Lin Junman opened the door and got out of the car as he spoke.

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