Su Jinyue put away the key. She had already used the key, and it was of no use to them. "Where do you live now?" They are also kind to her, so it should be a visit to see their mother and daughter.

"My mother and I live at No. 26, Liutong Lane." The waitress smiled. Although their house was rented, she and her mother had a very fulfilling and very happy life.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Then I will see you the day after tomorrow, are you at home the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, my mother will definitely be very happy to see you." The waitress smiled happily.

Su Jinyue thought for a while, took out two strings of bracelets and handed them to the waitress, "This is for you, one string for you to take, and one string for your mother, so you can keep it safe.

"Thank you sister!" The waitress wanted to refuse, but she didn't refuse when she heard that it was safe. In general, bracelets for safety are obtained from the temple, and the value should not be too high. If the price is too high, she would not want it.

"What's your name?" Su Jinyue smiled and looked at the waitress.

"Qiu Li." Qiu Li put one string of bracelets on her wrist and put the other string into her pocket. She gave the bracelet to her mother as soon as she went home. Her mother's health has not been very good. I hope her mother will be healthy after wearing the bracelet.

But it's really strange. After wearing this bracelet, she actually felt a very comfortable feeling, as if a warm current flowed into her body, and the cold hands and feet actually warmed up.

She reached out and touched the bracelet on her wrist, and found that the bracelet was still cold and not warm. Could it be her illusion?

"Sister, then I'll go to work first." Qiu Li looked at Su Jinyue happily. She was really happy to meet her sister.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

Qiu Li bowed to Bai Tingxue and Zhan Yihan, turned around and walked out.

Lin Xufei heard the knock on the door and looked around, only to see a woman in fashionable dress coming in. In order to facilitate the entry of the other party, he did not close the box door.

Standing up, Lin Xufei nodded to the other party and stretched out his hand, "Hello! I am Lin Xufei, are you Miss Zhou?"

"Hello Mr. Lin! I am Zhou Jianing, I am glad to meet you." Zhou Jianing stepped forward, reached out and shook Lin Xufei, and at the same time looked at Lin Xufei without a trace. Her mother told her that Lin Xufei was very good, and she felt that the other person was very good when she saw him. Compared to the other men she had met, he was a bit more vigorous, and he couldn't tell that he was thirty-eight years old.

"Sit!" Lin Xufei made an inviting gesture to Zhou Jianing.

Zhou Jianing smiled and nodded, and sat down opposite Lin Xufei. This makes it easier for her to observe Lin Xufei.

Lin Xufei handed the menu to Zhou Jianing, "Miss Zhou, take a look at what you need to order."

Zhou Jianing reached out and pushed the menu back to Lin Xufei, "Mr. Lin will just order, I can do anything." When she was abroad, she often heard her mother talk about the Third Young Master in Beijing, but she was not very interested in the son. .

Because she feels that the more noble a man is, the more weird her temper is. She is looking for someone who loves and treats herself wholeheartedly, rather than a powerful and powerful man who doesn’t care about him. , Then she might as well be single.

So she was very resistant to this blind date at first, but after seeing Lin Xufei, her thoughts changed a little. Although Lin Xufei didn't say a few words to her, he was indeed a very attractive man.

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