The moon is sparse, the breeze is faint, and there are a few nights owl's calls from time to time in the mountains. In this silent night, it looks a bit gloomy and terrifying.

Su Jinyue, Zhan Yihan and Xu Jinfeng fell on top of a mountain.

They had seen it with their divine sense just now, and the entire mountain was very tightly guarded.

"The big pit is over there, Jinyue, Yihan, have you seen it?" Xu Jinfeng pointed to the place where the big pit was. He felt the breath emanating from the big pit, and his whole body instantly lost strength. Had it not been for Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, he had just fallen from the sky.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded, "You enter Yihan's small world later, and I and Yihan will go take a look." They also felt the mysterious aura emanating from the deep pit, but Based on their cultivation base, that breath naturally has no effect on them.

"Yeah." Xu Jinfeng nodded.

With a move of Zhan Yihan's thoughts, after taking Xu Jinfeng into the small world, he took Su Jinyue's hand, lifted a step, and disappeared in the same place instantly.

When I came to the entrance of the pit, I saw that it was surrounded by a cordon, and there were several people in black with weapons guarding the entrance of the pit.

Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue slightly curled their lips, their bodies flashed, and they had entered the deep pit.

Walking slowly towards the pit, as they gradually deepened, the mysterious aura became more and more intense.

After walking for almost half an hour, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan suddenly opened up in front of them.

An incomparably wide cave appeared in front of them. In the center of the cave was a circular altar. In the center of the altar was suspended a golden bead, and the breath was emitted from the golden bead.

"This is the heart of the Pangu axe." Su Jinyue immediately recognized what the golden bead in front of him was, it was the heart of Song Qingfeng's Pangu axe.

Raising her hand to take the heart of the axe into her own hand, Su Jinyue looked it up and handed it to Zhan Yihan, "If Song Qingfeng knew that we had found the heart of the axe, he would be very happy." With the heart of the axe, Pangu axe Being is equal to having life, and it is naturally more convenient to use.

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, releasing a ray of spiritual consciousness that wrapped the axe in his hand, "This axe has been sealed."

"I just felt it." Su Jinyue nodded.

Zhan Yihan made a decisive battle, a black mist radiated from the heart of the axe, and a faint figure appeared in front of them.

Slowly the figure became clearer and clearer, and a middle-aged woman appeared in front of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged woman fell from the sky and looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan coldly. She couldn't see their cultivation.

"Who are you? How could you be sealed in this heart of axe?" Su Jinyue asked when she looked at the middle-aged woman. At first she thought that the other party was a tool spirit of Pan Gu Axe, but as the other party's figure became clearer, she knew that the other party was just an ordinary soul.

"This has nothing to do with you, give me the heart of axe, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." The middle-aged woman said coldly. This axe heart is not only an axe heart, it is also a space. While she was sealed in Axe's heart, she also absorbed a lot of benefits from Axe's heart. It's just that her body hasn't been reshaped yet, so she doesn't have the strength to break the seal.

"You're welcome? Do you have that strength?" Su Jinyue smiled disdainfully. At best, the other party is just a Mahayana Primordial Soul, even if her strength is fully restored, she and Yi Han can easily destroy her.

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