Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1820: Thank you

Su Lingqiu swallowed the Shaping Pill, and her figure soon became solid, and the spiritual power in her body quickly circulated. The cultivation base broke through the late Mahayana and reached the peak of the late Mahayana in an instant, only one step away. It's time to break through the tribulation period.

"Thank you, senior!" Su Lingqiu was excited and looked at Su Jinyue ecstatically, her heart full of gratitude. If it weren't for the other person's shaping pill, even if she was practicing in the heart of Shu, it would take at least ten years for her to fully recover, and even if she recovered, it would not be possible to break through at the same time.

Su Jinyue waved her hand, "I have some friendship with your Sect Master, you are welcome." If not, how would she help her.

"Senior, can you tell me your name?" Su Lingqiu looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan respectfully. She is a person who knows her gratitude, and the other party helped her, and she must return it.

Su Jinyue smiled, and Yu Zhan Yihan walked towards the outside. She had already seen it here, and there was nothing else here except the altar.

"Senior!" Su Lingqiu hurriedly followed, took out a pen and handed it to Su Jinyue, "This pen is for senior." How could she receive the favor of the other party in vain. She got this pen in an ancient tomb a hundred years ago. She has never been able to contract this pen, but she knows that this pen is not an ordinary pen, but her cultivation base is too low, so she can't contract it.

Su Jinyue saw the pen with a hint of surprise in her eyes. She reached out to take the pen and looked at it. It turned out to be a top-level fairy artifact, "This is a top-level fairy artifact. Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

"Top fairy artifact?" Su Lingqiu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "I'm sure to give it to senior." The other party helped her, and she naturally had to give a generous reward, not to mention the top fairy artifact, even the top artifact, she Will also send. Moreover, the other party can see at a glance that this is a top-level immortal weapon, how can it be an ordinary monk, forging a good relationship with her, it will also be of great benefit to his future.

"Then I'm welcome." Su Jinyue put away her pen, took out two bottles of medicine pills and a jade plaque and handed them to Su Lingqiu, "In the future, you can go to Fengtianzong to find me when you fly to the fairy world." Although she gave it to the other party. A shaping pill, but the value of the shaping pill is far from being compared with this pen. Since the other party is a person who knows gratitude, how can she be a stingy person.

"It turns out that Senior is a fairy." Su Lingqiu looked at Su Jinyue excitedly, her eyes full of disbelief. She had heard of the immortal world and yearned to fly to the immortal world, but it was the first time to see an immortal.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. After putting the two bottles of pills and jade medals into Su Lingqiu's hands, He Zhan Yihan walked towards the front and disappeared instantly.

Su Lingqiu stood there in a daze. It took a long time for her to return to her senses. She looked at the jade bottle and the jade plaque in her hand, and then opened one of the elixirs, and saw the elixirs inside, Su Lingqiu's eyes widened in shock. It turned out to be a pill for crossing the tribulation, she is also an alchemist, so she still knows a little about the pill. It's just that she is a seventh-level alchemy grandmaster, and still can't refining a pill of transcendence. The most important thing is that the spirit grass that refines the Pill of Crossing Tribulation is extremely difficult to find. She has stayed in the Tianyue Continent for thousands of years, and has not yet found the spirit grass to refine the Pill of Crossing Tribulation.

With this bottle of Cross Tribulation Pill, after her later cultivation base reaches the peak period of Cross Tribulation, there is no need to worry about the issue of ascending.

I opened another bottle of pill and saw seven pink pill inside. The breath of the pill was the same as the pen she gave to Su Jinyue before. Thinking of what Su Jinyue said before, Su Lingqiu's hand There was a slight tremor. Don't guess this must be the elixir.

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