Song Qingfeng was walking with his wife, and a disciple ran towards him.

"Junior Brother Song, the Sect Master and Deputy Sect Master are back, and they want you to go there." The disciple stopped and said to Song Qingfeng. He admired Song Qingfeng very much. Although he entered the sect later than him, the Sect Master and Deputy Sect Masters valued him very much.

"Okay." Song Qingfeng nodded in response and looked at Liu Yuqing, "I'll go there first." Sect Master and Deputy Sect Master will look for him as soon as they come back. There must be something wrong.

"Yeah." Liu Yuqing nodded.

Song Qingfeng quickly came to the main peak and walked into the courtyard where Su Jinyue and the others lived, "Sect Master! Deputy Sect Master!"

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded slightly, and pointed to the chair beside them, "Sit down."

"Yes!" Song Qingfeng replied respectfully, stepped aside and sat down.

"This time we returned to Earth to get something that is exactly what you need." Su Jinyue looked at Song Qingfeng with a slight smile on her mouth.

"What do I need?" Song Qingfeng looked curious. All he needs is the heart of Pan Gu Axe, doesn't it? No way? Last time he went back, he deliberately scanned the earth with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find Pangu's Heart. Isn't it the heart of Pangu?

Su Jinyue raised her hand and waved, a jade box flew out of her space and fell in front of Song Qingfeng, "You open it and take a look."

Song Qingfeng reached out and took the jade box, filled with excitement. He has already felt the familiar breath, and the jade box must be the Heart of Pangu.

Opening the jade box, Pangu Heart rushed out of the jade box, spinning quickly in mid-air, exuding dazzling golden light.

"It's really the heart of Pangu!" Song Qingfeng looked at the heart of Pangu excitedly. The Pangu axe in his dantian was eager to respond to the heart of Pangu, as if it would break out of his body at any time and merge with the heart of Pangu.

Song Qingfeng didn't wait any longer, offering Pangu axe, a vicissitudes, ancient and powerful aura escaped from Pangu axe, Pangu axe hummed, summoning Pangu's heart in midair.

Pangu Heart felt the call of the Pangu Axe, and did not wait any longer. It quickly fell from mid-air, and shot into the Pangu Axe like a meteor, and finally merged with the Pangu Axe.

"Om!" Pangu axe let out an excited hum, exuding the power of an ancient artifact.

Song Qingfeng looked at the powerful Pan Gu axe in his hand, and his face was full of excitement. He searched thousands of mountains and rivers, and today Pan Gu Axe is finally complete.

Gratefully bowed to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Thank you Sect Master! Deputy Sect Master!" Without them, he would never find the Heart of Pangu, because it would be impossible for him to return to Earth. He has already received his family from the immortal world. There are no more people and things he wants to miss on the earth, but Pangu's heart is on the earth.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan shook their heads, "We also happened to meet."

"The last time I went back to Earth, I swept it with my spiritual sense, and I didn't feel the breath of Pangu Heart." Song Qingfeng said. Thinking that he almost missed the Heart of Pangu, there was a trace of chagrin in his heart. If only he was more careful.

"Pangu's Heart is sealed, it's normal that you can't find it." Su Jinyue said.

Song Qingfeng nodded clearly, "Sect Master! Deputy Sect Master! How did you find it?" He was really curious about this. Since the Heart of Pangu had been sealed, it must have no breath at all.

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