Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1830: Daughter-in-law

The next moment, the middle-aged man opened his eyes wide in disbelief. This is the different fire of heaven and earth? How could anyone in the Lower Three Realms possess the different fires of heaven and earth?

He quickly backed away to avoid the Phoenix Flame, but the Phoenix Flame could only be avoided if he wanted to.

The whole person was instantly surrounded by the flames of the phoenix, and he blazed ablaze, "Ah!" He let out a heart-piercing roar, dashing across the formation, wanting to shake off the phoenix flame on his body, and want to rush out of the formation. law.

Watching this scene, Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue smiled at the corners of their mouths. This crisis is finally resolved.

"It's done, Yihan and Jinyue are really amazing!" Su Yanxi happily punched.

"Yeah." Su Yanyue and Su Yanqi nodded in agreement, their faces full of excitement. They have to work hard to be strong, even if they can't surpass Jinyue and Yihan, they have to be able to stand alone. Dangers in this immortal world can appear at any time. If they don't work hard to improve their cultivation level, next time they encounter danger, what if Jinyue and Yihan are not in the school?

"You let me go this time, I have a big secret to tell you." The middle-aged man knew that if he didn't beg for mercy, he would undoubtedly die this time.

"Not interested." Zhan Yihan said solemnly. Even if the other party really has a big secret, he won't be interested. Letting go of the opponent is tantamount to letting Feng Tianzong and Yushuizong fall into dire straits. Once the opponent came out of the formation, he would definitely not let go of Feng Tianzong and Yushuizong.

"Keep the secret for yourself." Su Jinyue said with disdain. Does he really think they are stupid? For the so-called secret, put yourself in danger.

"I really have a secret. Only I know that secret. If you miss it, you will regret it." The middle-aged man shouted without giving up. His body had been burned by the Phoenix Flame, and if he didn't want to go out, his soul would also be destroyed.

He was really too arrogant before, thinking that he could do whatever he wanted in the Three Realms with his own cultivation base, but he didn't expect to kick the iron plate. Now he really regretted it. If he was given another chance, he would definitely stay away from Feng Tianzong.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked indifferently at the soul of the middle-aged man burned by the flames of the phoenix in the formation. Originally, they thought they could finally settle down, but now they know that there is no comfort in the fairy world, without absolute strength, they will always encounter unexpected crises.

Like this time, if there is no Phoenix Flame, it will take a long time to destroy the opponent even if there is a ninth-level formation. If the opponent happens to be a ninth-level immortal formation master, then Feng Tianzong will fall into an unprecedented crisis. . Therefore, they must be strong. Only when the strength is the strongest and standing at the top can they protect their family and their sect, and then they can turn their hands into the clouds and cover their hands into the rain.

"Ah!" With a miserable cry, the soul of the middle-aged man finally disappeared in the formation.

Zhan Yihan put away the formation flag and the Phoenix Flame, and at the same time took the storage ring left by the middle-aged man, and handed it to Su Jinyue, "Daughter-in-law, you keep this." Naturally, there are good things to be kept by his wife. , This is what he has always done.

Su Jinyue smiled and glanced at Zhan Yihan, and reached out to take the storage ring and put it into her golden leaf world. Putting it on her is the same as Yihan's body, she and him will always be inseparable. After returning to the room, she and Yihan slowly watched, that the middle-aged man had destroyed so many sects and wanted to bring good things.

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