"It's going to be so long?" Zhan Yiping and Qin Xiaoyun frowned. They thought that the eldest brother and sister-in-law would be the same as before. They would go there for a month or two at most, but they did not expect to go there for a year or two. Thinking of not seeing them for a year or two, my heart is full of reluctance.

Su Jinyue nodded, fed the remaining snacks to Zhan Yunyan, picked up the milk bottle and put it into her mouth, "Yi Han and I are going to Liantian Realm this time. We are not familiar with it. We have to go. I know." She also wanted to stay in the martial art comfortably, live with her family, chat and drink tea. But she knew that without great strength, Feng Tianzong would encounter a crisis sooner or later.

This is the fairy world. If a middle-aged man appears, there will be a second one. This time it's a fluke that the other party doesn't understand the formation method. If the next time I encounter an immortal who is proficient in formation method to deal with Feng Tianzong, then Feng Tianzong Will suffer a catastrophe. That result was something she couldn't bear. She asked her family to come to the immortal realm to make them live in peace, not to make them always fearful.

"Sister-in-law, you and your eldest brother must be careful, and you must return safely." Zhan Yiping looked at Su Jinyue with worry in his eyes. She knew that the eldest brother and sister-in-law wanted to improve their strength for them, and she had heard about it this time. If the elder brother and sister-in-law had no strength, their Feng Tianzong would fall into the same sect as those who were destroyed by middle-aged men. The end.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. Whether for herself or her family, she and Yihan will protect themselves.

After strengthening the mountain guarding formations of Feng Tianzong and Yushuizong once again, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were ready to set off for the Lotus Heaven Realm.

"Eldest brother, second brother, you must hold these two storage rings." Su Jinyue handed the two storage rings to Su Yanyue and Su Yanxi. After she and Yi Han left, the matters of Feng Tianzong and Yushuizong were left to them.

"Little girl, you and Yi Han must protect yourself." Su Yanyue warned uneasy. He will also work hard to improve his cultivation level, so that the younger sister and Yi Han can have peace of mind.

"We will." Su Jinyue nodded in response. They will never let themselves go.

"Jin Yue, I really can't bear you, you must go early and return early." Bai Lina stepped forward and hugged Su Jinyue, her eyes were full of deep reluctance.

Su Jinyue stretched out her hand and patted Bai Lina's back, "We will come back as soon as possible." She hoped that next time she came back, she could live in peace with her family and never need to be separated again.

"Take care!" Bai Lina sniffed hard to prevent her tears from streaming down.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, took out a talisman and handed it to Bai Lina, "Nana, there is a trace of my spiritual sense on this talisman, you keep it." She refined a dozen of these talisman. She worried that Feng Tianzong and Yushuizong would encounter dangerous situations after she and Yihan left. At that time, as long as someone crushed this talisman, she would be able to sense that she and Yi Han would be able to rush back in the first time. Of course she hopes that this talisman will never be used.

"I'll take it away." Bai Lina took the talisman and put it into her storage ring.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, and walked to Zhan Yihan's side, and looked at everyone present, "We are gone." She was also reluctant to be separated from them, but this is what she and Yihan must do. The choice to be made.

"Take care!" Everyone looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan reluctantly, their hearts full of sorrow and sorrow. They wish they could become stronger and stop Yi Han and Jin Yue worrying about them.

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