Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1846: The best fairy veins

Entering the formation, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan couldn't help but surprise with the rich and extreme fairy aura.

Su Jinyue looked at the best immortal spirit veins in front of her, with a bright smile on her beautiful face, "Let’s put them away." She never thought about sharing these best immortal spirit veins with Que Qiyang. When they enter here, they have already helped them. As for the chance, it depends on personal luck.

She and Yi Han had just swept through their divine senses. In addition to these five top-grade fairy veins, there are also several top-grade fairy veins and middle-grade fairy veins. As for Lu Lanxi, when she is alone with her, she will give her one of the best fairy veins.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded with a smile, raised his hand, cast down the formation flag, arranged a few transfer formations, and collected the best immortal spirit veins into his own chaotic world. He and Jin Yue will now practice in the Chaos World most of the time, and Jing'er and Yan'er are also in the Chaos World now.

Putting away the formation flag, Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand, "Let's take a look in the chaotic world."

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded happily, and Zhan Yihan entered the chaotic world.

As soon as they entered the chaotic world, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were shocked, "What a rich fairy aura!" The fairy aura in the chaotic world was originally rich, and now after receiving the five best fairy veins, the fairy aura here It was simply reduced to substance, as if it could be grasped by just reaching out.

Looking up at the place where the two babies were, they both closed their eyes and were absorbing the fairy aura. Su Jinyue smiled and said, "Let's practice too." If such a strong fairy aura is not practiced, it would be a waste.

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded, hugged Su Jinyue, and walked towards one of the best immortal veins, "Let's practice in the fairy veins."

Su Jinyue jealously glanced at Zhan Yihan, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was even brighter.

"Sister Lu, do you feel that the fairy aura here seems to have faded a lot." Que Qiyang looked at Lu Lanxi in surprise.

"Yeah." Lu Lanxi nodded. It should be Jin Yue sister and brother Zhan who found the best immortal spirit veins and took them away. Although she is younger than Que Qiyang, she has no less knowledge than Que Qiyang. There is no shortage of Supreme Immortal Spirit Vessels in her home. She just wants to exercise herself this time and see how the intermediate interface is different from the superior interface.

"Sister Lu, do you see the fairy veins in front of you?" Que Qiyang saw two fairy veins in front, his face immediately showed excitement, and he speeded up and walked forward. Sure enough, there are fairy veins here, but I don't know if it is the best fairy veins.

Lu Lanxi also quickened his pace to follow Que Qiyang, and when he came closer, he realized that there was also a formation in front of the two fairy veins.

"Sister Lu, can you solve the formation?" Que Qiyang looked at Lu Lanxi expectantly. Now the immortal spirit vein is in front of him, if he can't enter the formation, he will really be depressed to death.

Lu Lanxi glanced at the formation with divine consciousness and nodded, "Yes." This formation is only a three-level immortal formation, and it is not difficult for her.

Que Qiyang breathed a sigh of relief, "Junior Sister Lu, then you quickly solve the formation." He stepped aside. Fortunately, Junior Sister Lu is an immortal formation master, otherwise he would really be crazy if he could only see but not get it.

Lu Lanxi didn't hesitate, raising his hand to wave a few formation flags, and as the formation flag fell, the formation wall in front of him rippled, "Let's go in."

"Good." Que Qiyang happily followed Lu Lanxi.

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