Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1855: respectively

Zhan Yihan took the jade slip, put it back in the jade box and put it away. After scanning it again with his spiritual sense to make sure there was nothing more, he looked at everyone, "There is nothing left here, let's go out."

Everyone nodded, and followed Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue to the outside.

"Big Brother Zhan, Sister Jinyue, Brother Han and I are going back and telling my parents about this. Do you want to go with us?" Lu Lanxi looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan expectantly. She hoped that Sister Jinyue and Big Brother Zhan could go back with them. Mom and Dad would be very happy to see them.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other and looked at Lu Lanxi, "We will go back with you." They were curious about Lu Lanxi's parents and wanted to see her parents.

"Great!" Lu Lanxi cheered happily, and looked at Yunhan, "Brother Han, let's go." She hasn't seen mom, dad and brother for a long time, and she really misses them.

Yun Han smiled and nodded, and took out a broken void talisman. This talisman was made by Xi'er's mother, and it can travel through various interfaces.

"Brothers! We are leaving, these bottles of pills are given to you." Lu Lanxi smiled and looked at Que Qiyang and his party, took out a few bottles of pills and handed them to them. I have been with them for a while, and they have always taken good care of her.

"Junior Sister Lu has a good journey!" Que Qiyang took the jade bottle, seeing a trace of reluctance in Lu Lanxi's eyes. Junior Sister Lu was the first woman he liked, but she didn't expect that her first time would end up without a problem. However, he also admitted that Yunhan is indeed better than himself. Seeing the eyes of Junior Sister Lu looking at Yunhan, he knew that she and Yunhan were very happy together. As long as Junior Sister Lu is happy, that's enough.

"Yeah." Lu Lanxi smiled and nodded.

"The jade cards given to you before can show this formation, and these teleportation charms are given to you." Su Jinyue took out a few talismans and handed them to Que Qiyang.

There are many dangers hidden in this forest, and they definitely cannot pass with their current cultivation base. With these few talisman, they can be sent out safely. It is a kind of fate to meet them in the huge fairy world, and she also hopes that they can walk out of this forest safely.

"Thank you!" Several people from Que Qiyang took Fu Lu and saluted Su Jinyue gratefully. In fact, they are also worried about this issue.

"Let's go." Yunhan stretched out his hand to hold Lu Lanxi's hand and activated the Shattered Void Talisman. He didn't like the way Que Qiyang looked at Xi'er, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

As a white light enveloped Su Jinyue's four people, they quickly disappeared in place.

Que Qiyang retracted his gaze to look at everyone, "Let's go too."

"Yeah." Jian Zhijiang nodded.

"Brother Que, wait for me." Fang Lianyi came to Que Qiyang and looked at them imploringly, "You don't want to leave me alone." She doesn't want to stay here alone, the fairy spirit here is strong. It doesn't make any sense to her, she is just a **** now. She just wanted to leave here and look for the pill to restore her cultivation.

Que Qiyang glanced at everyone, "Junior Sister Fang, we can take you out of this formation, but we can't take you out of the forest." Su Jinyue only gave each of them a teleportation charm. Even if they had the intention, they were powerless. They knew how dangerous the forest was, and it was very difficult to go out safely.

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