Luo Shu and Lu Hanmo were playing chess in the yard, and they smiled when they heard Lu Lanxi's voice.

"That girl is finally willing to come back." Luo Shu put the black piece in his hand on the chessboard. I haven't seen it for a while, and I don't know if that girl's cultivation base has improved.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back!" Lu Lanxi shouted happily as he walked.

Luo Shu and Lu Hanmo smiled helplessly, stopped their chess moves, turned their heads, and saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan behind Lu Lanxi and Yun Han, both of them had a look of surprise in their eyes. Xi'er rarely brings friends back. Even if he brings friends back, she will not bring them to see them, which shows that she values ​​these two people very much.

"Xi'er, are they your friends?" Luo Shu smiled and nodded to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. When I looked at their temperament, I knew that they were not ordinary people.

"Dad! Mom! She is Su Jinyue, and Zhan Yihan. They also come from the earth. I met when I went to experience this time. Sister Jinyue and Brother Zhan helped me a lot this time." Lu Lanxi turned to look at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Sister Jinyue, Brother Zhan, they are my parents."

Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue stepped forward and bowed their hands to Luo Shu and Lu Hanmo and said, "I have met two seniors!" They couldn't see the cultivation base of the two at all. It can be seen how much the cultivation base of the two is. high.

"Don't be polite, come and sit down." Luo Shu smiled and pointed to the position next to him. Those who came from the earth were fellow villagers, no wonder seeing them, she felt a kind of cordial feeling.

Lu Hanmo put away the chessboard, took out the teapot and teacup.

"Let's go and sit down." Lu Lanxi took Su Jinyue's hand and walked towards her parents.

"Are you Zhan Yihan?" After a few people sat down, Lu Hanmo handed the poured tea to Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, and looked at Zhan Yihan with a smile.

"Yes, senior." Zhan Yihan accepted the tea respectfully. Looking at Lu Hanmo's appearance, he should know who he is, but he has never heard of Lu Hanmo.

"I've heard of you." Lu Hanmo smiled.

"How could seniors have heard of me?" Zhan Yihan looked at Lu Hanmo in surprise.

"Although we are all earthlings, we are in two parallel spaces, that is, the earth I am on is the earth before you were reborn." Lu Hanmo said. When he returned to Earth from the fairy world, he had heard of Zhan Yihan, but at that time Zhan Yihan was already dead. I heard that it was for revenge for the one he loved. Now that Zhan Yihan is still alive, it means that he is reborn just like him.

Zhan Yihan suddenly understood, "No wonder I haven't heard of seniors."

Lu Hanmo smiled, "When did you ascend to the Immortal Realm?" Seeing Zhan Yihan's cultivation base, it should have been a while.

"It's almost fifteen years." Zhan Yihan said.

"Not bad." Lu Hanmo nodded, looking at Zhan Yihan's eyes with a hint of appreciation. You can reach your current cultivation base in fifteen years, and your future achievements will not be weaker than yourself.

"Senior praised it." Zhan Yihan was a little embarrassed. His cultivation level can improve so quickly because of the time rules he comprehends.

"Dad, mom, we got a great news from one of the lotus world this time." Lu Lanxi said after taking a sip of tea.

"What news?" Luo Shu asked with a smile.

Zhan Yihan took out the jade box and opened it on the table, took out the jade slip in it and handed it to Lu Hanmo, "Senior, please see!"

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