Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1863: Jin Lingzhu

Lan Xiao knocked on the door to enter the box, smiled and walked to Su Jinyue and Lu Lanxi, "I have asked for instructions. The materials you want to see are in this storage ring." He handed a storage ring to Su Jinyue. In front of Lu Lanxi.

Su Jinyue reached out and took the storage ring, glanced at the contents of the ring with her spiritual sense, and found that there were many god-level materials in it, as well as two bottles of god-level pills.

"Can I take it out and take a look?" Su Jinyue looked at Lan Xiao.

"Of course." Lan Xiao nodded with a smile. These are all god-level materials, and it's definitely impossible to touch them and they will break, and he has already consulted the boss.

Su Jinyue took out a bottle of pill and opened the lid of the jade bottle. A refreshing fragrance of medicine immediately escaped. She couldn't help taking a deep breath, took out the other bottle of pill, and opened it. Then, "I want to buy these two bottles of pill. How do I trade?" If you want to refine a god-level pill, you must first figure out how to make a god-level pill.

"These two bottles of pill are both god-level first-grade pill. Each bottle is worth one hundred bottles of nine-level elixir, plus one hundred nine-level fairy grasses." Lan Xiao said. When he asked his boss just now, he specifically asked about the conditions required for the purchase. He was also taken aback when he heard the boss say the terms of the purchase. Even the sect master of a sect, it may not be able to come up with so many nine-level elixir and fairy grass.

"You rob?" Lu Lanxi said angrily.

Lan Xiao also felt a little embarrassed, "This is our boss's account."

"I knew that guy had a dark heart." Lu Lanxi snorted and looked at Su Jinyue, "Sister Jinyue, don't buy it. My mother is the **** alchemist. When I go back, I will go to my mother and ask for two bottles of pills. I'll give you the medicine." I knew that sister Jinyue wanted a **** pill, so why bother to spend so much time.

"Your mother is a pill master?" Su Jinyue asked in surprise. Divine Spirit Grass is not so easy to find. She has never seen a Divine Spirit Grass until now. She did not expect that Lu Lanxi's mother was already a Divine Alchemist. However, if Lu Lanxi's parents were ordinary people, it would be impossible for them to establish a sect in Lingtian Realm.

Lu Lanxi nodded, "If I had known that you needed a **** pill, I would have asked my mother for it before."

Su Jinyue put the two bottles of pill back into the storage ring and handed it back to Lan Xiao. Although she has no shortage of nine-level elixir and fairy grass, the price is indeed a bit expensive. But she wouldn't ask for Lu Lanxi's mother's medicine for nothing.

Lan Xiao took the storage ring, "Are the two fairies still giving orders?" He knew that Lu Lanxi's mother was very powerful, but he really didn't expect her mother to be a magical alchemist. The news really surprised him.

Su Jinyue heard a fierce bidding sound in the hall outside, and turned her head curiously, wondering what kind of auction made everyone react like this.

When she saw the auctions on stage, Su Jinyue's eyes flashed with surprise. It turned out to be the Jin Lingzhu she and Yi Han had been looking for. Sure enough, it was all effortless to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find.

Lu Lanxi glanced at Su Jinyue, and shook her head at Lan Xiao, "It's okay, you can go down."

Lan Xiao smiled and nodded, then turned and walked out of the box.

"Sister Jinyue, are you also interested in that bead?" Lu Lanxi asked when Su Jinyue looked at the golden spirit bead on the auction stage for an instant.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded. This trip did not come in vain to Ling Tianjie, but found the Jin Lingzhu. With the Jin Lingzhu, Yihan's chaotic world can be complete.

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