Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 807: unrequited love

The sun was shining, and the chirping of birds outside the window came into the room, awakening Su Jinyue in her sleep.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw Zhan Yihan sitting on the bed looking at herself, raising her lips and smiling, "Morning."

Zhan Yihan lowered his head and kissed Su Jinyue's forehead, "After breakfast, let's go to Yangcheng."

"Go to see Yilin?" Su Jinyue asked. Yilin is now attending university in Yangcheng. Yihan originally wanted Yilin to go to Beijing to study at university. Later, Yilin chose to go to Yangcheng by himself.

"It's been a long time since I saw that kid, and I don't know if he is there." Zhan Yihan said. Yilin wanted to exercise himself, so he did not arrange for someone to take care of him.

Su Jinyue sat up, the quilt slid down her neck, revealing her white jade skin and attractive curves.

Zhan Yihan immediately felt a stream of heat rise from his body, cleared his throat, "I'm going out first." If he stayed again, he couldn't guarantee that he would throw her down. In front of Jin Yue, he would always lose self-control, and he couldn't control it at all.

Seeing Zhan Yihan escaping out of the room, Su Jinyue couldn't help laughing.

Putting on the clothes, Su Jinyue made a Qingshui decision. Thinking of Master, she released her consciousness and swept towards the clinic. Seeing that Master was not in the clinic, the spiritual consciousness continued to spread to the surroundings.

Not long after, she saw Xu Tiansheng standing in a mountain forest with a bamboo basket on his back. A wooden sign was erected in front of him, and it said "Song Yiren's Tomb", and she sighed involuntarily. It seems that it will take a long time for Master to get out of the sadness.

Withdrawing her consciousness, Su Jinyue stepped out of the room.

After breakfast, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan set off for Yangcheng. They didn't tell everyone that they were going to Yangcheng, and it was not close to Yangcheng from here. It would take at least two days to take the train, and they would return in the evening, so naturally there was no need to tell everyone.

Under the sun, on the playground, youthful students are playing football with sweat.

The sound of cheering on the sidelines, one after another, wave after wave.

Zhan Yilin took a long shot and the football scored the goal impartially. At this time, the whistle sounded at the end of the game.

"In! We won!" everyone outside the court cheered. Their school has not won several interscholastic competitions. Since Zhan Yilin joined the football team, they have won repeatedly.

Captain Liu Zhan walked in front of Zhan Yilin, reached out and patted Zhan Yilin on the shoulder, "Good job! Wait a minute, let's go outside and celebrate." He admired Zhan Yilin, a junior boy, very much, although Zhan Yilin looks weak, but he is no less inferior to anyone when he plays football.

"I won't go. I have an exam tomorrow. I want to go back and review my homework." Zhan Yilin said. He doesn't like going out to parties very much, and every time he goes out with them, they are forced to drink. Although his drink volume is good, he doesn't like drinking very much.

"This is not interesting enough for you, do you want the brothers to turn their faces?" said Deputy Captain Zhou Zhiheng. Zhan Yilin is the hero of their football team. Without him, it would be so interesting for them to celebrate.

"Go, we must go today, otherwise we will break our friendship in the future." Liu Zhan threatened with a smile.

Zhan Yilin smiled helplessly, "Okay! But I don't drink."

"Come on, there are no people who don't drink at a dinner party. Don't worry, I will cover all the expenses today." Zhou Zhiheng patted his chest. They all know that Zhan Yilin came from a remote mountain village. Life in the city is better now, but many places are still poor, especially those remote mountain villages.

"That's it." Liu Zhan decided without giving Zhan Yilin a chance to refuse.

Zhan Yilin smiled and didn't say much. In fact, he is not poor. Every month, his parents will ask his second brother to pay for his living expenses. The second brother's method is not small, and each dozen is 500 yuan. Just him

I'm used to saving, so I rarely spend money. He went out to dinner with everyone, as long as he offered to pay by himself, everyone would find all kinds of excuses to oppose, and would not give the opportunity to treat guests. Even if he said he was not short of money, they would not believe it.

Outside the playground, a tall, delicate-looking girl was watching Zhan Yilin who was joking with everyone. She is in the same class as Zhan Yilin, and the gentle and clean temperament of Zhan Yilin is very attractive to her, making her fall in love with him unknowingly. It's just that she knew that she didn't like Zhan Yilin anymore, and her parents would not let her be with a boy who had no background and came from a remote mountain village. But she knew it was impossible, so she couldn't help but like Zhan Yilin.

"Qingqiu, what are you looking at?" A girl with long hair and a baby face came over. She is Lin Qingqiu's best friend. Their parents are best friends. They have been in the same class since kindergarten, and they have always been at the same table. The relationship between the two is better than that of their sisters. So there has never been a secret between the two.

"Nothing." Lin Qingqiu retracted his gaze and said.

Guan Xiaoshan glanced at the playground, a clear color flashed in her eyes, and narrowly looked at Lin Qingqiu, "I see, you must be looking at your sweetheart." She knows that Qingqiu likes Zhan Yilin, but Zhan Yilin's background is really worthy. Not on Qingqiu. Qingqiu's parents would strongly oppose it if they knew it. In a family like theirs, it is absolutely impossible to find a boy from a remote mountain village, no matter how good he is.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have one." Lin Qingqiu blushed. She liked Zhan Yilin's affairs and only told Xiaoshan.

"Qingqiu, you are destined to be impossible, so take your heart back." Guan Xiaoshan persuaded. She didn't want to see Qingqiu finally sad for this relationship.

Lin Qingqiu nodded, "I know." She knew it, but her heart had already moved, which means she can take it back when she takes it back.

Seeing Zhan Yilin, who was talking and laughing with everyone, walking outside the field, Lin Qingqiu sighed in her heart, "Xiaoshan, let's go back." She was just unrequited love, and Zhan Yilin didn't know she liked it. he.

"Okay!" Guan Xiaoshan nodded, took Lin Qingqiu's arm, and walked with her in the direction of their dormitory.

When Zhan Yilin saw Lin Qingqiu and Guan Xiaoshan going away, a wry smile crossed his mouth. From the first time he saw Lin Qingqiu, he had a good impression of her, but he understood that he and her were destined to be two parallel lines that could not meet. He was just a poor boy from the countryside, but Lin Qingqiu had The daughter of Qian Jin's family. So he has always kept this love deep in his heart and never dared to show it.

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