Walking out of Cuixiangyuan, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan bid farewell to everyone, and brought Zhan Yilin to an independent small western-style building in the city. The fastest newest building is Ouyang Qi’s property. After Ouyang Qi went to the Tianyue Continent, all his properties were given to Su Jinyue.

After closing the door, Su Jinyue sat down on the sofa.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, whose house is this?" Zhan Yilin looked around and asked curiously. He has never heard of his eldest brother and sister-in-law being here in Yangcheng, and naturally it is impossible to buy a house here.

"This will be your house from now on." Su Jinyue handed the key to Zhan Yilin. Yangcheng is not close to Licheng, except for winter and summer vacations, it is impossible for Yilin to go back at ordinary times. Once you have your own house, you don’t need to stay in a dormitory during the holidays, and it’s also convenient to talk about your girlfriend.

"Mine?" Zhan Yilin looked at the key in Su Jinyue's hand in surprise, and pointed to himself.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "With a house, in the future, my parents will come to Yangcheng to see you, and there will be a place to live."

"Sister-in-law, won't you and Da Goth buy this house for me?" Zhan Yilin asked Su Jinyue as he looked at it. No matter how rich the eldest brother and sister-in-law have, it is their money, how can he spend their money.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "This is given to us by a friend. We rarely come to Yangcheng. We might as well live with you when we are empty." Ouyang Qi's industry is all over China, which shows that he is looking for a way back to the real world. , Almost traveled to China.

"Then I'm welcome, thank you eldest brother and sister-in-law!" Zhan Yilin reached out and took the key from Su Jinyue's hand. With a house, he will no longer need to live alone in the dormitory during holidays, and he will also have his own independent space.

"Have you practiced the Kung Fu I taught you last time?" Zhan Yihan asked. In the future, he and Jinyue will take their family to the realm of cultivation, and cultivation is a must.

Zhan Yilin nodded, "I practice every day, and Qiu Yu gives me one medicine a day as she said." Qiu Yu will give him medicine once a month, saying it was ordered by his sister-in-law. After taking the medicine, he feels that his physical strength and spirit are getting better and better, and his body is getting lighter and lighter. Now playing football doesn't feel tired at all.

Zhan Yihan nodded, and looked at Zhan Yilin solemnly, "Next, I want to tell you one thing. This matter is very important. No one can say anything except you, including your parents. "

"Yeah." Zhan Yilin responded.

"Yilin, do you believe that there are immortals in this world?" Zhan Yihan asked. Although he and Jin Yue are not immortals yet, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are already immortals.

There was a look of surprise in Zhan Yilin's eyes, "Big Brother, you wouldn't believe this kind of thing, right." Things like gods and ghosts are all fabricated, and they simply can't exist.

"It's not a belief, but a fact. My sister-in-law and I are now cultivating immortals." Zhan Yihan said. He told Yilin because he knew Yilin and knew he would be tight-lipped. One of the reasons for giving him this house was to make it easy for Yilin to practice.

"Brother, are you kidding me?" Zhan Yilin's eyes were full of deep puzzlement. Is this the important thing the eldest brother said.

Zhan Yihan raised his hand, and a few more fruits appeared on the empty table.

Zhan Yilin widened his eyes in shock, "Is this doing magic? When did the eldest brother learn this hand?"

Su Jinyue couldn't help laughing, "Yihan, you should take Yilinfei around."

"Fly? Can I still fly?" Zhan Yilin looked at Zhan Yihan, with deep shock and disbelief in his eyes. The eldest brother and sister-in-law must be playing with him, no one can fly.

Zhan Yihan nodded and released a volume of divine consciousness.

Before Zhan Yilin could react, he felt his body lighten, and then he heard a gust of wind coming from his ear.

He looked around in a daze, only to see that he was

In a sea of ​​clouds, he lowered his head and glanced at his feet again, and saw that there was a huge sword under his feet, and his eyes almost didn't fall out. "Big brother, are we really flying now?" He really couldn't believe it was true. of.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Then you really become a **** now?" Zhan Yilin looked at the sea of ​​clouds passing by, with only a deep shock in his heart.

"Not yet." Zhan Yihan's consciousness moved, and the next moment he and Zhan Yilin returned to the house.

Seeing that he had returned to the house, Zhan Yilin took a deep breath, "Let me take it easy." It would be difficult for anyone to accept this kind of thing at once.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan smiled at each other and sat down on the sofa. If they didn't come step by step, they would definitely have the same reaction as Zhan Yilin.

It took a long time for Zhan Yilin to slow down, walk to Zhan Yihan's side and sit down, "Brother, you tell me this, do you mean that I can fly like you in the future." No wonder he practiced what his eldest brother gave him. After that set of kung fu, he felt that there was always a flow of heat flowing in his body, and his physical stamina was better than before.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan nodded.

"Then the set of kung fu I practice now can be turned into an immortal kung fu?" Zhan Yilin asked expectantly. Of course he hopes that he can fly freely in the sky just like his elder brother.

"That's just ordinary ancient martial arts." Zhan Yihan said. Although long-term cultivation can also produce spiritual power, it definitely takes more than a little time.

"Oh!" Zhan Yilin was disappointed.

Zhan Yihan took out the testing spirit stone and placed it on the table, "Put your hand on it." He wanted to see if Yilin had spiritual roots.

Zhan Yilin Yiyan stretched out his hand and placed it on the measuring spirit stone. Seeing the faint golden light emitting from the measuring spirit stone, he asked incomprehensibly: "Brother, what kind of stone is this? How can it emit light?" It was the first time he saw this kind of stone.

"This is a measuring spirit stone. As long as you have a spiritual root, it will emit light. Your spiritual root is not bad. It is a gold spiritual root. Although it is not very pure, it is aided by your sister-in-law's pill for cultivation. Don't worry about the problem." Zhan Yihan smiled.

"Then can I fly in the future?" Zhan Yilin asked. This is his biggest concern.

"When you cultivate until you build the foundation, you will be able to overtake the flying sword and the sword flying with the divine consciousness." Zhan Yihan took out a storage ring that had been prepared and handed it to Zhan Yilin, "This is a storage ring. , Don’t think it’s small, the space inside is the size of a few playgrounds."

Zhan Yilin opened his eyes in surprise again. He took the storage ring and looked at it carefully, "Big brother, how can I see the space inside?" Now he has no doubts about what the big brother said.

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