Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 825: Teachers and students

Qian Moli nodded, "I have already agreed with Brother Han. When I graduate, I will stay in the company for a few years, and then go to overseas branches to exercise for a period of time. The update is the fastest." She doesn't want to be limited to China, she I want to go to more places to see, see different scenery, and broaden my eyes.

"What about your family?" Su Jinyue asked. She still remembers the scene when she went to Qian Moli's house. At that time, her family only had some dried noodles, and Qian Moli was scolded severely by her mother because it was cooked for her.

"They are all very well now, and my mother no longer beats me like she used to. She just kept urging me to get married soon." Qian Moli smiled helplessly. She also remembered the first time she took Su Jinyue home. Now that she thinks about it, she still feels a little embarrassed.

"Parents all hope that their children can get married and start a business earlier, and it is best to give birth to their children earlier." Su Jinyue said. Her mother hoped that she could have a baby earlier.

Qian Moli was about to speak, when she heard a voice not far away, she turned her head and looked around and saw a middle-aged man pressing a young **** a tree pole and talking to her.

Su Jinyue had seen each other as early as when they entered the woods. Because she and Qian Moli were sitting, and there were trees blocking them, so the other party didn't even notice that there were other people in the woods.

"You promised to marry me, how can you go back?" The young girl looked angrily at the middle-aged man who was pressing her. He is her teacher. Although he is much older than her, he has a charm that attracts her, so she can't help but fall. Since being with him, he has always treated her very well and promised her that he will divorce his wife and then marry her. So she has been following him desperately.

She felt a little uncomfortable these days, so she went to the hospital for an examination. What she didn't expect was that she was pregnant. Nervously and somewhat excitedly, he told him about the incident, thinking that he would be just like her, happy for the arrival of this little life, but he did not expect that he would ask her to kill the child. In a fit of anger, she said that she was going to the principal's office to report him, and he dragged her to this side.

"Mu Zixun, can you calm down? You are completely different from the you I knew before." Li Linfeng pressed Mu Zixun to keep her from moving.

"You forced me. If you didn't ask me to kill the child, would I be like this?" Mu Zixun stared at Li Linfeng, wishing to bite him. She loved him so wholeheartedly and trusted him, but he hurt her so ruthlessly.

"Do you think I want to? You are now my student. If I marry you, I will be expelled from school. What will I use to raise you and the child in the future? Zixun, you are obedient and beat the child. After you graduate, I will marry you, and then we will have a few more children." Li Linfeng coaxed softly. He and Mu Zixun were just for fun and never thought of marrying her.

"Are you serious?" Mu Zixun looked at Li Linfeng in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Why would I lie to you if I love you so much?" Li Linfeng lowered his head and kissed Mu Zixun's forehead. "I will take leave tomorrow and accompany you to the hospital to get the baby out."

Mu Zixun put his hands on his stomach, his face full of hesitation and struggle. This is her first child. She really has to ask for him, but if she wants him, Li Linfeng will not marry her now. How will she see people as an unmarried girl in the future?

"Zixun, don't think too much, for our future, this kid really can't ask for it." Li Linfeng persuaded softly.

"I can't bear it." Mu Zixun said.

"Reluctant and have to give up, otherwise we will both be over. Do you want to be pointed out in the future?" Li Linfeng looked at Mu Zixun with impatience in his eyes. Whether she agrees or not, he will take her to the child tomorrow.

"What a beast!" Qian Moli was full of anger when she saw it. If she were that girl, she would definitely slap her first.

Su Jinyue helpless

Sighed. She saw a lot of this kind of things. In her opinion, the girl was completely blamed for what she is today. Not to mention that the other party already has a wife, even if you don't have a wife, don't give yourself to the other party easily before the other party has made any promises, otherwise you will only be hurt.

"Jin Yue, do you have a way to teach that beast?" Qian Moli looked at Su Jinyue and asked. If she can, she really wants to step forward and kick the opponent hard.

Su Jinyue took a camera out of her bag and took several pictures in the direction of Li Linfeng.

Hearing the shutter sound from the camera, Li Linfeng was startled, and quickly let go of Mu Zixun, looking around, "Who is it? Come out!" If this matter is discovered, his future will be over.

"What should I do if I was discovered?" Qian Moli was a little nervous.

"Don't you want to teach him? Let's go over. Su Jinyue stood up. She didn't hide the shutter sound on purpose just now, just wanted to let the other party find her.

Qian Moli thought for a while, and then stood up. Now that it has been discovered, there is no point in hiding it.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Qian Moli coming out from behind the tree, Li Linfeng and Mu Zixun's expressions changed at the same time, especially when they saw the camera in Su Jinyue's hand, both of them felt nervous and scared. . The other party has a camera in his hand. Could it be the school newspaper? She must have taken the photo. What should they do if she stabbed it out?

Thinking of this, Li Linfeng reluctantly pulled up a smile and looked at Su Jinyue, "This classmate, can we discuss whether you can sell the camera to me." He absolutely can't let the other party spread the matter out. , And those photos, even if he pays some price, he will get them back.

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