Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 828: Rice dumpling competition

Sister-in-law Wang stretched out her hand to hold Su Jinyue, but Su Jinyue avoided it.

She could only walk quickly to Su Jinyue's Zhan Yihan, stopped them, and looked at them pleadingly. She heard that Su Jinyue's medical skills are not as good as that of foreign doctors. If she can't be cured, how can others be cured. She doesn't want to be a dumb in her next life.

"Caizhen, what are you doing to stop the commander of the battle group?" Wang Kequn, the husband of Wang's sister-in-law, walked over. Is Caizhen crazy? Didn't she know that she was a company commander under the commander of the battle group? In case the war leader is unhappy, the rest of his life will not be easy. Since the commander of the battle group came, they have lived a life of dire straits, and climbing the mountain with heavy loads is just an appetizer.

He Caizhen heard her husband's voice, turned her head happily, pointed at her throat, and pointed at Su Jinyue.

"Caizhen, have you been stared at by bees? Why is his mouth swollen like two sausages." Seeing He Caizhen's swollen sausage-like mouth, Wang Kequn almost stared out. He just didn't pay attention when he saw his wife stopping Zhan Yihan and ran over.

He Caizhen was so angry that she almost never gave up her breath. He thought she would like her mouth to be like a sausage? She is still in hot pain.

"Why don't you speak?" Wang Kequn was a little puzzled when his wife just stared at him and didn't speak. There are a lot of bees outside now, but this is too accurate. Had it not been for his good endurance and her husband, he could not help laughing. It was so funny, it was the first time he saw his swollen mouth so characteristic.

He Caizhen gritted her teeth and pointed to her throat. She just wants to talk now.

Wang Kequn cleared his throat and suppressed a smile and said, "I'll take you to the Military Region Hospital." The mouth is swollen so that there are no sequelae.

He Caizhen couldn't help the anger in her heart, raised her foot and kicked Wang Kequn severely, and walked quickly outside. How could she marry such a stupid man.

"Hey! Wait for me." Wang Kequn nodded apologetically to Zhan Yihan, and pursued He Caizhen who had left. Women love to be beautiful, and he can understand if their mouth is swollen so angry.

He Caizhen lowered her head and walked quickly to the outside of the auditorium.

"Wang sister-in-law, where are you going? What's wrong with your mouth"

"Sister Wang, have you been stared at by a bee? I just looked away and thought you were holding two sausages."

"I also thought it was. You can't underestimate the bees. Go to the military hospital." People kept saying hello to He Caizhen along the way, but everyone's eyes were focused on He Caizhen's mouth.

Hearing the ridicule, He Caizhen speeded up and walked towards the military hospital. She wished to find a hole in the ground.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze, stretched out her hand and nodded on Zhan Yihan's nose, "You are also pretty bad." A woman's most important thing is her appearance. Can she see with two sausages on her face? But she likes the feeling of being cared for by him, and prefers his domineering that he can't tolerate others to bully her.

Zhan Yihan raised his lips and smiled, "Otherwise, he won't have a long memory." His Jinyue is his treasure, no one can scold or say. Otherwise, he wouldn't be merciful.

"Let's go, let's say hello to the army commander." Su Jinyue smiled sweetly, pulling Zhan Yihan towards the middle-aged man.

"Commander!" Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked to the middle-aged man to greet him.

Wu Junyu saw Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, smiled and stretched out a hand to shook Su Jinyue, "I have heard of you a long time ago, and I have always wanted to see you, but I have been busy for a while. ."

"I'm embarrassed by the commander's saying that, it should be me visiting." Su Jinyue said with a smile.

Wu Junyu laughed and patted Zhan Yihan's shoulder, "Little Zhan, you are so lucky." He admired Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan very much. Su Jinyue's medical skills are a myth in this world. There are almost no diseases that she can't cure,

There is also the Qinglian Pill that she provided to the troops free of charge. I don't know how many soldiers' lives have been saved. As long as Zhan Yihan is on the go, there will be no unfinished task, and the name of God of War is well deserved.

"I always felt that I was very lucky." Zhan Yihan looked at Su Jinyue, she was the only one in deep eyes.

Su Jinyue smiled irritably, "Commander, didn't the wife of the commander come together?" She originally wanted to visit their husband and wife, but after coming here, she hardly had any time to spare.

"She has caught a cold these past two days and is resting at home." Wu Junyu said.

"Then I'll go and see the military commander's wife later." Su Jinyue said. There was only one morning for the rice dumpling competition, and she happened to be fine in the afternoon, so she went to visit the military commander and his wife with Yihan.

Wu Junyu smiled and nodded, "It's okay." His wife had long wanted to see Su Jinyue, but Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were too busy. This time they disappeared for almost four months, and he was worried. Did something happen to them?

At this time, a female soldier stepped onto the stage and clapped her hands to everyone present, "Hello comrades! Hello, military sisters-in-law! I am very glad that we can get together today to participate in this deep love activity together. Next, please The couples participating in the event are in place, and we will officially start this event at nine o'clock on time."

As her words fell, everyone present rushed towards the long table.

"You want to participate this time?" Wu Junyu asked Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan with a smile.

"Yes." Su Jinyue nodded in response.

"Then go, wait a moment and pack a few more rice dumplings for me." Wu Junyu smiled.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded and walked towards the long table.

"Xiaosu, come here." Tian Cuifang saw Su Jinyue beckoning to her. She had already helped Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan stay in place.

Su Jinyue smiled lightly and walked towards Tian Cuifang with Zhan Yihan.

"Xiao Su, have you wrapped rice dumplings before?" Tian Cuifang asked, looking at Su Jinyue who was already in place.

"No, this is the first time." Su Jinyue smiled. In the previous life, they had never packaged rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival. Master didn't know how to package them. Neither she nor Song Yi had studied them. Every time they celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival, they would go to the town to buy a few rice dumplings. Sometimes, the people in the village will give them some rice dumplings.

"Then I will teach you." Tian Cuifang picked up the zong leaves, rolled the zong leaves into a cone, reached out and picked up the spoon, spooned a spoonful of glutinous rice into the zong leaves, put two dates and put some glutinous rice. Wrapped the rice dumpling leaves, then pulled a straw, bit one end of the straw and started to wrap it up, seeing her hand flexibly turned a few times, a delicate rice dumpling was wrapped.

Tian Cuifang handed the wrapped rice dumplings to Su Jinyue, "It's very simple to wrap the dumplings. At the beginning, you can wrap the dumplings." In her opinion, the competition is focused on participating in the game, whether you win or not. It doesn't matter.

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