Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 842: Signed photo

He Qianqian was a little surprised, "Rui Ni, you really don't like Qin Yi anymore?" In fact, she thinks that Rui Ni and Qin Yi still match very well, but there are more rotten peach blossoms around Qin Yi, but who made Qin Yi grow up? Good-looking, excellent, and good family background. Fastest update

"When did I say I like him?" Wang Ruini said silently. Is she acting that obvious?

"I saw a lot of interaction between you and Qin Yi, I thought there was something between you and him." He Qianqian said. She also saw Qin Yi taking Renee to the grove today.

"That's him pestering me." Wang Ruini couldn't help rolling her eyes. She had already told Qin Yi very clearly, she didn't understand why he kept looking for her.

"Rini, since you don't like Qin Yi, you should stay away from him in the future, so as not to be seen and gossiping. It's just like going to the grove with him today. It's not very good." He Qianqian persuaded. Rui Ni is her classmate and friend, she doesn't want her to be misunderstood because of Qin Yi.

"I know." Wang Ruini smiled and nodded, turning her gaze to Ringer on the stage. She will definitely keep a distance from Qin Yi in the future. Fortunately, what she saw today was Qianqian. If she changes to another person, the consequences will naturally be conceivable.

With a passionate rock song, the concert came to an end, Ringer bowed to everyone present, "Thank you all for listening to my song. I hope I can come here for concerts when I have the opportunity in the future."

"Linger, you sing one more song, we still want to hear it."

"Linger, we love you!"

"Linger, you are the most handsome and the best." Excited shouts kept ringing in the court.

Ringer smiled and waved to everyone, then turned and walked off the stage.

"Sister Su, can we get Ringer's autograph now?" Wang Ruini asked impatiently.

He Qianqian and Zhang Lan also looked forward to it.

"Let's go." Su Jinyue stood up and walked towards the backstage with the three of them.

Lin Ge saw Su Jinyue coming in, smiled and stood up from the sofa, "Manager Su!"

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, and pointed to the three Wang Ruini beside her, "They are all your loyal fans, come here to find your autograph and take a photo."

Ringer nodded and looked at the three of Wang Ruini, "Do you have a camera?"

The three of Wang Ruini were taken aback, then smiled embarrassedly. They all forgot the most important thing.

Ringer looked at the agent on the side, "A Lang, please go and get a camera."

"No, I have it here." Su Jinyue took out the camera from her bag. This camera was bought when she and Yihan went to Disneyland. She has always kept it in the golden leaf world. Every time she and Yihan visit a place, she will take pictures of their best moments and make them into a photo album. Take it out and flip through it from time to time.

"Then I'll shoot with Ringer first." Wang Ruini walked to Ringer's side and fought side by side with him, raising a touch of excitement, excitement, tension, and a shy smile.

"The two are a little closer." Su Jinyue looked at the two in the camera.

Wang Ruini glanced at Ringer nervously, and moved closer to him.

"Don't be nervous, just treat me as your brother." Ringer smiled.

Wang Ruini nodded and looked at the camera lens in Su Jinyue's hand.

"Very good!" Su Jinyue nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time pressed the camera's capture button. The images of the two men freeze at this moment and become eternal.

After taking pictures of He Qianqian and Zhang Lan, I took a group picture for several people.

"Wait tomorrow, I will have someone wash the photos out and give them to Renee." Su Jinyue put away the camera and said. She is going to the capital tomorrow, and she can just go to the photo studio opened by Nana's classmate's brother to do some photos, and she also has some photos to get out.

"Okay, trouble Sister Su." Zhang Lan and He Qianqian also called Su Jinyue to Sister Su following Wang Ruini's call. They think that sister Su is more cordial than her name.

After helping the three of Wang Ruini to sign the name, Ringer gave Wang Ruini a tape signed by the three of them one by one, which made the three of them excited.

"President Su, I have something to talk to you." Lin Ge looked at Su Jinyue with a look of expectation in his eyes. What he wants to know most is Su Jinyue's evaluation of his performance this time.

Su Jinyue nodded and looked at Wang Ruini, "Rini, you guys wait for me here for a while. I have something to discuss with Ringer."

"Okay Sister Su." Wang Ruini nodded and replied. Just now Su Jinyue said that she will drive He Qianqian and Zhang Lan back to school in a while.

Su Jinyue and Ringer went to the back lounge, and they sat down on the chairs.

Ringer handed Su Jinyue a bottle of soda and said, "Mr. Su, are you satisfied with my performance today?"

"Very good, already has the appearance that a singer should have, standing on stage without stage fright, very general." Su Jinyue said with appreciation. Although there are some shortcomings, Ringer's singing is enough to make up for those shortcomings. I believe he will get better and better after some time training. Just like his previous life, he became a big-time figure in the music industry.

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