Su Jinyue followed Tian Cuifang to Wang's house and saw three plates of dumplings on the table.

"I don't know what kind of dumplings you like to eat. There are three kinds of dumplings, one with sauerkraut meat filling, one with pure meat, and one with mustard meat filling." Tian Cuifang smiled and pointed to the three dumplings on the table. .

"I can do it, Aunt Wang, you bother." Su Jinyue looked at Tian Cuifang and smiled.

Tian Cuifang smiled and shook his head, "What's the matter, you help my Ruixiang, I don't know how to thank you, do you want to be jealous? I'll help you pour some."

"No, I'll just eat like this, Aunt Wang, have you eaten yet?" Su Jinyue walked to the table and sat down, bringing a plate of mustard meat dumplings.

"I have eaten." Tian Cuifang sat down opposite Su Jinyue.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, you are here." Wang Ruixiang, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, walked out of the room with a duffel bag. He had already prepared his luggage last night. He was really looking forward to this trip to the capital, and even more looking forward to seeing Su Jinyue's cousin. The few pieces of superb jade that Su Jinyue gave him were all given to her by her cousin, which shows that her cousin is very proficient in betting on stones.

Su Jinyue nodded, swallowed the dumplings in her mouth and said, "That friend of yours also wants to go together?"

"Yes, he has already bought the plane ticket. It is on the same flight as us." Wang Ruixiang put his luggage on the ground and walked to a seat next to Su Jinyue. Lu Jiyao knew that he was going to the capital to meet the stone gambling expert, so he proposed to go with him.

This time Su Jinyue helped him solve the difficulties and also let Lu Jiyao breathe a sigh of relief. Seeing that he could get the money, those people no longer embarrassed Lu Jiyao, and left after an agreement with Lu Jiyao.

Lu Jiyao is his good brother, and their brotherhood was cultivated when they were in college. Once Lu Jiyao was bullied by two gangsters. He helped him. Lu Jiyao was very grateful to him. He kept inviting him to dinner, and gradually their feelings grew deeper and deeper. No matter what they do after graduation, they are together. It can be said that the focus is not away from Meng, and Meng is not out of focus.

Su Jinyue nodded, put down her chopsticks, stood up and said, "The time is almost up, I will go back and get something, you will wait for me at the door."

"Okay." Wang Ruixiang nodded.

Su Jinyue went home and took a bag, walked out the door, and came to the side of Wang Ruixiang and Tian Cuifang who were talking.

"Xiaosu, do you only bring this bag?" Tian Cuifang looked at the black small bag Su Jinyue was carrying in surprise. This bag is so small, I'm afraid that a thicker piece of clothing won't fit.

"I went to Beijing this time to introduce my cousin to Wang Ruixiang, and I will be back tonight." Su Jinyue said.

"Aren't you too tired to go back and forth like this? Why don't you come back tomorrow?" Tian Cuifang looked at Su Jinyue worriedly. Although it was a plane, it was tiring to run back and forth like this, and Xiao Su was still a pretty girl.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Su Jinyue smiled. She didn't come back by plane at night, but came back by flying sword, and it took less than 20 minutes to travel from the capital to the northeast.

"Mom, we have to go, otherwise the time will be too late." Wang Ruixiang looked at the time and said.

Tian Cuifang nodded, "You are careful on the road. Call me when you get there."

"Okay." Wang Ruixiang replied, and Su Jinyue walked towards the car not far away.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, are you going out?" Someone who passed by and saw Wang Ruixiang carrying a duffel bag, asked in surprise. After the matter of Wang's sister-in-law last time, they now dare not talk nonsense anymore.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded, didn't say much to the other party, and walked forward with Wang Ruixiang. No matter what others say, as long as you don't say it in front of her, she will not hear it.

Get in the car, the car drove all the way out of the military courtyard toward the airport.

"Zhan Da

Sister-in-law, is it too late for you to come back today? "Wang Ruixiang asked. Unlike a train, a plane is likely to be delayed at any time.

"It should be too late." Su Jinyue glanced at Wang Ruixiang, then looked straight ahead again.

"Why don't I change my car, so you can rest for a while." Wang Ruixiang said. He was really sad, and if it weren't for him, she wouldn't need to be so tired.

"It's okay." Su Jinyue shook her head and smiled. She is a monk, let alone just going back and forth, even a few more trips will not affect her in the slightest.

Within an hour, the two arrived at the airport.

Seeing Lu Ji Yao who was waiting for him at the gate of the departure lounge, Wang Ruixiang waved at him, "Ji Yao."

When Lu Jiyao saw Wang Ruixiang, he greeted him quickly, "Ruixiang, this is the sister-in-law Zhan you said?" He looked at Su Jinyue with a look of surprise in his eyes. Ruixiang told him about Su Jinyue more than once or twice, but he really didn't expect Su Jinyue to be so young.

Wang Ruixiang nodded and introduced Su Jinyue: "He is Lu Jiyao."

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded to Lu Jiyao, "Hello!"

"Hello! Long admiring your name! I really didn't expect you to be so young." Lu Jiyao smiled.

Su Jinyue smiled, "It's almost time, let's go in."

"Okay." Wang Ruixiang and Lu Jiyao nodded and lifted their luggage.

The three walked into the waiting room and sat down in the waiting room. There are not many people flying by plane now, and the entire waiting room seems a bit empty.

"Is Sister Zhan from Beijing?" Lu Jiyao asked. He heard Wang Ruixiang say a lot about Su Jinyue and really admired her, so he also wanted to know more about Su Jinyue.

"I am from Licheng." Su Jinyue shook her head.

"I heard Ruixiang say that your cousin is from Beijing, so I thought you were too." Lu Jiyao smiled.

Su Jinyue smiled, "Mr. Lu is very interested in betting on rocks?" She didn't want to talk more about her personal affairs.

Lu Jiyao nodded, "My grandfather is a geologist. I saw many records about jade and rough jade in his diary, so I like gambling on stones." He likes gambling on stones, except because of grandpa. In addition to his diary, it was also because he found a rough jade stone among the stones his grandfather left for him.

"Then you should know a lot about rough?" Su Jinyue asked.

"It's still in the groping stage." Lu Jiyao smiled embarrassedly. Compared with rough jade stones, he knows a little better about rough jade stones. Over the years, he has also made some money from betting on rocks. If it weren't for being cheated this time, it wouldn't be a drag on Wang Ruixiang. The only blame is that he believes in others too much, thinking that they are his friends, so he didn't take much precautions, and didn't think that the other party would lie to him at all.

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