Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 853: apologize

Su Jinyue and Pan Kangcheng chatted for a while, then got up and left the photo studio.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw Zhou Mei approaching Wang Dayong, with a swollen nose and a swollen nose.

Seeing Su Jinyue, Zhou Mei helped Wang Dayong to speed up and walk towards Su Jinyue. They came to find Su Jinyue. In the morning, I heard that Su Jinyue was coming to the photo studio to take pictures, so she wanted to try her luck and see if she could be seen.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Jinyue glanced at Wang Dayong and asked.

"We found a good guest house and went shopping nearby. We did not expect to meet the middle-aged couple again. When they saw us, they came up to greet us enthusiastically, saying that they are very destined to us and want to be with us. We thought of you before He said that, he rejected them. Unexpectedly, they were soft, they came to the hard, and forced us into the alley, threatened us, let us listen to them. Dayong had a fight with them, and we escaped. "Zhou Mei still has some lingering fears when she talks about it now. It's terrible!

"Then why don't you call the police" Su Jinyue asked.

"We couldn't find the police station. Those who originally wanted to go back to the guest house, before returning to the guest house, saw the two men and two young people guarding the door of the guest house." Zhou Mei said in fear. She really didn't understand why the middle-aged couple stared at them. Now she just wanted to go home early, it was too dangerous outside, but their luggage was in the guest house, they couldn't go back at all.

"Can you help us?" Wang Dayong looked at Su Jinyue pleadingly. He knew that Su Jinyue was a good person, otherwise she wouldn't help them before.

Su Jinyue glanced with her spiritual sense, and as Zhou Mei said, she took out her eldest brother from her bag and helped Zhou Mei and the others call the police.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Zhou Mei and Wang Dayong looked at Su Jinyue gratefully.

"It's okay." Su Jinyue put her eldest brother in her bag, turned and walked towards her car.

"Can you wait a while before leaving?" Zhou Mei looked at Su Jinyue pleadingly. She is really scared now, and she blames herself for believing in strangers too much, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Su Jinyue stopped and looked at Zhou Mei and Wang Dayong, "You go to the teahouse opposite to sit for a while, and the police will come in a while." She wanted them to go to the photo studio for a while, but she was afraid that it would hurt Pan Kang's achievement. idea. The middle-aged couple has someone here, which means that they may have a gang here.

"Comrade Su! Please help us." Wang Dayong also looked at Su Jinyue pleadingly.

Su Jinyue shook her head helplessly, "I'm just a person, how do you think I can help you?" She was a little curious about this.

Zhou Mei and Wang Dayong were stunned. Yes, the other party is just a young woman, how can she help them, but don't know why, they just think Su Jinyue can help them.

"I just think you can help us. You are more familiar with Beijing than we are." Zhou Mei said.

"Let's go, I'll send you to the police station, and the police will help you." Su Jinyue smiled and walked to her car. She can help them only so much.

"Thank you Comrade Su!" Zhou Mei and Wang Dayong thanked. When the matter is resolved, they will go home immediately and never travel again.

Su Jinyue drove Zhou Mei and Wang Dayong to the police station, "You can go in by yourself."

Zhou Mei and Wang Dayong got out of the car, thanked Su Jinyue again, and walked into the police station. At this time their hearts settled down.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze and drove forward. Unexpectedly, a trip to the capital would not be peaceful.

Sunlight shines through the windows into the spacious library, illuminating the entire library extremely brightly.

Wang Ruini is sitting quietly by the window and reading a book. The sun shines on her, as if she is covered with a layer of beauty, lining her whole person.

The support is more beautiful.

"Rini, Rini, I heard that Lan Ruoyun was arrested, is it true?" He Qianqian and Zhang Lan hurried over. They just heard about this.

Wang Ruini raised her head and nodded to the two of them.

"What the **** is going on?" He Qianqian asked. As soon as she and Zhang Lan heard that Lan Ruoyun was locked up, they came to the library. After lunch every day, Renee reads in the library as long as she has time, so it's easy to find her.

Wang Ruini glanced around and stood up and said: "Let's go out and talk." She closed the book, walked to the original location of the book, and put it back on the shelf.

The three of them walked out of the library and sat down in the pavilion.

"Renny, do you know what happened? How could Lan Ruoyun be arrested?" Zhang Lan asked. She and Lan Ruoyun didn't have much friendship, so naturally they wouldn't care about her, just a little curious.

Wang Ruini thought for a while and said, "After we separated from you last night, we were taken back by someone sent by Lan Ruoyun's uncle. Later, a group of soldiers came in and rescued us." Now TV News , And there are reports in newspapers, so this incident is not a secret.

"Really deserve it!" He Qianqian and Zhang Lan said in unison. They didn't expect that Lan Ruoyun could even do the kidnapping.

"I heard that Qin Yi's family and Lan Ruoyun's family are family acquaintances. I don't know if Qin Yi's parents will help Lan Ruoyun." He Qianqian worried. Lan Ruoyun can even do the kidnapping, and there is nothing she can't do. If she can come out this time, it would be really terrifying.

Wang Ruini shook her head, "Who knows." She didn't want to understand that kind of family affairs, she just wanted Lan Ruoyun and Qin Yi to be farther away from her, and to make herself quieter.

"Qin Yi is here." Zhang Lan said to Wang Ruini when he saw Qin Yi walking towards this side.

Wang Ruini glanced at Qin Yi and frowned.

Qin Yi walked in front of Wang Ruini, "I have something to tell you." After he knew that Lan Ruoyun had sent someone to kidnap Wang Ruini, he was always worried about whether Wang Ruini would be frightened. He just let it go after seeing her nothing unusual today. heart.

"If you have anything to say here, there is nothing between us that can't be said in front of other people." Wang Ruini said coldly. Had it not been for him, Lan Ruoyun would not have targeted her, let alone what happened yesterday. Fortunately, she was with Sister Su yesterday, but she really couldn't imagine what the outcome would be.

"I'm sorry! I caused you for this." Qin Yi looked at Wang Ruini with apologetic eyes. He really didn't expect Lan Ruoyun to be so crazy. His grandfather originally wanted to help the Lan family, but he stopped it. They didn't need to waste their contacts for the Lan family, not to mention, what Lan Ruoyun wanted to hurt was the woman he liked.

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