Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 861: Take people back

Wang Ruini made a face at Su Jinyue and smiled playfully: "Sister Su, how does your tone resemble a fortune teller."

"You will know in the future." Su Jinyue raised an inscrutable smile.

"Then I will wait and see." Wang Ruini laughed. Sister Su sometimes feels mysterious to her, making her want to see but can't see through.

Su Jinyue smiled. She hopes that the relationship between Wang Ruini and Qin Yi can be smoother, at least not to worry about family pressure.

"Sister Su, are you going to travel again?" Wang Ruini asked. I think that Su Jinyue bought a lot of clothes for Zhan Yihan today, some of them are autumn and winter clothes. It's just early summer, so it's too early to buy those clothes.

Su Jinyue nodded, "I'm going out once a week next week. I don't think I won't be able to return for a year or a half." The establishment of martial arts is not a matter of early morning and evening, and she will also go to the martial arts exchange meeting. She has to work hard to improve her strength and when she will come back, even she doesn't know.

"So long?! Where are you going?" Wang Ruini asked in surprise. Even if you go abroad, it won’t take that long, right?

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "The place I'm going to is very far away, and the traffic there is very inconvenient. It is not easy to come back once." Tianyue Continent and Earth are two interfaces, if she is not already familiar with Tianyue Continent, It takes at least a few months to come back.

"Didn't Brother Zhan worry about you?" Wang Ruini asked. Brother Zhan and Sister Su have such a good relationship, and Sister Su goes to such a remote place, Brother Zhan will definitely be worried about her. It's just the identity of Big Brother Zhan that doesn't allow him to leave with Sister Su for so long.

"Worry is definitely inevitable, but there is no other way. I must go to that place." Su Jinyue sighed helplessly in her heart. How could she be willing to be separated from Yi Han for so long.

"Sister Su, don't you worry about someone taking advantage of it? Just like that Tian Jiaojiao." Wang Ruini asked. There is an old saying that women chase men's interlayer yarn. It's still hard to tell. Even if Brother Zhan is not tempted, he can't resist the women's repeated sticking. Blame Zhan is so good.

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "I believe him."

Wang Ruini smiled enviously, and said enviously: "Sister Su, I really envy you and Big Brother Zhan so trusting each other." If only she can find someone she can trust wholeheartedly in the future. At this time, Qin Yi's figure appeared in her mind again.

Wang Ruini shook her head vigorously and shook Qin Yi's figure out of her mind. Qin Yi is absolutely impossible for him.

Zhan Yihan glanced outside the door, his brows tightened, and he snorted to the little soldier at the door, "Lu Wu, come in!"

When Lu Wu heard Zhan Yihan's words, he quickly pushed the door and walked in, and saluted Zhan Yihan, "Head!"

"Go to Brigadier Tian and let him lead the people back." Zhan Yihan ordered in a deep voice. Had it not been for Tian Jiaojiao at the door, he would have thrown her out a long time ago.

"Yes!" Lu Wu responded and walked out. He really couldn't figure out why the female reporter was so persistent and had to ask the head of the group personally about that day. Didn't he see that the head hates her very much? He was a big man who could see it, but he didn't believe that the female reporter would not be able to feel it.

Seeing Lu Wu leaving, Tian Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, and quietly stepped forward and pushed the door open. She saw the erect pen sitting inside, full of majestic Zhan Yihan, her heart beating uncontrollably.

"Believe it or not, I dug your eyeballs." Zhan Yihan's voice sounded coldly. Had it not been for Tian Wuguang's face, he would have dealt with this nymphomaniac woman.

Seeing that Zhan Yihan had found herself, Tian Jiaojiao didn't sneak in at all. She pushed the door and entered, "I don't believe it! You can't bear it." She believes that no man in the world dislikes a beautiful woman like her.

Zhan Yihan's face became even more gloomy. He opened the drawer and took out a video tape from the inside and threw it to Tian Jiaojiao, with a cold voice: "If you still show up in front of me in the future, I will send this video tape. Your TV station."

Tian Jiaojiao picked up the video tape on the ground in surprise, her expression didn't seem to care at all. But it was just a video tape, she would still be afraid of it.

"Go out!" Zhan Yi shouted in a cold voice.

Tian Jiaojiao smiled sweetly and wanted to walk to Zhan Yihan's side. Now that there is no one else in the office, it is a good opportunity for her to be alone with Zhan Yihan.

Just as she stepped out, she felt a strong thrust and pushed her out.

Pushing to the door, Tian Jiaojiao tripped on a small rock behind her, and sat down on the ground, her face changed drastically in pain, and she couldn't even speak.

Tian Wuguang saw Tian Jiaojiao sitting on the ground from a distance, and walked over quickly, "Jiaojiao, why are you sitting on the ground?"

"Uncle, Zhan Yihan, he bullied me." Tian Jiaojiao cried with aggrieved expression. She didn't know what was going on just now, why she came outside.

Tian Wuguang was both distressed and a little angry, "You go back with me, and you are not allowed to come to Zhan Yihan anymore." He knew that Jiaojiao liked Zhan Yihan, but Zhan Yihan was married after all, if it was because of Jiaojiao. Divorce, his face is not good.

"I won't go back unless Zhan Yihan apologizes to me." Tian Jiaojiao kept dripping tears, looking at Tian Wuguang pitifully. This time she couldn't be subdued, and there was an uncle who supported her, what about he didn't believe in Zhan Yihan and dared to treat her?

Tian Wuguang frowned, heard footsteps, and saw Zhan Yihan walk out of the office.

"Brigadier Tian, ​​this is a troop, a military base, not a place where people can enter. I have just called to report this matter, and the results of the treatment will come down soon." Zhan Yi said in a cold voice. . He is a special force here, and outsiders can never enter without permission. He had reminded Tian Jiaojiao that since she insisted on doing her own way, her uncle would take care of her mistakes.

Tian Wuguang's expression changed, he gave Zhan Yihan a fierce look, and looked at Tian Jiaojiao who was still sitting on the ground and refused to get up, "Get up! Get me back!" He was really hurt by her this time.

Tian Jiaojiao was taken aback by Tian Wuguang's roar. Seeing Tian Wuguang's gloomy and terrifying face, she didn't dare to hesitate anymore, got up from the ground and limped to his side. When she just fell, not only did her **** hurt, but she also twisted her ankle.

"Never come to Zhan Yihan anymore, now go back to your own home." Tian Wuguang finished coldly, and walked towards his office. He is only worried about the outcome of this matter.

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