Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 877: Dust feast

Everyone looked at Su Jinyue with excitement in their eyes. It would be great if Su Jinyue could stay in Pill City forever.

"Elder Su, are you already a ninth-level alchemy grandmaster?" Elder Wei handed the pill back to Tian Fengxun, looking at Su Jinyue and asked.

Everyone looked at Su Jinyue together, eyes full of expectation. They all hope that Su Jinyue is a ninth-level alchemy master, and once the news that there is a ninth-level alchemy master in Pill City, it will drive the entire Tianyue Continent crazy.

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "Not yet." She hasn't refined a ninth-level spirit pill, but if there is a ninth-level spirit grass, she might be able to refine it.

When everyone heard the words, they were slightly disappointed. However, Su Jinyue's ability to refine the eighth-level best spirit pill was already quite good.

Su Jinyue walked up to Lan Moqi and looked at him with a smile, "Lan Moqi, it's been a long time!"

Lan Moqi smiled happily, "Yes, did you come to participate in the martial arts exchange competition this time?"

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Then when will you go back?" Lan Moqi asked. He really hoped that Su Jinyue would stay in the Tianyue Continent, stay in the Sun Yao Country, then he would be able to see her often.

"I don't know yet. I plan to establish a sect in Xingjia Mountain. I should wait for the sect to be established before I go back." Su Jinyue said. Although she went back, Dan City would not let other forces bully her sect, but she still wanted to wait for the sect to be established and stabilized before returning.

Lan Moqi's eyes lit up and he asked, "When will it be established? Do you need my help?" As long as Su Jinyue speaks, he will definitely go all out.

"I don't need it now, I'll look for you when I need it." Su Jinyue shook her head.

"Then we're done. If you need any help, just say, don't be polite with me." Lan Moqi smiled. He hoped that Su Jinyue could ask him for help.

"Okay." Su Jinyue nodded with a smile.

"Little girl, is he your friend?" Su Yanqi saw Su Jinyue chatting with Lan Moqi, and walked over with Su Yanxi, Qu Yingli and Qin Youyou.

"This is Lan Moqi. The first thing I met when I came here was him. They were my second brother Su Yanxi, second sister-in-law Qu Yingli, and third brother Su Yanxi and third sister-in-law Qin Youyou." Su Jin Yue helped both parties to introduce.

"Hello!" Lan Moqi smiled and nodded to Su Yanxi.

"Thank you for taking care of my little girl." Su Yanqi stretched out his hand and shook Lan Moqi. He had heard of Lan Moqi, and he also knew about the affairs between him and the younger sister.

"Shan'er is my friend, I am very happy to be able to help her, and Shan'er has also helped me a lot." Lan Moqi smiled. Although he and Shan'er could not go any further, he still felt very happy to meet her.

"Today Elder Su returns, we should pick up the dust for Elder Su." Tian Fengxun said.

"The meeting lord is right, let's move to the banquet hall."

"Thank you Huizhu! Thank you elders!" Su Jinyue smiled and thanked.

"Elder Su is welcome! Please here!" Tian Fengxun laughed and led the way in person. He was really happy today. Although Su Jinyue said that she was not yet a ninth-level alchemy master, he believed that it would not be difficult for Su Jinyue to become a ninth-level alchemy master.

Everyone walked toward the banquet hall mightily. As soon as they took their seats, the food and wine were brought up.

Su Yanqi picked up the wine and smelled it, “The wine of the Alchemist Association is really different, and it also has a faint peach blossom fragrance.” He had also drank wine in the restaurant before, and this wine is completely incomparable.

"This wine is made from the peach blossoms of the flat peach tree planted by the Alchemist Association." Su Jinyue took a sip, and the aroma of peach blossoms immediately filled her mouth. She also likes to drink this kind of peach blossom wine.

Su Yanqi raised his glass and took a sip, nodded appreciatively, "It's really good." When he established the martial art, he also planted some peach blossom trees, and then picked the peach blossom leaves for wine.

Su Jinyue smiled, stood up and raised a glass to Tian Fengxun and said: "Meet the Lord, I will toast you a glass!"

"Okay!" Tian Fengxun stood up with a smile, picked up the wine to face Su Jinyue and said, "Elder Su, cheers!"

"Cheers!" Su Jinyue raised her glass and drank it.

Tian Fengxun laughed and sat down, "Elder Su, when will you start to establish a school? Do you need manpower? I can send disciples to help."

"Thank you for the meeting host! I have arranged the manpower." Su Jinyue said. Naturally, she needs the manpower, but she doesn't want to use the power of Pill City. Her school can form an alliance with Pill City in the future, but she does not want her school to become a subsidiary of Pill City. And she has received a lot of messages, those monks are coming towards Pill City.

"If you need it, don't be polite with me." Tian Fengxun picked up the flask and filled his glass again. Su Jinyue is a very capable person, he really wants to put some effort into it, and helping her is also of great benefit to him.

"I will definitely not be polite with the meeting host when necessary." Su Jinyue smiled.

Zhan Yiping turned the dishes in the bowl without a moment, and looked absent-minded.

Gu Qinghan looked at Zhan Yiping several times and saw that she looked like this, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Yiping, are you on your mind?"

Zhan Yiping recovered and shook his head, "It's just that I don't have any appetite. I will go back to the room first. You can eat slowly."

She put down the dishes, stood up and walked towards the room where she lived.

Thinking of the scene where he saw Lan Moqi today, the corner of Zhan Yiping's mouth raised a small smile. It would be nice if I could see him again.

"Senior Sister Yan, what's wrong with Sister Yiping?" Fang Zhengyan asked.

Yan Yunshang shook his head, "I don't know, it should be something on my mind." She knows why Junior Sister Yiping behaves like this, but the less people know about this kind of thing, the better. Otherwise, if Master Yiping knows that she likes a man, she will definitely lose her temper. She is responsible for leading the team this time, and she will inevitably be punished at that time.

"Is she worried about whether she can return to Earth again?" Gu Qinghan guessed. They all know about this. When Master said that Sister Yiping would not be allowed to go back, she also bet on the weather with Master. That is to say, Junior Sister Yiping has good cultivating aptitude, and she has been punished by her master long ago when she was replaced by another disciple.

"It should be." Yan Yunshang smiled.

"By the way, Senior Sister, how about going to the Alchemy Masters Association today? Are there any gains?" Ling Xiaoyu asked.

Yan Yunshang shook his head and sighed, "No, we won't let us in at all."

"Then are we still staying in Pill City?" Gu Qinghan asked. They came to Pill City for the purpose of the Concentration Pill, and now that the Concentration Pill is gone, it is meaningless for them to stay here.

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