Lan Moyu raised his eyebrows, and there was obvious disbelief on his face.

Lan Moqi didn't explain anything, and walked past Lan Moyu towards the inside. Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with him.

A gleam of disdain flashed in Lan Moyu's eyes and found that Zhan Yiping was looking at him, turned to look at Zhan Yiping, and raised a wicked smile, "Which school does this junior sister belong to?" I don't think about him, don't look at what he looks like in the mirror, and don't deserve to give him shoes.

Zhan Yiping smiled shyly, "I am a disciple of Tian Yanzong of Xueqiu Country, and my name is Zhan Yiping."

"It turned out to be Junior Sister Yiping, it's a great pleasure to meet! Junior Sister Yiping has time now?" Lan Moyu's mouth curled up with a playful arc, and his eyes looked evilly at Zhan Yiping. Tian Yanzong was also considered a martial artist, and he played with her for two days, and it happened that he was also bored recently.

Zhan Yiping was taken aback, then nodded shyly. If Lan Moqi doesn't like her, then she and Lan Moyu are the same, anyway, both of them look so good-looking.

"Then let's go, there are a lot of good things in Moyue City recently." A sneer flashed in Lan Moyu's eyes, and he walked to Zhan Yiping's side and looked at her with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhan Yiping blushed and nodded, and walked forward with Lan Moyu.

Yan Yunshang searched for a long time, and finally saw Zhan Yiping and saw her walking with a man. The anger in her heart could no longer be controlled. He walked forward quickly and took Zhan Yiping's hand, "Yiping" Junior sister, do you have to tell me to restrain you?" She had already warned her, but she didn't take her own words as a matter. Even if the cultivation qualifications are good, you can't be so defiant.

"Senior Sister Yan, you are misunderstood. Brother Lan and I are just friends, just like you and Senior Brother Ma Wu of Liuyunzong." Zhan Yiping said with a cold face. For what reason she can shave eyebrows with men of other sects, but she can't.

Yan Yunshang flushed with anger, "Senior Brother Ma Wu and I are just ordinary friends. He already has a Taoist companion." If Zhan Yiping had no idea about the man in front of him, she would definitely not believe it.

"Me and Senior Brother Lan are the same, Senior Sister Yan, you go back first, I'll go back later." Zhan Yiping said impatiently. When she was in martial art, it was fine if she had a master in charge, but she had to be managed by someone when she came out, which really annoyed her.

"If you don't go back with me now, I'll pass a book to Master." Yan Yunshang glared at Zhan Yiping angrily. Zhan Yiping provoked her again and again, and did not put her senior sister in the eyes. She would never be polite to her this time. She must tell her what Zhan Yiping did these days.

"If you want to tell, just tell, I didn't do anything anyway." Zhan Yiping said indifferently. Every time she used her master to threaten her, did she really think she would be afraid?

"You! Good! I will definitely report the truth to Master this time." Yan Yunshang snorted angrily, turned and left. Master gave her three Biography Flying Swords. She originally intended to use them to tell Master about the situation of the game. Now she has to use one first. If Zhan Yiping is left alone, she will become more and more lawless.

Zhan Yiping curled her lips in disdain, and looked at Lan Moyu embarrassedly: "Brother Lan, don't mind, my senior sister is such a person." She doesn't understand, it's her own business, what does it have to do with her. .

Lan Moyu curled the corners of her lips playfully, "Sister Yiping should be taken seriously in the door?" Otherwise, she would not dare to contradict her senior sister in this way. There are only two reasons why she dare not put her senior sister in her eyes. One is that she has an excellent talent for cultivation, and the other is that she has a strong background.

"Brother Lan, how did you know?" Zhan Yiping smiled and looked at Lan Moyu, his eyes full of admiration.

"Guess." Lan Moyu smiled. No wonder she is so arrogant, she also has some capital.

Zhan Yiping smiled, "I am in our school, and I am the one with the best cultivation qualifications."

Lan Moyu raised his eyebrows. The best qualification? Jindan monks of her age are everywhere in Riyao Country.

Seeing that Lan Moyu didn't believe in himself, Zhan Yiping continued: "Really, I am not lying to you. I have only practiced for less than two years now."

Lan Moyu squinted his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, "What kind of spiritual root are you?" If it is exactly what she said, then her aptitude is really good.

"Pure soil spiritual root." Zhan Yiping said proudly.

Lan Moyu was a little surprised, "It's no wonder that your teachers take you so seriously." Even in Sun Yao Nation, there are few pure spiritual roots. With her cultivation qualifications, her cultivation level will soon surpass him. Since she has a good impression of him, he might as well make good use of her. Let the family elders know that he has found a woman with good qualifications to be a Taoist companion, and they will definitely stand on his side. The Patriarch of the Lan family is bound to win, and he doesn't believe that Lan Moqi can beat him.

Seeing Lan Moyu staring at him, Zhan Yiping's face turned red involuntarily, and he raised his hand to touch his face, "Brother Lan, is there anything on my face?"

Lan Moyu smiled and shook his head, "Sister Yiping, call me Big Brother Lan from now on. It would be too far-fetched to call me Senior Brother."

Zhan Yiping looked at Lan Moyu somewhat unexpectedly, and his heart was full of ecstasy. What does he mean?

Lan Moyu stretched out his hand and rubbed Zhan Yiping's hair, staring at her tenderly, "In fact, when I first saw you, I already liked you, otherwise, how could I go shopping with you? Ping'er, do you like me?"

Zhan Yiping was stunned, " you really like me?" Isn't she dreaming?

"Fool!" Lan Moyu tapped Zhan Yiping's head, smiled and held her hand, "Let's go shopping."

Zhan Yiping nodded blankly, "Okay." This happiness came so quickly, which made her feel unreality, but she was really happy!

Su Jinyue stopped her movements and looked at the magic weapon she had refined, with a happy smile on her face. After half a month of restless refining, she can now refine a fifth-level magic weapon. There was such a big improvement so quickly, which she hadn't imagined at all. After practicing Supreme Judgment, he really learned everything quickly.

After looking at the flying sword that had just been refined in her hand for a while, Su Jinyue stood up with satisfaction and walked out of the Golden Leaf Realm. The exchange contest should be about to start, right?

"Elder Su! You are out!"

"Elder Su!"

Disciples kept saying hello to Su Jinyue along the way, and Su Jinyue also nodded in response.

When he came to Elder Xu's residence and saw him making alchemy in the yard, Su Jinyue walked over.

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