Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 891: You are not Zhan Yiping

Su Jinyue put away the flames, raised her hand and waved, a silver defensive armor flew out of the refining furnace and landed on the table. Looking at the defensive armor she refined, she showed satisfaction on her face. Smile. Fastest update

"Elder Su is really unfathomable. He even dabbles in refining tools." Elder Xu stroked his beard and looked at Su Jinyue in admiration. Not to mention Su Jinyue's age, at his own age, it is impossible to have the energy to learn other things in addition to cultivating and alchemy.

Su Jinyue glanced around and found that most of the cultivators were still refining, Lan Moqi was only one step away from refining, and his cousin Lan Moyu had finished refining, and now he was proud of it. Looking at Lan Moqi.

Looking at the magic weapon refined by Lan Moyu, it was a five-level arrow crossbow attacking magic weapon. It seems that this Lan Moyu is Lan Moqi's rival. Lan Moqi was her friend and helped her too, so she naturally had to help him too.

As if noticing Su Jinyue's gaze, Lan Moyu turned to look at Su Jinyue and smiled at her. He knew that Lan Moqi and Dancheng's honorary elder Su Jinyue had a very good relationship, and she should be Su Jinyue if she wanted to come.

Su Jinyue faintly retracted her gaze and closed her eyes to calm her mind. There is almost a stick of incense before the end of the game.

Lan Moyu smiled playfully. This woman is kind of interesting.

With the sound of the gong of the game, the monk who had not finished the refining on the stage had no choice but to stop his hand.

The referee walked onto the stage, swept the magical tools made by the people with his spiritual sense, and with a wave of his hand, he saw everyone's jade medals light up at the same time, and the scores of the competition appeared on them.

Su Jinyue saw that her jade card showed five points, raised her lips and smiled, and walked off the stage. The full score is 10, and she only refines the third-level magical artifacts, and it's pretty good to get five points.

Lan Moqi walked a few steps quickly to follow Su Jinyue. What he refined was a four-level magic weapon, got six points, and didn't have any rankings. This time, many disciples from Qicheng came to participate in the competition, and the craftsmanship belonged to them.

"Su...Su Jinyue." Lan Moqi felt really uncomfortable when he called it that way for the first time.

Su Jinyue looked at Lan Moqi in surprise, "Why did you suddenly change your name?" When she first met Lan Moqi, she pretended to have amnesia, so naturally she wouldn't care what Lan Moqi called herself. After that, she and Lan Moqi only met once. She thought that after that time, they should not meet again, so she would not deliberately ask Lan Moqi to change her name. For her, the name is just a title, she doesn't care what she calls herself, after all, Lan Moqi is just an ordinary friend to her.

When she met again in Dancheng this time, she discovered that Lan Moqi had a good impression of herself, so she also deliberately wanted to alienate Lan Moqi. I don't even want to hear him call herself so intimate, but she doesn't know when it's appropriate to mention it. Unexpectedly, Lan Moqi changed his name first.

Lan Moqi smiled embarrassedly, "I think the name Shan'er is not suitable for you." He has figured it out now, he shouldn't think too much about it if he is not himself. And Su Jinyue's previous attitude also showed that she just regarded him as an ordinary friend. It's not very good to be so intimate as I call it.

"I think so too." Su Jinyue nodded in agreement, and smiled at Lan Moqi. She knew that she and Lan Moqi had become true friends at this time.

"The next one is the alchemy competition. You must participate in it?" Lan Moqi felt that he had let go, and it became easier to get along with Su Jinyue.

"Of course." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

"Go get ready, I'll wait to see your amazing performance." Lan Moqi smiled. Su Jinyue is an eighth-level alchemy master, and the final alchemy competition is not all hers.

Su Jinyue nodded and looked at Lan Moyu who was looking at them, "Your cousin seems to have some opinions on you."

Lan Moqi smiled bitterly, "It's all contradictions within the family." He also wanted to talk to Lan.

Mo Yu gets along well, but this is not what he thinks. He and Lan Moyu are also burdened with the expectations of their parents. Lan Moyu didn't want to disappoint his father, he also didn't want to disappoint his father, so he absolutely couldn't give up the position of Patriarch to Lan Moyu.

"Do you want to improve your refining skills?" Su Jinyue asked. Lan Moqi is her friend, so naturally she wants to help him.

Lan Moqi looked at Su Jinyue in surprise, not understanding what she meant.

Su Jinyue smiled, "When the competition is over, you come with me to the station of the Alchemist Association." Although her refining technique cannot be passed on to Lan Moqi, she can help him derive a suitable one for him. The refining technique.

"Good." Lan Moqi nodded in response.

Su Jinyue turned to look at the stage. The monk participating in the alchemy competition has already stepped onto the stage, "I'm going up."

"Yeah." Lan Moqi replied.

Su Jinyue smiled and walked towards the stage.

"Su Jinyue, long time no see." Zhan Yiping's voice came from behind Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue stopped to look at Zhan Yiping and looked at her for a while, "You are not Zhan Yiping." She is very familiar with Zhan Yiping, and she sees that she will never be so peaceful.

A look of surprise flashed through Zhan Yiping’s eyes, "Of course I am Zhan Yiping, Su Jinyue, you wait, when the time comes to fight, I will let you **** power." He took Zhan Yi Ping's body helped her fulfill her wish.

"You are the soul of the extreme water essence." Su Jinyue said affirmatively. The breath exuding from the opponent's body is very similar to the breath she felt on the water extremely fine before. Unexpectedly, that piece of water extremely fine was actually bought by Zhan Yiping, this may be in the dark, with a certain number.

Zhan Yiping laughed, "Even so? I am now Zhan Yiping, who has been taken away by me. She hates you so deeply, I help her destroy you, and it's just too casual. Her wish."

Su Jinyue frowned, "Have her soul disappeared?" No matter how bad Zhan Yiping is, she is Yihan's younger sister. Of course, she wants to save her. Otherwise, she would feel sorry for it.

Zhan Yiping smiled and shook her head, "Wait until I kill you, and then let her soul disappear."

"There won't be that day." Su Jinyue smiled coldly and walked towards the stage. Although she didn't like Zhan Yiping very much, from Yihan's face, she would still try her best to save her. Of course, if she couldn't save her in the end, she had nothing to do. She only needs to be ashamed of her heart, and I believe Yihan will not blame her if she knows it.

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