Su Jinyue's face was full of heartache, and she really wanted to bear it with Yihan if she could. Fastest update

The third wave of thunder tribulation is nine times of thunder tribulation. This wave of thunder tribulation is not only thicker than before, but also has an aura that is countless times stronger than before. Just looking at it is frightening.

Su Jinyue stood up, staring at Zhan Yihan nervously, and couldn't help moving forward two steps. But she knew that she couldn't pass. Not only would the intensity of the thunder arc increase, but she would also die. She is only in the middle stage of distraction, how can she withstand the thunder catastrophe of the fit stage.

At this time, a scene that shocked Su Jinyue happened. Zhan Yihan suddenly stood up and took out Xuanyuan Sword to face the falling Thunder Tribulation.

"Boom boom boom!" Nine lightning arcs descended continuously, colliding with the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhan Yihan's hand, and flying Zhan Yihan upside down.

Zhan Yihan climbed up from the ground and flew again to face the remaining thunder arc. He discovered that when the thunder robbery hit him, he could absorb part of the power of the thunder and lightning, so he chose to fight against the thunder arc. In this way, while absorbing the power of the thunder arc, he can also feel the power of the thunder arc more deeply.

Until the thunder tribulation ended and Lingyun flew over Zhan Yihan's head, Su Jinyue still couldn't believe that the scene she just saw was true. She had never heard of anyone who dared to confront Lei Jie head-on.

Stepping outside the formation where Zhan Yihan was, Su Jinyue sat down outside the formation, watching Zhan Yihan in the formation tenderly, waiting for him to absorb the aura in the cloud.

As time passed by, the sky gradually brightened. Not long after, golden sunlight shot out from the sky from the clouds on the sky, shrouded it, and illuminated the entire land.

Zhan Yihan opened his eyes, and Junyi's face was overflowing with joy. Now he feels that his body is full of powerful power, the power is endless, and he can never compare it before. And his body seems to have been rebuilt, becoming more perfect.

"Yihan!" Su Jinyue looked at Zhan Yihan happily.

Zhan Yihan smiled, waved his hand to take away the broken formation, stepped forward and embraced Su Jinyue in his arms, "I make you worried." He knows how terrifying his situation was when he crossed the tribulation. . But he must become stronger and stronger, so that he has the ability to protect his beloved and his family.

Su Jinyue raised her head to look at Zhan Yihan, smiled and shook her head, "As long as you are fine."

Zhan Yihan lowered his head and kissed Su Jinyue's forehead, "I will be fine, I still want to protect you and live with you for the rest of my life."

Su Jinyue smiled sweetly, stretched out her hand to hold Zhan Yihan's hand, and clasped his fingers, "I will never separate forever."

"Yeah!" Zhan Yihan nodded with a smile, took Su Jinyue's hand, and walked with her in the desert. They had already said that when he broke through, they were going to Dan City. This time Jinyue and Yiping were able to escape successfully because of the help of Elder Xu. And they also heard that because of this incident, Dan City made an announcement to never interact with those forces.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan raised their eyes and saw a group of sand raccoons besieging a caravan. Sand raccoons are very common in the desert. Sand raccoons like to attack in groups. As long as the enemies that are entangled by them, unless they are stronger than the sand raccoons, none of them can escape.

More than a dozen monks in the Golden Core and Nascent Soul Stage are fighting hard, but the increasing number of sand raccoons makes them somewhat powerless.

"Let me go down, I want to fight with them." Seeing the casualties of her guards, a young woman sitting in the animal car pulled her maid behind, lifted the curtain and jumped out of the car.

"Miss, you go to the car, it's dangerous here." A cultivator who saw the young woman get off the car, hurriedly shouted at her. In this situation, the lady is looking for death when she comes down.

"I don't, I want to fight with you

"The young woman offered a long whip and threw it at the sand raccoon beast that was attacking her.

As the sand beasts increased, so did the wounded monks.

The young woman was bitten by a sand raccoon on her arm, and her snow-white dress was immediately smeared with bright red. Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walking not far away, she hurriedly shouted to them: " Two seniors! Please help us." She didn't know how Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan were in cultivation, but she had no choice now. If they don't ask for help, only death awaits them.

The aura on Zhan Yihan's body was released, and the sand raccoon beast felt the terrifying aura released by Zhan Yihan. That human monk is definitely a nasty existence.

The young woman and the guards breathed a sigh of relief. They are finally saved!

The young woman walked in front of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue and bowed gratefully to them, "Thank you for your help." She couldn't see their cultivation level, but the powerful momentum just now She felt it. Even her father may not have such a strong momentum.

"You're welcome!" Su Jinyue said quietly, and Yu Zhan Yihan walked in the direction of Pill City.

"Two seniors! I want to invite you to my house. If you saved me, my father will definitely thank you both." The young woman stopped Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. She was really grateful to them, if they didn't show up and wait for others, they would be dead.

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