The discussion hall was full of excitement, and everyone already knew what the meeting was going to discuss.

"I don't know what kind of place Moon Continent was that day?"

"I heard that the aura is very strong, I really want to see it soon."

"The fourth lady and the fourth aunt are really amazing, they can even establish a sect in the inner Yinmen."

"Yes, otherwise we won't have the chance to enter the hidden gate in this life."

While everyone was discussing, Su Lihe and his party walked in.

Everyone stood up one after another, turned their heads and looked around, their eyes full of enthusiasm and expectation. I don't know how the owner of the valley will arrange their stay.

Su Lihe went to the first place and sat down, and gestured to everyone to sit down.

After everyone was seated, Su Lihe cleared his throat and said, "Everyone should have heard about it. Jinyue and the others established a school in the Tianyue Continent, right?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

"This meeting is for the question of everyone going and staying. Is there anyone who doesn't want to go?" Su Lihe glanced at the crowd, seeing everyone looking forward to it, he already knew the answer.

"I know that everyone wants to go to the Tianyue Continent, but Medical Valley is a legacy left by our ancestors. We can't abandon it. Therefore, Medical Valley also needs someone to stay. I decided to take turns. Every elder in the elders will take turns on duty according to their own rankings and rotate to the next elder for a full year. Do you have any opinions?" This is the method he discussed with everyone before, so that it is fair to every elder in the room.

"No opinion." Everyone said in unison. They also think this method is the best. Yigu's aura is not bad, and you can also practice while staying here.

"Then we have decided so, do you have any questions?" Su Lihe looked at everyone.

"Can you tell us something about the Tianyue Continent?" Although the Second Young Master also told them about the Tianyue Continent before, it is different now. They used to have no hope of going to the Tianyue Continent, but now they will immediately. It's time to go to Tianyue Continent, so I naturally want to know more about the situation of Tianyue Continent.

Su Lihe looked at Su Jinyue, "Jinyue, come and tell everyone about it." He also wanted to know more about the Tianyue Continent.

Su Jinyue nodded, and began to tell everyone what she knew about the Tianyue Continent.

"The hidden gate is really different from ours, when can we go?" Everyone looked at Su Lihe with anticipation. After knowing the situation of the Tianyue Continent, they yearned for the Tianyue Continent even more.

"Everyone, go back and make arrangements. We will leave in half a month." Su Lihe said to everyone.

"Yes!" everyone responded excitedly.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan stayed in the Medical Valley for one day, and they bid farewell to everyone early the next morning and went to the Qingfeng Sect.

He and Su Jinyue jumped down from the flying sword, and Zhan Yihan collected the flying sword, looking at the familiar mountain gate in front of him, there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes. The first time I came to the Qingfeng School with the master is still vivid, and so many years have passed since the blink of an eye. I don’t know if Master is good now. Master and Uncle Fang agreed to arrange him next to Uncle Fang to protect Uncle Fang for three years. After the three-year period expires, he can return to the Qingfeng Sect.

"Let's go in." Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand, and walked forward with her.

"Who dares to trespass into the Qingfeng Sect!" With a cold shout, a young man wearing the Qingfeng Sect uniform appeared in front of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, blocking their way.

"This brother, I am the apprentice of Elder Yinshan, Zhan Yihan." Zhan Yihan arched his hands. He stayed in the Qingfeng faction for a total of two years, and was later sent to Uncle Fang by the master.

The young man looked up and down Zhan Yihan and said, "Wait here for a while, I'll give a briefing and say it again.

"They can't enter the Qingfeng faction casually.

Watching the young man leave, Zhan Yihan pulled Su Jinyue aside and sat down on a rock. Although the Qingfeng Sect also has a formation method, it can't stop their spiritual knowledge. As long as they want to see, they can know exactly what happened in the Qingfeng Sect.

After waiting for almost a quarter of an hour, I saw the young man walking back.

"Elder Yinshan will let you in." He just reported to Elder Yinshan. Elder Yinshan asked about the other person's physical characteristics, and ordered him to put people in.

"Thank you!" Zhan Yihan arched his hand at the young man, and walked towards the Qingfeng faction with Su Jinyue.

When he came to a quaint courtyard, Zhan Yihan stopped, "My master lives here, let's go in."

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded, and walked inside Zhan Yihan. She also wanted to meet Yihan's master. If he hadn't taught Yihan to practice ancient martial arts, they wouldn't necessarily be able to practice even if they had obtained the cultivation technique.

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