Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 937: Ancient tomb

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other, they had already discovered the reason. Sure enough, as they guessed, there was a formation around the construction site, but the formation had become broken, so the workers could come in here. But no matter how broken it is, it is an array, as long as it is touched, it will automatically attack.

Under the guidance of the foreman, Su Jinyue took a walk around the construction site.

"You haven't seen it. As long as our workers start work, there will be a strong wind here. Several of our workers have been injured. Boss, do you care about the reimbursement of work injury expenses?" the foreman asked. When he contracted this construction site, he signed a contract, but how did he know that the construction site would be so wicked? The hospitalization expenses for those workers were not small.

Han Yiyuan glanced at Su Jinyue, then nodded, "Yeah."

Hearing this, the foreman immediately showed a happy smile on his dark face, "It's kind of you, boss, I thank you for our workers." These days, he is about to worry about the work injury expenses. Although those workers were not seriously injured, the hospitalization fees for this day add up to a considerable amount. If he pays the hospitalization fees, he won't be able to pay wages, so what will the other workers do?

"Han Yiyuan, Yihan and I will go to see other places, you are waiting for us here." Su Jinyue said to Han Yiyuan. She and Yi Han used their divine senses to find that there is an ancient tomb under the ground, and that formation should be to protect that ancient tomb.

Coming to the back of the construction site, Zhan Yihan waved a few flags, and then used an earth escape technique with Su Jinyue to enter the ground.

Soon the two arrived at the ancient tomb. The ancient tomb was very large. In addition to the main tomb, there were sixteen small tombs. There were no other coffins in the small tombs. There were piles of funerary objects. This shows the prominent identity of the tomb owner. Arrays are also arranged around the tomb, but the level of the array is too low, and after years of invasion, it has become dilapidated, and this array will completely disappear in a hundred years.

"This should be the tomb of King Wu." Zhan Yihan retracted his gaze and said. Sioux City was called Wu in ancient times, and the king here is King Wu.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded in agreement.

"What are your plans?" Zhan Yihan asked.

"Since it is an ancient tomb, let it be handed over to the government." Su Jinyue said. Every ancient tomb has great historical significance, and she does not want to be a sinner if she destroys the fault that may cause history.

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan rubbed Su Jinyue's hair with a smile. He has the same idea.

Su Jinyue smiled playfully, "Let's go up."

"Okay." Zhan Yihan grabbed Su Jinyue's hand and used an earthen escape technique.

Seeing Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan returning, Han Yiyuan and Qian Moli immediately greeted them.

"You finally came back, we are all worried to death." Qian Moli secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Fortunately, they are fine!

"What is there to worry about? We are not kids." Su Jinyue smiled.

"The foreman told us a lot about this side just now. He said that some workers had disappeared here, and they couldn't find anyone." Thinking of the things the foreman had just told them, Qian Moli couldn't help but slapped. Chills. It's so scary!

Su Jinyue shook her head and smiled, "Don't believe those things." The missing worker just walked into the gap of the formation, Yihan has already broken the formation, and the missing worker will be found soon. .

"Leader, I'm not a lie, Er Shanzi has been missing for two days, and we haven't found anyone yet." The foreman said affirmatively. Had it not been for he had already signed the contract, he would have left. It's horrible here, especially when it's gloomy at night.

"Foreman, Er Shanzi found him. He fell into the ditch." A worker yelled and ran over.

"Found it? Are you okay?" The foreman asked in surprise. It’s good if someone finds it, otherwise he really doesn’t know what to do

Explain to Ershanzi's family that Ershanzi followed him out to work.

"I'm okay, I'm just a little weak after I've been hungry for two days, but the ditch obviously didn't exist before," the worker said. Had it not been for the water in the ditch and the weeds in it, he would have thought that the ditch had been newly opened.

"Where is that ditch? You take me to see." The foreman said. It's been almost half a month since he came here, and he didn't notice any ditch nearby.

"Just behind our construction site." The workers hurriedly led the way.

"Let's go and see too." Su Jinyue said, and Zhan Yihan had already followed the foreman and them.

Han Yiyuan and Qian Moli were also close behind. After hearing the foreman talk about so many weird things, they were also full of curiosity about this construction site.

A group of people came to the back of the construction site and found that there was a big ditch two meters deep and one meter wide in front of them. The ditch was covered with weeds. If you were not paying attention, you would ignore the existence of this ditch.

"I found Ershanzi here." The worker pointed to the trench in front of him.

Everyone walked to the ditch and looked at it carefully, faintly seeing water under the weeds.

"What's that?" Qian Moli pointed to a blue-black thing covered with weeds.

Han Yiyuan also saw the thing and stretched out his hand to peel off the weeds, only to see that it was a round bronze piece, which was inlaid in the soil, and only one shape was exposed on the outside.

Han Yiyuan pulled out the soil covering the bronze piece by hand, only to see a totem and some incomprehensible words on it, "There are pictures and words on the bronze piece, which seem to be ancient characters."

"Let's take it out and have a look." Qian Moli suggested.

Han Yiyuan looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, saw them nodding, and reached out to pick up the piece of bronze.

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