Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 944: Go shopping

When everyone came to the main peak, they were immediately shocked by the majestic momentum of the main peak.

Entering the hall, the spaciousness and luxury of the hall opened everyone's eyes again.

"It's unimaginable, it's so beautiful here!" Everyone looked around in admiration, completely looking like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

"What material are these made of? Why do they emit a faint halo?" Lin Su asked. Not to mention other people, even she has never seen such a luxurious hall.

"The entire hall was built with white light stone. The biggest feature of white light stone is that it can emit light." Su Jinyue said. Baiguangshi is very common in Tianyue Continent, and most sects will choose to use it to establish sects.

"That's about the same as an electric light!" Wang Meizhen said. If this white light stone is also used at home, wouldn't it save electricity bills?

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "The white light stone will continue to glow. It is not suitable for use at home, except for the main hall, conference hall, and square, otherwise it will affect sleep. If you are at home, use Ye Mingzhu at that time."

After thinking about it, Wang Meizhen nodded and said, "That's true, I can't sleep if there is a little light at night."

"Sit down, everyone! The wine and food will be served right away." Su Yanxi said to everyone.

After hearing the words, everyone sat down on the seats on both sides of the hall one by one.

"Will we eat like this in the future?" Zhan Dafeng asked uncomfortably. He still likes everyone sitting at a table for dinner, lively and informal.

"Father, we usually eat in our own house, unless it is a special situation." Zhan Yiping said. She has been here for so long, and it is the first time she has come to eat in the hall.

"That's fine." Zhan Dafeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Meizhen smiled and glanced at Zhan Dafeng, "You, you just won't enjoy it if you are blessed." In fact, she doesn't like this way of eating, it's too grand! Too formal!

Zhan Dafeng laughed. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned his head and looked around and saw a group of young women in aqua-blue costumes walking in with wine and food. If he had been killed before, he wouldn't believe that he could be treated like this, it was almost like a dream.

When the young woman put the wine and dishes in front of her, everyone was attracted by the dishes and snacks on the table. This dish is completely different from what they used to eat at home.

"Everyone eat, it's your family's kindness." Su Jinyue took the chopsticks and said to the people.

When everyone heard this, they also picked up chopsticks one after another.

Wang Meizhen picked up a transparent egg the size of a quail egg and placed it in her mouth. With a light bite, the mouth immediately overflowed with sweetness, and the deliciousness made her almost swallow her tongue.

Clamped one again and put it in the mouth. She had never eaten something so delicious in her life.

"Mother, this is a spirit snake egg." Zhan Yiping couldn't help reminding when Wang Meizhen put another one in her mouth.

The chopsticks in Wang Meizhen's hand suddenly stopped in the air, with an expression as if he had eaten a fly, "Huh, this is a snake egg?" She is most afraid of snakes.

Zhan Yiping couldn't help but smile when she saw Wang Meizhen's expression, "This is a spirit snake egg."

Wang Meizhen gave Zhan Yiping a white look, "Isn't that still a snake egg?"

"It's different. This kind of spirit snake egg is not a real snake egg but a kind of spirit fruit. It's named because it looks like a snake egg." Zhan Yiping smiled mischievously.

"You kid really scared me to death. I thought I really ate snake eggs." Wang Meizhen glared at Zhan Yiping, and again picked up a spirit snake and put it into the mouth.

"Naughty!" Zhan Dafeng cursed lightly with a smile. During this meeting, he found that Yiping had changed a lot.

Zhan Yiping put out his tongue mischievously, "Father, you can taste this wine, it's delicious."

Zhan Dafeng smiled and nodded

, Picked up the jug and poured himself a glass, tasted a satisfied smile, "What kind of wine is this?"

"This is made from the water Linglong fruit. Drinking it is good for the body." As Zhan Yiping spoke, she also took a sip from the cup. She feels that she is very happy now, with parents, elder brother and sister-in-law, second elder brother and sister-in-law, and two little nephews.

"There is a market at the foot of the mountain. I will take everyone to the foot of the mountain after dinner." Su Jinyue said to the people. When she came back, she had already swept through her divine sense, and there was a big market under their mountain.

"Good." Everyone responded happily. They thought that if they wanted to buy things in the future, they would have to go to the city of Pill, which was the closest to their school, but they didn't think that there was a market under their own school.

After lunch, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan brought everyone to the market below the mountain.

Although the market has not been open for long, it is already very lively. There are inns, commercial buildings, restaurants...everything.

"It's really lively here." Wang Meizhen and Zhan Dafeng looked around with excitement.

"Jin Yue, do these shops belong to the sect?" Su Lihe asked.

Su Jinyue shook her head, "Most of them are martial arts, but there are also commercial buildings in Dancheng and Qicheng." When she knew she was going to establish martial arts, Dancheng and Qicheng sent elders to follow her. She talks about cooperation. Anyway, the market is also big, and she has a good relationship with Dancheng and Qicheng, so she agreed to give them a few shops.

"Will they be turned away by them?" Su Lihe worried. He had already seen Dan City on the road, and had heard of some things about Dan City. He was afraid that Dan City was ambitious and secretly annexed their sects by the opportunity of entering the bazaar.

"No, I have met the meeting lord of the Alchemist Association and the city lord of Pill City. They are all very upright people." Su Jinyue said. If they really dare to use her sect's ideas, she is not a vegetarian.

"The heart of defense is indispensable." Su Lihe reminded. Although Jinyue and Yihan are powerful, they are young after all, and they have little experience. They are afraid that they trust others too much.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded, turned her head and smiled at Zhan Yihan. They are not completely unprepared.

Everyone went all the way, strolled all the way, and bought a lot of things.

"Fortunately, there is a storage ring, otherwise the things you bought will definitely die again if you carry it in your hand." Fang Shuyi put a bag of snacks into the storage ring.

"Yes, it's so convenient." Wang Meizhen agreed with a smile. She never thought that one day she would be able to go shopping like this.

Seeing a ready-to-wear shop in front of him, Su Jinyue turned her head and glanced at the crowd. Seeing that the faces of Zhan Dafeng and Qin Haoran were exhausted, she said in the battle: "Yihan, you accompany Dad and them. Go to the teahouse and sit for a while, my mother and I will go to the clothing store to buy some clothes."

"Okay." Zhan Yihan nodded, and walked towards the teahouse not far away with Zhan Dafeng.

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