Su Jinyue and Qin Xiaoyun turned their heads and looked at them. They saw Wang Meizhen had put on dresses and her hair was tied into a bun. She looked good at first, but now she changed her clothes to bring out all her advantages. Up. To give birth to four sons and daughters as good as Zhan Yihan and the others, their appearance is naturally not bad.

"Isn't it weird? I'll change it." Wang Meizhen said, turning around and walking into the fitting room. She feels that at her age, wearing this kind of clothes is a bit tender, especially this color, really does not suit her.

"good looking!"

"Really pretty!" Su Jinyue and Qin Xiaoyun said at the same time.

"Mother, you see, I didn't lie to you, sister-in-law and second-in-law said they look good." Zhan Yiping took Wang Meizhen's hand and prevented her from changing her clothes.

"My family, this dress is really suitable for you." Lin Suwen walked out of the fitting room, saw Wang Meizhen, and walked over with a smile. Sure enough, people want clothes, and changing clothes is like changing people.

"Really?" Wang Meizhen was still a little unconfident. It was the first time she wore this kind of clothes that was weird.

Look at Dabao Erbao sitting in the stroller, "Dabao, Erbao, do you think grandma looks good in this way?"

"Grandma looks good." Dabao clapped his hands and giggled.

"It looks good." Er Bao said vaguely, biting the toy in his hand.

"Two flatters!" Wang Meizhen glanced at Dabao Erbao and laughed happily. Since both grandsons say they look good, let's wear them like this. Anyway, they will fit in here sooner or later.

Su Jinyue helped everyone to pick a few more, and helped the big treasure and two treasures to choose two sets before leading everyone out of the shop.

"These guests are so generous." The guy looked at the Lingshi in his hand and said with envy. If he can have so many spirit stones at any time, he can spend whatever he wants.

"Do you know who they are?" the shopkeeper on the side asked.

The guy shook his head and asked curiously: "Who is it?"

"The woman in the white dress is Su Jinyue. She is the honorary elder of Dancheng and the master of this sect." said the shopkeeper. He recognized Su Jinyue when she walked into the shop, but he was a little person who didn't dare to say hello to her.

"It's her!" The man opened his mouth in shock. Thinking back carefully, did he do something wrong just now. If he had known that she was Su Jinyue, he should be warmly entertained, so as to leave a good impression on Master Su.

"Little sisters and they bought the clothes." Said Zhan Yifeng, who saw Su Jinyue and a few people coming out of the clothing store, who had been paying attention to the clothing store. Xiaoyun changed her clothes so beautiful!

Zhan Yihan smiled lightly, staring affectionately at Su Jinyue in the crowd. His Jinyue is always so beautiful, so he can't see enough.

Zhan Dafeng, Qin Haoran and Xu Tiansheng turned their heads and looked around, and they were all taken aback when they saw Wang Meizhen's outfits. After changing his clothes, even his temperament has changed, as if he was several years younger all of a sudden.

Su Jinyue raised her eyes to look at Zhan Yihan in the teahouse. Seeing his affectionate gaze, the corner of her mouth raised a sweet smile.

"Father, do you think the mother is very good-looking?" Seeing Zhan Dafeng and several people coming over, Zhan Yiping pushed Wang Meizhen beside him forward and asked with a smirk.

"Good-looking!" Zhan Dafeng nodded. He seemed to see Meizhen when he was young, she was really beautiful at that time, and every time he saw her, his heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

Wang Meizhen's face flushed suddenly, and Zhan Dafeng gave Zhan Dafeng a sullenly. I am embarrassed in front of the children.

Zhan Dafeng stepped forward and stretched out his hand to hold Wang Meizhen's hand, "We are all old husbands and old wives, there is nothing to be embarrassed about." Seeing his wife's shy look, he seemed to have returned to the time when they had just met when he was young.

"I'm not ashamed." Wang Meizhen gave Zhan Dafeng a shy look, but she didn't have her hands.

Take it back. When she was young, she fell in love with Zhan Dafeng the first time she saw him, but in those days, marriage was not theirs. She was really heartbroken when she knew that her parents had told her about her. It was not until the moment when she saw the bridegroom on her wedding night that she knew that she was married to the person she liked.

Only after getting married did she know that Dafeng had sold the only farming cow in the family to collect the gift money in order to marry her. He has been very good to her all these years, and never let her do heavy work. Although they had a hard time when they were young, she was very happy.

Back at Xueyu Peak, Su Jinyue took out the Meiyan Pill and gave it to Wang Meizhen, Fang Shuyi and Qin Xiaoyun, "This is the Meiyan Pill. You will eat it after you go back."

"Okay." Wang Meizhen nodded and took the medicine. After they came here, they already had a concept of pill. Although they didn't know the effect of all kinds of pill, they completely trusted Jin Yue and the others.

Su Jinyue took out the Jiazi Pill and handed it to Zhan Dafeng and Qin Haoran, "Father, Uncle Qin, this is Jiazi Pill." The master had already given it to him.

"Good." Zhan Dafeng and Qin Haoran nodded and accepted.

Looking at Xu Tiansheng, Su Jinyue thought for a while and said: "Master, when I go back next time, I will take the uncle and the third uncle over. Are you okay?" Everyone else is in the right place, and Master is inevitable Lost, with his uncle and third uncle accompany him to talk, he can also be a little happier. The eldest aunt had passed away in the early years, and the third aunt was a nice woman, and it would be a little lively if you brought them together.

Xu Tiansheng's eyes lit up suddenly, "Will they be willing?" Of course he hopes to live with his family. It would be nice if Xiaoman could come too, but he knew that it was just his extravagant hope, Xiaoman would never forgive him in his life.

"They know that you are here, they are definitely willing to come over." Su Jinyue said. After getting along during the last time, she could see that the uncle and the third uncle cared very much about the master. Xu Jinfeng is basically taking care of the Xu family's business now, and they can come over as long as they arrange. As for Xu Jinfeng, she will also tell him that if he is willing to come over, it is naturally best.

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