Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 948: Recruit disciples

Su Jinyue glanced at the medical book and said, "This Mu Shencao is a very special kind of spiritual grass, it is difficult to enter the pill, only to refine the Shenning Pill."

While talking, she took out a Mu Shencao and a Shen Ning Dan and handed them to Xu Tiansheng, "This is Mu Shen Cao, this is Shen Ning Dan."

Xu Tiansheng took a closer look, then smelled it again, "What is the function of this Shenning Pill?"

"It can quickly restore the spiritual consciousness of the monks. The most important thing for the monks is the spiritual consciousness. Especially in battle, whoever recovers the spiritual consciousness first has the possibility of winning." Su Jinyue explained.

Xu Tiansheng nodded clearly, walked to the chair and sat down, and continued to read the medical book.

"Master, everyone is going to the mountain to see and recruit disciples, do you want to go together?" Su Jinyue asked.

Xu Tiansheng shook his head, "You go." The most important thing for him now is to finish reading these medical books.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Then I'll go first, don't be too tired." When I go back next time, she will go to see Aunt Lin, and if Aunt Lin is willing, she will take her to the Tianyue Continent. If she can continue the relationship with the master, then it will be better.

The square was full of people, and the elders were carefully reviewing the identities of the disciples who came to sign up.

"I'm here for that Sect Master. She is not only an eighth-level alchemy grandmaster, but also a formation master, and her future prospects for entering this sect will definitely not be bad."

"Me too. Last time at the Tianqinghai Ruins, Master Su and her Taoist companion repaired the teleportation array, but they saved a lot of people."

"I was on the scene at the time. We wouldn't be able to get out even if it weren't for the master Su and her Taoist companion."

"Sect Master Saisu also showed great power in this sect exchange. She is the only person on the Tianyue Continent who owns the phoenix beast."

"I know this. When those forces knew that Lord Su had the phoenix, they wanted to **** the Phoenix from Lord Su, but they didn't expect to end up stealing chickens and losing rice."

"Ouyang Qi, do you really know Su Sect Master?" Li Yang looked at Ouyang Qi when he heard the discussion. Ouyang Qi's strength is not weak, but he doesn't believe that he knows a big person like Su Jinyue.

Ouyang Qi smiled, "I know Master Su, but Master Su does not know me." They originally took at least ten days to get to Xingjia Mountain. They met a spaceship on the way, and the other party heard that they were coming to Xingjia. Shan signed up and let them board the spaceship. Of course, the other party didn't let them take the spaceship for nothing. The other party's request was to let them get as close as possible to Su Jinyue and tell the other party her every move. And this time, the other party also sent two people to mix in between them.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan helped him. Of course he wouldn't help other people to come to each other, so he just planned it out.

"I'll just say, how can you know Lord Su Sect." Li Yang curled his lips mockingly. Now, how many people in Tianyue Continent do not know Su Jinyue, but how many people can Su Jinyue know?

The two monks who had mixed into Ouyang Qi's team frowned. The reason why they let Ouyang Qi and the others board the spacecraft is because Ouyang Qi knew Su Jinyue, and they didn't expect Ouyang Qi to brag. It seems that they can only rely on themselves.

Su Jinyue was slightly taken aback when she saw Ouyang Qi who was queuing. She didn't expect to see him again.

"What are you looking at?" Zhan Yihan followed Su Jinyue's gaze, saw Ouyang Qi in the crowd, raised his lips and smiled, "Unexpectedly, he came to sign up." When he met Ouyang Qi, he said The strength has reached the early stage of Yuanying, and he has not seen him for a while. He is now in the middle and late stage of Yuanying. This is no longer weak in the powerful Sun Yao Nation.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

Ouyang Qi noticed that someone was looking at him, turned his head and saw that it was Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he withdrew his gaze. He must find a way to tell Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan that someone wants to mix

Into their martial arts.

Thinking of this, he looked at the two monks in front of him. Their cultivation level is similar to his. If he was Transmitted, they would definitely find out. How should I tell Su Jinyue them?

The front team gradually decreased, and soon it was Ouyang Qi and the others.

After the six elders carefully checked the identities of several people one by one, they returned the identity jade badge to Ouyang Qi and the others.

At the moment when the six elders returned the identity jade card to him, Ouyang Qi quickly stuffed a piece of paper into the hands of the six elders. The first thing he needs to do is to let the Sixth Elders know that someone wants to mix into their sect and try to be unruly.

The Sixth Elder glanced at Ouyang Qi in surprise, and did not return the note to Ouyang Qi, but released the divine consciousness and swept the note in his hand before putting it away. In fact, when they were recruiting disciples, they had anticipated that someone would take the opportunity to mix into their martial arts.

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