Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 950: Yupai of Inner Sect Disciple

Ouyang Qi was chatting with Li Yang, and Su Jinyue's voice came from her ear, and she stood up and said, "I'm going out for a walk."

"You still don't want to go out. The monk who brought us here said that we can't run around here." Li Yang said.

"Yes." Yin Jianping nodded in agreement.

"It's okay, I will take a look nearby and come back soon." Ouyang Qi got up and walked outside the door.

Lin Heng squinted, stood up and followed Ouyang Qi.

Ouyang Qi noticed the breath behind him, and a sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

Lin Heng followed Ouyang Qi closely, saw him enter a forest, and quickly followed in, only to find that Ouyang Qi had been lost. "Where is the man?" He looked around and did not see Ouyang Qi, and continued towards the woods. Go deep.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Heng stopped. He found that he seemed to have been spinning around. He glanced around, released his consciousness and swept around. He soon found that his consciousness had encountered obstacles, and his heart sank suddenly. , He was actually trapped by the formation.

Ouyang Qi felt that Lin Heng's breath disappeared behind him, and raised her eyebrows in surprise. Although he didn't get along with Lin Heng for long, it can be seen from Lin Heng's character that he is not a person who gave up halfway. Since he had followed himself out, he wouldn't go back so quickly.

"Ouyang Qi." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan walked out of the woods.

"Su Jinyue, Zhan Yihan." Ouyang Qi stepped forward in surprise. Knowing that Sun Yao Nation was the country with the strongest aura in the Tianyue Continent, he took the teleportation formation and came here.

As soon as he came to Nikko, he heard a lot about Su Jinyue. At first, he thought it was a person with the same name and surname. It was not until he saw the crystal ball of the martial arts exchange match that he was sure that it really was. The Su Jinyue he knew, did not expect that she was so famous on the Tianyue Continent, and she also established her own school.

"Why did you come to Sun Yaoguo?" Su Jinyue smiled. The teleportation formation in Lake City leads to the Snow Hill Country, and there is a considerable distance from Snow Hill Country to Sun Yao Country.

"I heard that Sun Yaoguo's aura is the strongest among the four countries. After I came here, I heard that you are here and established a school. By the way, have you received the note I gave the elder today?" Ouyang Qi said. He felt very happy to see Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Su Jinyue nodded, "The person who followed you just now should be a spy sent by the Sky Surveyor, right?"

Ouyang Qi nodded, "What about others?" Lin Heng's cultivation base shouldn't be lost. If he guessed correctly, Lin Heng should be trapped.

"In the formation." Su Jinyue took out a jade card and handed it to Ouyang Qi, "This is the jade card of the inner disciple. You will report to the third elder tomorrow."

Ouyang Qi took the jade medal and asked a little worried: "What about Lin Heng and the others?"

"They can't get over any storm." Su Jinyue smiled confidently. This time, Lin Heng and Lu Lei were not the only spies among the disciples who entered the registration. They thought they were hiding well, but they didn't know that their information was already in their possession. If even a few spies couldn't figure it out, how could Feng Tianzong gain a foothold on the Tianyue Continent?

"Then I can rest assured." Ouyang Qi said in relief.

Seeing that Ouyang Qi and Lin Heng were not coming back, Lu Lei was a little worried. He stood up and walked outside. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Ouyang Qi.

Lu Lei looked behind Ouyang Qi, "Ouyang Qi, where is Lin Heng?"

Ouyang Qi looked puzzled, "How would I know where Lin Heng is."

"He went out with you, how could you not see him, did you do something to him?" Lu Lei asked coldly.

"Inexplicable." Ouyang Qi bypassed Lu Lei and walked towards his room.

Lu Lei frowned and walked outside.

"Ouyang Qi, return

coming. "Seeing Ouyang Qi entering the house, Yin Jianping withdrew from the cultivation state. The aura here is too strong, it would be nice if I could stay here forever.

"Yeah." Ouyang Qi nodded slightly, walked to his bed and sat down.

Yin Jianping looked outside and said softly: "Lin Heng just went out with you, do you know?"

"I didn't see him, maybe he is going out and something is going on." Ouyang Qi said.

Yin Jianping thought for a while and asked, "Ouyang Qi, do you know that Su Sect Master?" If you know him, perhaps you can become Feng Tianzong's inner disciple through Ouyang Qi's relationship. He has such a good relationship with Ouyang Qi, he should be able to help.

Ouyang Qi smiled and took out a jade plaque and handed it to Yin Jianping, "Look at what this is?"

Yin Jianping took the jade medal and looked at it, his eyes widened in disbelief, "Is this the jade medal of the inner disciple of Feng Tianzong?"

"Well, I just went out and met Master Su, she gave it to me." Ouyang Qi said. Anyway, he will go to the inner door to report tomorrow, and there is nothing to hide.

"Then did you tell her about me?" Yin Jianping looked at Ouyang Qi expectantly.

Ouyang Qi took out another jade plaque and handed it to Yin Jianping, "This is yours." Su Jinyue knew that Yin Jianping and the others were with him, so she gave him a few jade plaques from the inner disciples and let him decide for himself. Do you want to give them to Yin Jianping?

"Thank you! You are really my good brother." Yin Jianping happily took the jade medal and looked carefully in his hand. He always hoped that one day he could enter the school and become an inner disciple of the Dazong Sect. Now that his dream has finally come true, how could he not be ecstatic.

"It's all brothers, what's so polite." Ouyang Qi smiled and shook his head. Among the people who came with him, he and Yin Jianping had the best relationship. Although Yin Jianping's qualifications are mediocre, he has always been serious.

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