Dongfang Yu walked into the living room and saw his wife looking at him coldly. I knew in my heart that the wife must be because of Dongfang Wing. But he will not regress in this matter, he must give an attitude.

Seeing Dongfang Yu ignoring herself, Liu Qin'er felt even more annoyed, "Dongfang Yu, you let Yi'er out for me." Yi'er is her treasure, how could she watch him be wronged.

"Impossible!" Dongfang Yu said firmly.

Liu Qin'er was taken aback for a moment, and a glimmer of disbelief flashed in his eyes, "Dongfang Yu, Yi'er is your son, how can you lock him up for two outsiders." What medicine did he take wrong?

Dongfang Yu snorted coldly, "Do you know what time it is now? Without those two outsiders, our Dongfang family would suffer an extinction in three months." Once the crack in the realm of heaven splits, the Dongfang family absolutely Bear the brunt.

"Then you can't lock the Yi'er, besides, how can you know that the two people have a way to prevent the heavens from splitting." Liu Qin'er retorted. She naturally knows when it is now, she has already planned, wait another month, if the crack in the realm of heaven is still widening, she will take Yi'er and the others to the continent of Motian. As for Dongfangyu, See if he is willing to go with them.

"Don't tell me, I won't let Yi'er out." Dongfang Yu rubbed his temple with a headache and walked towards the room. If the matter in the realm of heaven is not resolved day by day, he will not be able to feel at ease.

Liu Qin'er followed and grabbed Dongfang Yu, "Dongfang Yu, if you don't release the wing, then you can lock me up together."

Dongfang Yu raised his hand and shook Liu Qin'er's hand away, "Unreasonably making trouble!"

Liu Qin'er was caught off guard, and was thrown back by Dongfang Yu for several steps, "Dongfang Yu, how dare you treat me this way? Okay, I'm going to see who these two are." Then she turned around. Ran to the outside of the house.

Dongfang Yu chased out with a green face. Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan are not ordinary people. If they anger them, the Dongfang family will definitely pay a heavy price.

After Liu Qin'er ran a few steps, she was stopped by Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Yu picked up Liu Qin'er and walked towards his yard with her, "Don't you want to be like Yi'er? I will fulfill you now."

"Dongfang Yu, you are so to me, you have no conscience, let me go." Liu Qin'er struggled and screamed. It's just that her cultivation is still far behind Dongfang Yu, and no matter how hard she struggles, it won't help.

"You can reflect on it inside." Dongfang Yu threw Liu Qin'er into the house, raised his hand to throw out a few array flags, and laid a formation. At this time, he must make a choice, there must be no difference.

With the arrival of various forces, three hundred and sixty-three formation mages were also selected.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to the selected array mage, glanced at everyone, and began to assign everyone the positions they need to be responsible for.

Zhan Yihan took a step forward, "When we set up the array, Jinyue and I were responsible for the Sun Star and the Lunar Star. The rest of the array stars, starting from the first person on the right in the first row, were responsible in turn, North Pole, Sifu, Tianyi, Taiyi, Ziwei Zuoyuan, Ziwei Youyuan, Yinde, Shangshu, Female History, Zhushi, Imperial Girl, Tianzhu, Dali, Gouchen, Liujia, Emperor Tiandi, Wudi Neizuo, Canopy, Gang, Chuanshe, Nei Tier, Tianchu, Eight Valley, Tianzhuo, Neichu, Wenchang, Sanshi, Sangong, Tianchuang, Taizun, Tianjao, Sunshou, Shi, Xiang, Tianqiang, Xuange, Tianli, Beidou, Taiwei Zuoyuan , Taiwei Youyuan, Yezhe, Sangong, Jiuqing, Five Princes, Neiping, Wudizuo, Xingchen, Prince, Congguan, Langjiang, Huben, Changchen, Langwei, Mingtang, Lingtai, Shaowei, Changyuan , Santai...Please remember the stars that you are responsible for, go back and play well, and we will start to arrange the formation in a month."

"Yes!" everyone responded in unison.

"Zhanmen Master! Sumen Master! This is the material for refining the formation flag." Dongfang Yu handed a storage bag to Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue took the storage bag and put it away, "Dongfang Sect Master, the next thing is left to you to arrange, this month we will refine the array flags."

"Thanks for the two!" Dongfang Yu nodded, watching the back of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan away.

After returning to the room and setting up the formation, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan began to refine the formation flag. As for what happened outside, it has nothing to do with them.

As the rays of light flashed, the flags were quickly refined in the hands of the two.

Time passed quickly, and a month's time passed in an instant.

Early in the morning, Dongfang Yu and everyone from the major forces gathered on the square, and everyone looked in the same direction from time to time, with a hint of expectation in their eyes.

"I don't know if Sect Master and Zhanmen Master have refined the formation flag."

"It's really hard for them this time. They have to refine so many array flags. If I change it to me, let alone one month, even three months can't finish so many array flags."

"Master Su and Master Zhan are here."

Everyone swept their eyes to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan.

Dongfang Yu and the sect masters of several forces quickly greeted Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Sect Master Su! Sect Master Zhan!" This matter is related to the rise and fall of the entire Tianyue Continent, and everyone is naturally very concerned. .

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded to everyone, and followed them to the center of the square.

"Master Su, can the formation flag be refined?" Dongfang Yu asked.

Su Jinyue nodded, and smiled at Zhan Yihan on the side.

Zhan Yihan took a step forward, glanced at everyone present, raised his hand and waved, the formation flag accurately fell into the hands of the formation mages, "Go!" There is not much time to waste now, the crack will be there anytime. split.

"Yes!" everyone responded in unison, driving their flying swords and following Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue towards the realm of heaven.

Dongfang Yu and the sect masters of the various forces, the elders glanced at each other, and followed with flying swords. They didn't expect Zhan Yihan to be such a resolute and vigorous person. Without saying anything, he set off with everyone.

When they arrived in the realm of heaven, everyone immediately stood according to the previously arranged directions, waiting for Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue's orders.

Zhan Yihan glanced at Su Jinyue deeply, then turned and flew towards the direction he was responsible for. Although they are fully prepared this time, they are not without risks at all. As long as one of the mages does not cooperate, it will fall short.

Su Jinyue came to the Taiyin Star she was in charge of, and her divine sense swept the array mages once, and after confirming that they were correct, she said: "Arrange the formation!"

As Su Jinyue's voice fell, all the formation mages threw out their formation flags one after another.

The light in the sky flickered in an instant, making people look dazzling and extremely excited.

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